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Everything posted by DRich2

  1. I don't know what days you are looking at, but Expedia.com has a vacation package from London to Vegas from July 11 to July 20th with hotel at Golden Nugget for $1049 per person. The airline is BMI with a connection in Manchester.
  2. Wow!! How did they go from such a great show in the first season to the crap they showed tonight. It seems that this group is a lot more interested in small talk and TV time as opposed to playing serious poker. Please bring back Ted Forrest, Doyle, Todd Brunson, and Jennifer Harman.
  3. John Daly later qualified his comment by saying that the $50 million he lost included the money he won. It was not a net loss of $50 million.
  4. In his recent posts daniel has been complaining about the profiling at the airport for security screening. Is it justified?Let's summarize:1) Daniel was born in a foreign country. (As most terrorists are)2) Daniel frequently travels back to his home country. (probably getting new instructions from his leader)3) Daniel frequently carries lots of cash. (Real or counterfeit?)4) Daniel is constantly travelling around the US telling us he is playing poker. (Is he really setting up Canadian terror cells?)5) His friends are Lindgren and Arieh. (These sound German and Middle Eastern).6) He has facial
  5. If the grammar isn't perfect I apologize. I used my Candian to English translator:The last couple nights when I got home I planned on writing an entry. Then I realized that with what's been going on in my life the blog would look something like this:I went to _PT's_ with _E-Dog_ and _Travis_ because we had to talk about _Canadians_ and _break-dancing competitions_. Then later that night we decided to _eat meat_ and then head over to _Phil Ivey's_ to _steal his SL600_.Throughout the last few days I've had lots to think about: _How can I tell my mother that I gave up my poker career to pursue m
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