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Everything posted by missIdaho

  1. i'm sad that he is gonehe always made me feel intelligent and sane
  2. don't worry about itwhat time can I come pick you up?
  3. A friend just called and asked if I could pick up some Thera Flu and bring it to him after work. It made me giggle a little.
  4. if a girl every tells you she doesn't want you to cum in her mouth because she doesn't like the taste she's lying. it doesn't taste like anything, she's just being prissy and doesn't want it in her mouth becasue of the ick factor. i personally think if you are willing to put the **** in your mouth you are obligated to swallow the cum. it only makes sense.
  5. It was on last night. Maybe they were just reruns. I thought it had been moved again.
  6. House and Heros are on monday nights. much better than tuesdays.
  7. tuesdays are completely useless. there is absolutely nothing good about tuesdays.SPAM ALERT
  8. i've never heard of it. you are not required to get her anything. if she complains punch her in the throat.morningtime for coffee
  9. since my judgement in the past has been so very poor i willl gladly accept your offer of assitance. perhaps you would be willing to handle the initial interview phase. i appreciate the use of your vast knowledge on the Guy #3 qualifications. you give up far to easily i've never had a Girl #1 before ..... hmmmmm
  10. he's already applied for Guy #3, the position is much more desirable
  11. pretty much, i'm too lazy to list the other 11 i like presents
  12. first step is admitting you have a problem
  13. i can totally picture you doing this
  14. i just about shed a tear reading that
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