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Everything posted by missIdaho

  1. Nope. Just cold and uncomfortabloe as usual.
  2. sure makes for a quiet night on FCP
  3. 3 Members: missIdaho, rocksquid, specbradhey boys
  4. he wants to know how you'll look wearing a pointy white hatBAN
  5. Do you see their last concert? I saw them in August with Hinder and Three Days Grace. It was awesome.I Nickelback
  6. :pretending to be offended while laughing on the inside face:
  7. i set you up for a nice little flame thereyou're welcome
  8. can you imagine how upset Daniel is about this? i'm feeling worse for him than for us.
  9. no but i did rip into him a few times in Strat. he didn't like my alter ego very much.
  10. you've posted enough funny **** today that i'll give you a free pass on this one
  11. i wouldn't be surprisedi used to have a male alter ego that was a regular Strat poster. i doubt anyone could ever guess who i was.
  12. i'll be playing alot of Pool on yahoo messenger
  13. i am just beggin for punishment, aren't I?
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