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Everything posted by missIdaho

  1. well I am taking applications for a new #2
  2. As some one that doesn't have kids, I'll forgive your insinuation that single moms can't spend enough time with there kids and also date. But as a rule I don't go out on the weeks that I have her. To behonest I'd rather stay at home helping her with her homework and just spending time together than going on a date. 90% of my dating adventures occur on the weeks she is with her dad.
  3. (and a mother's hopes and dreams are suddenly crushed)
  4. NO NO NO !!! That was funny !!! Really funny !!! I encourage the witty one liners. she gets more than enough attention, trust me. i think it definitely has to do with us splitting up. children need stability and consistentcy. when she has a different set of rules for each house, every other week it does cause her alot of stress. she doesn't know what her boundaries are. her dad and i are gonn have to work together to make this more consistent.
  5. I just got a call from my daughter’s teacher informing me that for the last week she has been throwing tantrums in class. It’s very odd considering even as a toddler she never threw tantrums. She has always been an extremely well behaved kid. I’ll have to call her dad tonight and find out what went on while she stayed with him last week. He tends to let her get away with more than I do and we both need to really work on consistency in our parenting styles. On the plus side, her math skills still by far exceed those of anyone else in her class. She has also repeatedly offered to teach her
  6. then I can change my screen name to TyphoidCindy
  7. it really isn't a big deal at all, it's all just a part of dating...atleast I don't have herpes. that's a good thing.
  8. this is where the translation problem comes in. the comments you posted where meant to be taken as sarcasm. and to what you said about how to end the relationship, was exactly how i was attempting to do so. i've never once said i was going to lie to him and i'm not sure where you got the impression i intended to do so. i planned on letting him down easy, but i also intended to be honest.
  9. As previously stated, you guys misunderstood the meaning of my post regarding his behavior yesterday. I had no intention of playing games at all. I was annoyed that I was trying to be nice to him and HE was playing passive aggressive little games with me. It was very childish and validated my choice not to see him anymore.
  10. Not a single thing you stated above was correct about my relationship, so I don't see the need to respond. (please see previous post regarding intent of my posts about dating)
  11. I knew you what you were refering to, but I checked anyway to make sure I hadn't made a mistake. Yeah yeah .... I'm that insecure.
  12. ouch ......... that one stungi swear i look much better with eyebrows ok...now i'm mad i actually looked it up to make sure i used the correct term :sticking tongue out in nonsexual way:Main Entry: barrista Part of Speech: noun Definition: a preparer / server in a coffee bar
  13. i just got my lunch time carmel latte. but sadly i went Tully's instead of Starbucks. i couldn't bare the thought of being mocked by barristas in green aprons. Starbucks is dead to me now
  14. i can remember a time when you didn't know how to post picturesi'm so proud of you
  15. i finally got my curtains up this weekend. i'll post pictures tonight.
  16. i'm shocked and apalled at your vulgar replyyeah who am I kidding, i'd let you do it
  17. Guess what? I've been invited to vegas the weekend of the 10th. Becasue of my work schedule I would have to fly in on the 8th and then leave on the evening of the 10th. I haven't decided if I am going yet since it would be such a short trip. If i do go, what time are you flying in? Does you mom still have TIVO?
  18. Today I will mesmorize you with tales of eating a pastrami sandwhich with curly fires and maybe I'll even throw in a few gems about the left over meatloaf I had last night. The possibilities are endless ........
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