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Posts posted by dapokerbum
OR we get rid of minimum wage and let those people who don't have jobs ... oh I don't know WORK for a living instead of living off the government dole. I'm not saying that we pay them $5 / day or anything as the dollar goes further in China, but we do need to make people start to sacrifice something. If people really do want to work then let them work. Just let them know that you will actually have to work. I posted something a while back saying that if we could get people off of welfare and let them know that they can either start to starve to death, live on the streets, or maybe work in the fields for awhile. Maybe we could get unemployment back to reasonable. But if no one wants to do the jobs that are out there except the illegal immigrants then we should no longer have to offer them assistance.Just a few thoughts.Bob etc are getting it. Either jobs go abroad where the cheap labour is or you let the cheap labour in from mexico or wherever to do them in your homeland. Alternately of course you make your 'own people' do them at a lower rate. This is free trade(so remember NAFTA is an ideological sham as Mexicans should be allowed in en masse to work).So anyone who wants tight immigration control, yet gripes about jobs going overseas, but still suggests free trade & capitalism is the way(etc and other such contradictions) is ideologically incoherent.... -
That is how they will justify it. They will say that they couldn't do it in such a recessed economy but since the economy will *crosses fingers* be healthier in the future then Americans will be able to handle more taxes.I do love to hear all the democrats now saying that they passed the Bush Tax Cuts because to not do so would have hurt this economy.So they are going to have a hard time justifying raising taxes in the future after admitting that raising taxes hurts the economy. -
So what would it take to get America back to production mode. Should we decrease the min wage requirements? Should people start to realize that it is not a "right" to have a cushy office job getting paid to do nothing? Do we need to offer tax breaks to those who wish to open a major production plant while at the same time taxing the hedge fund/wall street more (I don't know the current rate)? I think we need to do a major overhaul of America. If more and more companies are moving the workforce overseas then we need to find a way to get them back!Back story to this post. Nike has awesome shoes. For christmas I bought my wife a new pair of custom nikes that you can customize on their website. Well a few days ago I got an email telling me they have shipped. Yesterday I looked at the UPS code to see where they were and they were on the way all the way from china. I guess I always knew that all Nike products were made in China but it didn't dawn on me the impact that actually has. So how do we go about getting Nike back to the US for production. I mean if it is cheaper to build a factory, hire employees, and ship the shoes back than to do it here in the good ol USA then I say things need to change and they need to change fast! Do no politicians see this or are they just burying their head in the sand?
So you don't agree that the health bill was raping america? Okay I can live with that.You agree that Trillion dollar defecits are the way back to a healthy america? I got major problems with this, but I felt the same way when good ol Bush was defecit spending to finance a war we shouldn't have been in and bailing out companies. Basically I am a fiscal conservative and any defecit to me is bad news. I understand that sometimes you have to borrow money to get things going, but the way things have been going for the last 10 years is pretty rediculous.Also, don't you agree that we should start to look beyond party rhetoric and maybe look to solve problems, or was that a part that you also agreed with me.Not really looking to efight or anything just trying to get your position.I have stated before that I usually vote libertarian and I have an unhealthy thought that with enough talks we can actually solve things.
Maybe they should give back to the country that made them so great. and by that I mean send every person in america $34.36.I'm anxiously waiting.
Just watched Scott Pilgrim vs The WorldI actually liked the movie a lot. Although it would have been way better if I would have smoked a HUGE blunt beforehand!
I've heard that whores will take chips as payment. Maybe it was just a pro poker player who couldn't get any backing so now he can sneak back into Bobby's room and start to spread the chips around, thereby getting clean chips in the exchange. But if he needed to go to those lengths then he probably isn't a winning player and therefore it would not be a good idea."Nichols said the man took chips from $25,000 to $100 in value. He said the chips will be difficult to exchange for money because of industry safeguards, which he could not disclose."I wonder what those industry safeguards are? -
1970 Toyota Hilux
Didn't quite look this clean, but it was this color green.
