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Everything posted by Bohica

  1. Well, since FT went down, I decided to play on PS. My question is, where is the log at? I want to clear it periodically, but have no idea what the name of it is.Is it just in the PS file or where??Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. As you can see from my avatar, I am a HUGE fan of dirt track racing. I am curious if anyone else among the poker community is a regular at their local dirt track, or has any of you even gone to it? I realize that in this time of the internet and satellite TV it is sadly more common than not to just stay home and get your entertainment there, but to me there's just nothing better than going out on a summer day and watching a few hours of competition with friends and a beverage or three of your choice. Or, is the closest that you come to a dirt track sitting in your underwear 4-tabling while NAS
  3. Thank you sir!! I'll mark it on my calendar.
  4. Is High Stakes Poker Season 7 going to be shown somewhere? I know Daniel mentioned that he was taping it, but had thought I heard that GSN dropped it.
  5. Is this available somewhere on the internet? My Dish Network account doesn't include the channel it's being showed on except PPV.
  6. I also went with multiple replies.Pay off my mortgage. But, I'd also upgrade the wiring and plumbing in my house since it's all 61 years old.Buy a new car. Something roomy but decently fuel-efficient to replace my 7 year old one that only gets about 28 highway.Donate. Some for the church, but more to the Nebraska Law Enforcement Memorial in the name of my father.Trip. Have to go back to Vegas to complete the trip cut short by an accident last time. Then to several racing events in the sprint car genre.Invest. Whatever's left would hopefully be enough that I could afford to retire when it's my
  7. I posted a new blog in rememberance of my father. I thought about putting this in the "Who died today" thread, but to me it's way too important for that.A day of reflection
  8. Our most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your mother Daniel. She obviously was a wonderful woman to have raised such fine sons as yourself and your brother.She will always be there for you, because you will always have her in your heart. Cherish the good memories, and banish the bad from your mind. The bad ones were fleeting, but the rest will comfort you in your time of loss.My own mother is 86 now, and reminds me of your Mommy from what I've been able to gather from everything. Always there for everyone, giving what was needed at the time. The best cook and a fantastic mother who saw me
  9. Our most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your mother Daniel. She obviously was a wonderful woman to have raised such fine sons as yourself and your brother.She will always be there for you, because you will always have her in your heart. Cherish the good memories, and banish the bad from your mind. The bad ones were fleeting, but the rest will comfort you in your time of loss.My own mother is 86 now, and reminds me of your Mommy from what I've been able to gather from everything. Always there for everyone, giving what was needed at the time. The best cook and a fantastic mother who saw me
  10. Have to check that out later. Thanks.
  11. I've started playing online lately, but OHL. Any books/sites out there with good tutelage??
  12. I'm sure that I missed it somehow, so feel free to bash away at me.I DVR'ed the 2-hour final table episode on ESPN Tuesday, but only saw it get down to the final two. Did my DVR stop too early or is the heads-up portion to be broadcast later?This is what comes of having to work 2 jobs I guess.
  13. Anyone else having problems watching the whole thing? I tried 4 times and each time it stopped at the 28 second mark.
  14. Thanks Gov. I had assumed as much.My phone took a dump on me, so will have to monitor his Twitter from my 'puter I guess.
  15. I noticed in a recent blog that Daniel said he had a Facebook page. Since there seem to be several on there, can someone please give me a link to the real one??Hopefully he'll be updating it as he mentioned in the blog.
  16. Bohica


    Daniel;Although I replied earlier I had to post again in light of the newest development.We are aware of what you and your brother are experiencing, and although we can never know exactly your thoughts right now, please believe that you all are in our thoughts and prayers every day.We went through a similar incident with my father-in-law, so we sympathize wholeheartedly with your current situation.May God watch over your mother and touch the family with his love and peace.
  17. Thoughts and prayers for Daniel's mother and the whole family. Things like this are really hard on everyone.Wishing a speedy and full recovery.
  18. Is this thing going to be broadcast on TV or the internet somewhere??
  19. Kudos to Mr. Negreanu!! Not that most of us are surprised in any way.Keep up the good work young man.
  20. Thanks a lot to both of you.Looks like I've got reading material until about 2012!!!
  21. Anyone have a link to it? I admit that I'm so busy with 2 jobs and a disabled wife that I barely have time to keep up with Daniel's video and written blogs (evidenced by my meager post count), but would love to see Doyle's also.Thanks in advance.
  22. That was absolutely freaking hilarious!!!! Another masterpiece from Mr. Negreanu, especially all of the misspellings.
  23. Thank you Daniel. I and others are very interested to read about your thoughts & memories.
  24. A truly huge loss to the poker community.We will keep Chip's family in our thoughts and prayers.R.I.P. Mr. Reese
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