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Everything posted by missIdaho

  1. this girl needs to give it up already !!!!
  2. 1. as ****ed up as usual2. yes, still leaves a nasty after taste in my mouth3. sure, why not4. yippeee
  3. nice try, but i've already canceled the ticket and am instead going to Florida to spend quality time with Ron Mexico
  4. you are my hero I miss Shrinky Dinks.HELLOOOO ANDI !!!!!miss you, hugs and kisses
  5. 8 Members: missIdaho, gobears, Lolli, RhinestoneCowboy, mk, zimmer4141, mrdannyg, speedz99the anticipation is killing me
  6. don't worry i know it's all out of luvBut seriously there are two for one chili dogs on Mondays and Thurdays are ladies nights. You can also sign up for Friday Amatuer Nights. Winner is determined by closest eye shot.
  7. Anyone here seen the Warcraft epsiode of South Park? I saw it online last night and couldn't stop laughing. I know some people that play it and it couldn't have been more dead on. you should come back. they've set up bleachers and have a refreshment stand now.
  8. Chris is way to good at this kind of stuff. It's kind of creepy. Just by reading a post and seeing a picture he can tell you how much you weigh, what your great grand father did for a living, whether or not you get enough fiber in your diet and when the last time you got laid was. Sometimes I half expect to see him watching through my bedroom window.
  9. birlliant, simply brilliantmy crush grows more and more with each passing post
  10. I understand what you guys are saying, which is why I tried to end it this weekend. What it has come down to is that he has asked me to give him another chance. He knows how I feel and says he understands there is a good possibility that it won't change. Since I really do like him and enjoy spending time with him, I don't see why I shouldn't. Who knows? Maybe my feelings won't change, but maybe they will grow into more. As a side note, although I'm not overwhelmed with warm fuzzies for him, I do feel more for him than just friendship. If all I wanted was to just be buddies I would have
  11. You bring up a valid point, but I've never said I wasn't attracted to him. My reluctance to sleep with him has not been brought on by lack of interest, but because I didn't think it was the right thing to do while I was still trying to decide if i was even going to continue dating him. I still haven't made the choice yet, but I don;t feel as pressured to do so now. He says he understands how I feel about it.
  12. last night he took me to dinner. i paid. now your theory is completely blown away ..... ( i really am a good date. i usually insist on going dutch.)
  13. Not a whole lot to catch up on. Thread has been kind of quiet this weekend. So …………. here is my weekend update. Friday night I went to a haunted corn maze with my daughter, Fred and his kids. Had a good time. Saturday after much thought and consideration I decided to cancel my plans to go to the comedy club with Guy #2. It was obvious by how he reacted that he knew he was getting the brush off. I was genuinely bummed out after that and spent the night home with my daughter watching movies. Sunday morning he called me and asked what was going on. I told him I wasn’t really wanting a se
  14. good morningi think i might be coming down with a cold. i fear it might interfere with my plan to call in sick one day this week to go watch drag racing. i hate being sick.i'm gonna get some coffeee and catch up. bye.
  15. hey there cutiehaven't seen you for a little while
  16. you are officially my new favorite poster
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