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Everything posted by Royal27

  1. Which just proves the point that it's all rigged.sw
  2. don't care what KK says, that's funny!
  3. no, lol, not a grizzly bear. Just a black bear, once you set up camp for over two weeks they get comfortable enough to start coming around the camp and scraveging for good. They're not a threat unless you do something really dumb like pet their cubs.they don't play PLO?
  4. OMG!The answer is SO obvious. You'd better be glad that ALF13 hasn't seen this. the berating that he would give you! Everyone knows that bears only play PLO.
  5. Who is Krisqueen? he's still irritated about the DD thing - talking about it on FT this afternoon.
  6. Who is Krisqueen? he's still irritated about the DD thing - talking about it on FT this afternoon.
  7. Perhaps there should only be one thread in general? That way you wouldn't have to worry about posting in the wrong thread. Locking that thread was a little silly, even if there were other threads and it was old news.
  8. Full story is here:http://www.pokernews.com/news/2005/11/daniel-negreanu-wynn-part.htmby the way, who is the ambassador to Guam now? and before you flame me, I used the search function for this site.sw
  9. Nothing big? I'd love to make it to the final 50 of a 729 person tourny. Good job!
  10. You get depressed when you haven't seen Miss Idaho's stomach in two hours.
  11. I agree, the "apology" was simply an admission of a mistake made. what's wrong with admitting a mistake and committing that it won't happen again in the future? Sounds like the right thing to do to me.
  12. Do you have a link for this, or is it just a rumor at this point?
  13. Couldn't this also be written about the majority of your posts? And who says the forum has changed? all of this smack talking warms my heart! :evil:
  14. It's simple - LOT of bad players out there.
  15. No - "Mahatma" is Prahlid Friedman. Different guy.
  16. Well, When you consider what we know about the recent cash games that Daniel has played in and factor in his other business ventures and then subtract the wedding/honeymoon expenses AND the dog that he bought for his mother a little while back the number that I come up with is one no friggin idea.
  17. Buy PTRead www.betthepot.com Improve game immediately, or quit playing.
  18. Yep, poker tracker is pretty much the best out there.By far
  19. I change my look a lot. It goes hand in hand with being in the Witness Protection Program.So true...That's why I keep on busting out just short of WPT final tables.
  20. Besides, it's the post count that matters.SW
  21. Loogie, you finally shaved!
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