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Everything posted by missIdaho

  1. "ounce of possibiilty"i've been considering hiring an assitant to edit all my posts
  2. what? every thing we read on the internet isn't true? i'm fucked...but seriously ......... PLEASE !!!!!!! i need a new yahoo pool buddy. if some one wants to play please send me a pm and i'll send you my sign in name. thanks.
  3. my ex's favorite out fit when we got married was a pair of ugly green corduroids (sp?) and a purple flannel shirt. to this day he insists they were both brown. i get a headache just thinking about it. really? what is it you think you know about me?
  4. such jokes are only funny if there is an once of possible truth to it. since i am probably as close to a virgin as a 31 year old mother could be, it just comes across as illinformed. unless ofcourse you are going for angle of making a joke by implying something that is completely the opposite of what is true or necessary such as when you tell your negro freinds to use plenty of sunblock. if that is the case then ... bravo.
  5. Yes because i must natrually be promising some sort of sexual show via webcam .... and not just suggesting the use of the webcam and mic and my computer to have an actual face to face conversation while we shoot pool.
  6. would you mind rolling up my car windows, it's starting to rain
  7. i've made this request before but i'm gonna make it againif anyone has yahoo messenger or is willing to download it, i am looking for some one to online pool with. i'll be uplate tonight and would like to play a few games. pleeeeeeeaaaassseeee ..... i'll even turn on the webcam
  8. you've really been on fire latelyit's kinda sexy
  9. missIdaho


    it's a coded message from the CIA. you're being recruited.
  10. a simple, "i know. i've been holding my breath." with an annoyed shake of the head will get the point across that you are not the culprit.
  11. do typos couint?i have to hit edit atleast 3 time safter every post
  12. i hope noti kinda like him. he's like a little puppy that jumps from thread to thread humping the legs of anyone with more than 1000 posts. although at times annoying he is essentially harmless and and can be downright adorable when needed. unlike DDIM who takes pride in the ritualistic torment of mundane and useless posters that crowd general. they both serve there purposes and have a place at fcp you always give me that warm fuzzy feelingdown there too
  13. ewwWWWWWWthe receptionist was away from her desk goofing around this morning and our printer came in to deliver envelopes. after i had to sign for them the delivery lady left a bag of candy for the receptionist. the bag of candy is now in my desk drawer. she should have been at her desk doing her job.
  14. good morningecon was my favorite first semester coursecoffee time
  15. I get it and you don't ...nanny nanny nanny nanny
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