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Everything posted by dapokerbum

  1. Look I believe it has already been said but I will say this. POKER IS GAMBLING!! In the long run you can be ahead but at any given time you put your money on the line you can go home broke. Daniel said himself that during the WSOP at Harrahs in April I believe that he was lucky to end up being down ONLY a couple hundred grand, whic h means over a short period of time he actually GAMBLED and lost. Over time he is definitely a winning player but nonetheless he is gambling each and every time that he sits down at a table.Another point to consider: What if you went to the big game and sat for
  2. We had a question at our home game and I was arguing because P1 had K & 7 and I had pocket tens. the flop was 10 6 2 with 2 clubs. I went all in he called and one of the guys said he had the nut flush draw. I said that he only had a flush draw as he didn't have the A . Who would be right in that situation. 8)
  3. Yeah I tried to keep my T/A for the night but with top pair and a seemingly small bet I fell into my loose game and realized why I tried to change it up a little. Been kicking myself all day for that
  4. Well this play has been killing me all day. I had put Mr.$37 on a queen as he was playing pretty loose and figured him for 2nd pair so I raised him all in :oops: . he flipped over a Q and an A and I was pretty much drawing dead. I can't understand why I didn't just raise him a little. After the play it seems like the logical thing to do. Oh well Live and Learn. Good to hear the advice. I guess I should have bet the flop to see where I was.Thank you for the input 8)
  5. So We play a regular Tuesday night game and the guys there range from okay to average players. SO most of the night I was playing ultra T/A and everyone at the table noticed it because usually I play L/A against them. So anyway we all start with $25 in chips and blinds start at .25/.50. We just moved the blinds to .5/1.00. I have about $42 in front of me and am the chipleader. The next closest guy has $37. So I'm in the SB and get dealt A9o. Everyone folds to Mr.$37 who calls the BB, Dealer calls and I call BB checks. Flop come A Q 7 rainbow. I decide to check, BB checks Mr$37 goes fo
  6. If you have been trying to play aggressive at this table then you need to keep this up and definitely raise with AJo anywhere. Then your table image will be the agressive type and you can play off of that until you change it up and then they won't know what hit them. As far as the bet on the flop definitely would've tried to c/r if check all around bet the turn...JMO 8)
  7. This is the funniest post I have read so far. I have only been on for a little while but I find the content both good and amusing. The one question I had was answered well and actually made me think about what I did wrong in a tournament. As for the rest it's all good as long as you take it in stride man 8)
  8. Never heard of that before did they have three blinds going??? That seems a bit crazy unless they wanted to try and finish the tournament fast by inducing action from three people. Was it ten handed??
  9. I agree with custom that with AJs i would have raised from the sb before the flop but also I would have raised on the flop the rest I wouldve done the same. I believe that you had J10 suited and were bummed when the river came for the flush but you still believed yours to be the best hand. On a side note MP1 had 45 SOOTED and overplayed it.
  10. Usually I pick one guy out at the table and just stare him down, it doesn't matter if he is in the hand or not just keep staring him down...
  11. Yes it is crazy they have about 140 players that come in to play this and they try to set it up so there is winner within 4 hours, but it is my favorite tournament the players are very smart and it is always interesting to play against them.
  12. Well thank you for the comment vade, I actually put the guy on two overs or else why would he call, I thought the percentage was closer to 30% on him catching one of those so I guess I need to reread some percentage charts anyway I called and I was right about the two overs... he had KK which was neat. I guess if I woulda realized it was a higher percentage I wouldv'e probably folded oh well...Thanks again for the response I knew I might learn something from posting this.. :-)
  13. Hello All, Have been visiting this forum for some time thought I better join and get in on some of the good commentary offered here. With that said let me pose a question: Recent casino tournament $25 dollar buy in start with $2500 in chips. Blinds move up every 15 mins. After an hour and a half the blinds are at 500/1000 and I have 10,500 in chips. I just get moved to a new table with 8 players and immediately get sat in the BB and was dealt J8os. A person in MP calls as well as the SB so 3000 in the pot. the flop comes 842 rainbow. SB checks, I check, then MP goes all in for 2000. What do ya
  14. OH :oops: thanks for that I will post in the strategy section and see what happens.
  15. Hello All,Have been visiting this forum for some time thought I better join and get in on some of the good commentary offered here.With that said let me pose a question:Recent casino tournament $25 dollar buy in start with $2500 in chips. Blinds move up every 15 mins. After an hour and a half the blinds are at 500/1000 and I have 10,500 in chips. I just get moved to a new table with 8 players and immediately get sat in the BB and was dealt J8os. A person in MP calls as well as the SB so 3000 in the pot. the flop comes 842 rainbow. SB checks, I check, then MP goes all in for 2000. What
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