You sure about that?Letting a funny thread that ran it course die > bumping old threads cause fcp is boringAINECbut not by much is it not really close -
Needs to have this done regardless. I mean if McDonalds can get a waiver ... then why can't my business get a waiver. Oh because we only employ 100 people. Then where is the cutoff and who makes that decision. If it is going to happen then make it happen to everyone. Just because some big corp can afford a loophole doesn't mean that the rest of business doesn't need a loophole. Seriously. Repeal, Rewrite, and make this "law" a good thing for the american people!Of course that is an awful idea. If they throw out a major portion due to it being unconstitutional, the entire thing needs to either go away or be rewritten. -
The books are cool too.Watched Due Date over the weekend.Zach Galifinakas (sp) is just plan awkwardly funny, but I really hate Robert Downey jr. I'm not sure why, but he just gets on my nerves. The movie was mildy funny but in no way is it a must see in the theater.The Girl WIth The Dragon TattooKind a of a cyber-punk thing, which isn't bad. The story arc appears to be built to accomodate a trilogy and I knew this, so I wasn't execting all ends to be neatly tied up. Basically, it's about a framed reporter and a punky hyper-intelligent girl who "team" up to solve a mystery or two. Story was fairly good, involving Nazis and serial killers, and the actors were pretty decent, esp the girl. Some pretty graphic scenes of violence may disturb some.The main problem I had, along with my viewing partner, is that we don't have a wide-screen TV, so the subtitles were embedded in the picture instead of the black bar along the bottom. This was a drag, as some of the words got lost in the images. Nothing that caused us to lose track of the story.All in all, it was def worth the time spent. The "girl" kicks major ass...7.5/10 -
Ahh, but ass raping the american people in the form of the Health Care bill and Trillion Dollar defecits is clearly the better party to side with.Hey, I have an idea ... why don't we look beyond party lines and try to solve problems instead of casting stones back and forth. It's like a bunch of four year olds bickering over the last oreo in the bag. Fucking unconscionable cunts, Politicians are.Fucking unconscionable cunts, Republicans are. -
Ah. My thoughts on that are that if you do any kind of work that is Safety Regulated by the Federal or State Governement, then you should be drug tested in order to perform your job. The reasons should be obvious. One example that I used last time was the transportation industry (Pilots, Bus and Truck Drivers, etc). However, if you are not in that field and you are not working for the government then it is up to the company.he's complaining that employers do drug testing.keep voting republican, mdm. they care about your privacy and don't at all want to legislate your personal choices for you. -
So are you agreeing that we should drug test those on welfare? My reading comprehension is low in the morning!Why should I have to drug test to work to pay taxes to pay welfare for people who don't get drug tested? -
REVOLUTION!!!Exactly. That's fucked. -
The Dream Manager.I have been having problems with turnover in one of our lowly paying departments and someone told me this book would be a good read. it has some interesting ideas and I may try one of them and see what happens.
Not having read the bill at all ... I would think that it is more political at this point. They probably didn't get enough concessions for something else unrelated to the bill. Or perhaps since the Repubs have been uncompromising most of the year it is their turn to play hardball. At least that is how I see it.Can anyone possible defend the Democrats voting this down, because they want to raise tax rates on the uber rich? -
I didn't know Drug Tests took racial bias ...they just say it's racist. -
Also his wife is obsessed so he has to watch the movies. he looks for tiny flaws and tries to make people see how bad it is, when in all reality Speedz has won this entire thread. Actually it's really funny to hear the explanations, but really anyone who read the books could tell you an answer to all the questions.As far as the movie goes ... I thought it was quite boring, but I also remember that when reading the book the first part was kind of boring anyway. The real action is in the next movie and I think they were trying to push through some plot points so that they could have an easier time of just focusing on the action for the next one.The one thing that Brv is missing and I thought that anyone who hadn't read the books would immediately ask .. is Why didn't the just disapperate again when they saw the snatchers at the place the showed up at? It seems to me that they would have some sort of contingency plan in case something like that happened. IIRC they explain it in the book, but I can't recall what the exact circumstance was. However, I remember after the movie telling my wife that if I hadn't read the book I would have been bothered by that.Ok, nevermind, no point in debating with you Kurt. -
1 - I didn't realize welfare was a right.2 - What you put into your body is up to you ... but you should also be prepared for the consequence. If Drug testing is mandated for certain industries (truck drivers, school bus drivers, pilots, etc) then why shouldn't someone on the goverment "payroll" be required to have the same thing.(1) Democrats would think the drug testing is invasive and against their rights. (2) Libertarians think drugs should be legal and what you put in your body is up to you. -
I love this idea! How could anyone argue against it?I'd actually be okay with changing however many laws it'd take to make welfare conditional on drug testing. the idea's been floated here before by SB. there are lots of people who hate it but I've never seen the reasoning behind it. -
I guess that was my main thought and Rogan should have shut his mouth about it and accepted that it was a close fight and maybe said again what Dana always says"Never leave it in the hands of the judges!"I think Phan definitely won the fight. Garcia was the agressor in the 3rd round but he wasn't really landing anything while Phan was backing off but still landing punches.I don't think there should be an uproar about it though. It was a lot closer than Joe Rogan and everyone else thought it was. Phan should have won, but he could have been more agressive towards the end to put it out of the judges hands.I understand he took a fight on short notice, but everytime I see Garcia fight he gasses like crazy. His fights are entertaining, but he needs to come up with a different game plan if he wants to be a threat in the division. -
Submission in Round 2 by GSP ... Hard work doesn't payoff for Koscheck
Who is Adolf Hitler?I don't think nothing could happen.With this kind of money involved, someone somewhere will do something.The question is what is best.And the answer of course is to vote me ruler of the world for a single year.I will fix everything and my last official act will be to make myself ruler forever.
Detroit Real Estate Prices?
in General
Them crazy, them crazy -We gonna chase those crazyBaldheads out of town;Chase those crazy baldheadsOut of our town.I'n'I build a cabin;I'n'I plant the corn;Didn't my people before meSlave for this country?Now you look me with that scorn,Then you eat up all my corn.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase them crazy -Chase those crazy baldheads out of town!Build your penitentiary, we build your schools,Brainwash education to make us the fools.Hate is your reward for our love,Telling us of your God above.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy bunkheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town!We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy bunkheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town!Here comes the conmanComing with his con plan.We won't take no bribe;We've got [to] stay alive.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy baldheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town.Was listening to some Bob this weekend and heard this song and thought of this thread.