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Everything posted by Alpha1494

  1. I'm watching. Keep plugging. Those double ups were so huge. Thought you were in deep **** when you had 5.5K left.Good LuckAlpha
  2. I phrased this horribly wrong. Don't you need to live in that country to get an address there?My badAlpha
  3. I'm no expert, but I don't think you can just up and get an address off shore. There are issues such as citizenship that one might need to ascertain an offshore address. ADD version = Can you get an offshore address without being a citizen of that country?
  4. Me and some buddies went out there for the end of the WSOP. We just stayed at the Gold Coast which is right next to the Rio. Its not on the strip, but there is a free shuttle service to the Barbary Coast which is right on the strip and across the street from Ceasar's. Ceasar's has an awesome poker room, sports book, and club. So that may be a good hot spot for you. Honestly, there are so many clubs in Vegas, its almost hard to go wrong. From the Barbary you are in easy walking distance of Bellagio, Monte Carlo, Ceasar's, MGM, New York New York, and the Aladdin. That's what I would recom
  5. OK people, Alpha has to chime in at this one. Napoleon Dynamite, ****ing great. Every Rocky movie, great. How could you hate Rocky V, he fought in the streets. But who just knows, Rocky Balboa could be very very interesting. I saw some of the filming of Ocean's 13 while I was in Vegas, so I'll hold my judgement.Worst movie ever......SphereHope someone can beat that
  6. You can fold, it sucks, but when you miss a draw and lead out to try and steal and the guy moves in, you can fold your busted draw. You look like a dumbass, but you don't look nearly as stupid then when you call and show a 10 high busted flush draw.Alpha
  7. You couldn't be more wrong. If anyone has ever listened to a Paul Wasicka interview, he made it very clear that he wasn't playing for more money, he was playing to win. He made a very intelligent, deep, and thought provoking reason as to why he folded his hand. If he knew what Gold had, he would have called, but he thought he was dead to a higher flush draw. If that was the case, 8 outs isn't **** in a 3 way pot. He knew Binger was gonna call. He made a very appropriate decision given the situation he thought he was in. He knew Gold had a flush draw. With this knowledge, does anyone kn
  8. I don't think this call was terrible. Gold moved in on a board that was very draw heavy. It was very likely that he was moving in with a flush draw, straight draw, or possibly middle pair. If you look at all the possibilities that Gold could have had on the hand, the Q is not as likely as the other.I won't say wether his decision to fold his open ended straight flush draw was a good decision, but I won't say it was a bad one either. He took a lot of time to deliberate this hand. He clearly thought he was up against a higher flush draw. If he is up against a higher flush draw, he is in a
  9. Important things to remember. Jamie Gold sucked Chan's ****. Chris Moneymaker busted Chan's *** on the way to the title.Alpha
  10. Loogie, his desire to feed his ego pushes my distaste for Californians.His call was correct, with relation to his odds and chipstack. But his lack of actual thought throughout the hand was very skeptical. He basically put in 7 million hoping to get lucky, which he did. If he would have thought, that's a great call, but he didn't basically saying I hope I get lucky and bust the best player at the table.
  11. I've waited a long time to say something about this, but I didn't know how ESPN would portray it. On Allen Cunningham's last hand, Binger folds, and Gold deliberates and figures he's racing so he takes his time and calls. This is very inaccurate. I was watching the whole thing live at the Rio when this hand occurred. When Binger left the pot, Gold did not deliberate, he did not think, he instacalled Allen. Overall, I wouldn't mind the call if he did think about it, but with the amount of time he actually took, it would be impossible to go through that whole thought process to figure he wa
  12. Any one know what the bad beat jackpot was worth?Alpha
  13. First time I will have been able to play in a while. I just finished cluster exams at school though (5 exams in 3 days done once monthly), so I may be too shitfaced to play bt 9pm. Then again, its 10 bucks, so who cares if I play just drunk as hell. Anyone know if DN is playing?
  14. My thoughts on Jamie Gold.His table talk is a bit too much. I think he is over the line with it.I don't want to say he played well, but when your M is consistently 75+, there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling with a marginal hand in position against 1 opponent when you can easily outplay them as well as not get dented if you double them through. Also, the only times he was calling out of position was when he was in a blind with a marginal hand getting pot odds against multiple opponents. I don't recall him limping into any pots when he was first to enter the pot. His preflop selecti
  15. Yeah, NW Indiana is your best bet, but I'm not sure about the games there. I'm from Indianapolis but I typically go down south to Argosy, Belterra, and Ceasar's Indiana. Sorry I can't be more specific, but there are options for you, albeit you do have to be 21.Alpha
  16. I've never had this happen to me at a poker table, but I have had similar incidents at table games. When I was recently playing Pai-Gow (no idea why I was playing Pai-Gow) at the Gold Coast (cheap, but right across the street from the Rio), I had scooped a pot but the dealer had put up my comission without paying me out for my bet. I told the dealer, and they exclaimed that it was not possible for them to put up a comission without making a payout first. I called the floor over and explained the situation in a very calm manner. No yelling. I simply said, "I carefully keep track of my chip
  17. They briefly mentioned that she was the last woman in the field, but I think they should have holded on that statement until they checked to see if she had a penis. She may have looked like a hideous woman (which she is), but I think that it is just as likely that she is a man.
  18. Richard ManloveSeriously.... **** Manlove
  19. Just some points I'd like to add in. Its very well known that Mike is one of the best limit Omaha O8b players around. Also, if a big name player like DN, both Brunson's, or Greenstein played around on FT, I have a very distinct feeling that it would become common knowledge. When you sign up on a site to play, you have to dish out some personal info in order to set up an account and valid money transfers. So even though you can play under an "anonymous" handle, someone at FT would know who plays under those handles. If that was the case, then I think it would probably become pretty public.
  20. Yeah, I'm not really sure how he got the chips, but I was only assuming he played well to get up high, and just couldn't figure out the big stack theory. Not trying to defend him. I didn't look through the updates before my comment. So that is definately a big possibility.
  21. One of the funniest comments I've read tonite. I'm just glad other people know who the Reggie Cleveland All Stars are.I'd like to make a comment on his play. I think he had to have played incredibly well to amass as many chips as he did early. Once he got a ton of chips, he tried to play big stack poker, without knowing how to really play big stack poker. As he continued to make moves against other plays and get caught, he clearly seemed to get very very frustrated. He then proceded to donk off chips out of frustration. I didn't get to see him play, but I would assume he didn't accumulat
  22. When I was there a couple of weeks ago, they were spreading a 1/2 NL game with the 50 max buy in. But once you were down, you could rebuy. I personally didn't play, but one of my friends did. He would just sit down and once he posted his big blind, he would rebuy for an additional 50. He seemed to do pretty well because no one would follow the same strategy, so he essentially got to played doubled stacked against everyone else. Everyone was playing super tight because the only had 50 in front of them, so it allowed him to open his game up even more. Me personally, I would just make the t
  23. If you can find it, the worst beer ever made has to be Light Brigade. GL if you can find it. It runs about $9.99 for a 30 rack. When ice cold, it still manages to have the urine smell and bitter ******* taste. Very popular around fraternity parties.Alpha
  24. When I saw that the topic was The Donkey Show, I was expecting something else.
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