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Everything posted by dapokerbum

  1. Haven't we disproved this time and time again ...
  2. Maybe the rest of the world should get on the bandwagon and stop being such little bishes
  3. Don't most MMA guys have at least a little bit of ink though
  4. So you don't know how to organize without the use of preform dividers? Or are you like a politician who promises to follow a majority decision, then does what they originally planned to do anyway ... why don't you just remame the thread "How to Sharpen Blades, Chisels and Plane Irons" and save us all the trouble of voting.
  5. Rodger that ... thanks for the suggestions
  6. Yeah, after all the shit talking Stevens was doing, it was pretty funny to see him go down in 20 secs!
  7. Too bad Pot Heads aren't the only ones that want to see this legalized ...
  8. Well there is something more when it comes to a "pit bull" and that is the lock jaw that happens. Most dogs you can barrage with fists or yell at them or anything else ... with a Pit he has that damn jaw and you have to take more extensive action. and I hate to say it, but most people don't know what the hell to do in that situation. Looking back at what I dealt with it was crazy. If I hadn't been there to start yelling some sort of direction, I'm pretty sure that other dog would have been killed. The one guy who stopped to help was simply trying to hold the pit and trying to punch the do
  9. Not that I am an Obama lover ... but I would rather someone be incompetent than an outright liar. Just tell me the truth of the situation. If you make a dumb decision own up to it ... but never lie about something in order to get your way (I'm talking to you dirty politicians of the world!)
  10. Not stupid ... just really good at reading comprehension
  11. So I was eating lunch and I hear a bunch of growling and commotion outside. I'm not really thinking anything of it cause it sounds almost normal ... then there is a loud scream and I hear people yelling. So I look outside and there is this pitt with a death grip on a poodle. There is a guy that has the pitt, and the two owners of the poodle (older folks) who are just screaming for the dog to let go because there is blood on the coat of the poodle (he had him on the torso luckily and not the throat). So I come out there and start walking towards everything yelling at the guy to choke out th
  12. All is not lost ... I loved the episode last night! Andy asking Oscar what else he should use for the condom because obviously his penis wasn't hard made me literally LOL. Michael was brilliant and there is a fun story line being developed to let him leave the show, so we'll see if him and Holly end up together at the end or if they throw a wrench in there. Creed is ... well he is Creed and that means comic gold.
  13. I have recently started to like Chardonnay ... and La Crema is the reason why.
  14. So True. It's those moments that keep me watching this show.
  15. Also, watching this. GSP is a badass, but the shit Koscheck is doing is pretty funny. The whole showing up in biker shorts was hilarious. GSP needs a better sense of humour and maybe learn to quip back and it would make the show that much more funny. I thought the talk with Mike Tyson was laughable considering how his last two fights ended. My pick to win it all is Michael Johnson, but the dark horse is Salak.
  16. No, what's funny is that Whitman hasn't tried to use this as a platform for anything, If I were her, I would ask why the Border Patrol, who apparently has a taped confession telling everyone that she is indeed an ILLEGAL alien living and working in the united states, isn't doing anything about it. Is this then a failure of the border patrol? It's funny that she doesn't take it as an opportunity, rather than seeing it as a negative, she should rework this into a positive. Of course that would probably require the truth in some areas and we all know that any politician is incapable of the tr
  17. To be fair, I made up the part about Wooly Bully,But on further research it seems that it actually never made it to #1 (yes I am bored today). Apparently the words were hard to understand so some radio stations didn't play it in case it was "dirty", so although it sold the most songs that year it was never #1 on the charts.
  18. Battle of NO is a country song, so that can't /doesn't countWooly Bully is actually about a Lesbians nether region that needed to be shavedand the Ballad of the Green Berets starts with the line ""Back at home a young wife waits/ Her Green Beret has met his fate/ He has died for those oppressed/ Leaving her this last request"Good try though
  19. I've heard nothing but good about Joshua Tree. I was waiting till it cooled down before we headed out there though.
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