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About budfox427

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Regular
  1. I like a push. I don't think a set raises there. Against a LAG player, if I flopped a set in that situation, I would almost always call looking to trap and get the money in on the later streets. Using that line, you are most likely up against AK, possible K-Q is he is a maniac.
  2. With Gus' range of hands he plays, there is no way to lay it down there, especially with the pot odds at that point.
  3. Man, some people around here really need to grow up.I have read this board for a long time, and it has gotten so bad, that I usually just skim strategy and usually never post. But the level of disrespect being thrown around is ridiculous, and frankly, if I were Daniel, I would be a little upset.Someone like Howard Lederer comes on here wanting to have an honest conversation and is actually willing to field questions about what the '7''s reasons are pertaining to a lawsuit--a lawsuit that has generated a billion threads in the last 2 days-- and a lot of people have nothing better to do but com
  4. This is bad. Why would you ever play 86s, a hand which doesn't have many flops that help it, just to fold when you flop the nuts? Play to win.
  5. wow. It must suck to hate money as much as you.
  6. I'm a huge Mavs fan. It sucks that he is suspended, but after tonight, the whole Spurs team is going to feel like they got kicked in the nuts.
  7. Don't forget an embedded reckless disreguard for mobney.
  8. Because he wants to play the best and beat the best. And he feels he may be able to get a mental egde playing so high that the pros would be taken out of their comfort zone.And to the poster above.....more like .05/.10
  9. not really. Funny things induce laughter. I haven't laughed once.
  10. settling the age old debateshttp://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...God&word2=Satanhttp://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...good&word2=evilhttp://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...word2=half-full
  11. That's not that big of a leak. that pot is way to small to really even worry over. I fold hands like that all the time. Its annoying, especially when you are sure you are still ahead, but it usually leads me to be able to trap the villain in later hands. I think re-raising here to scoop a small pot over the long run will lose you a lot more when your opponent hits than it does adding up all those small pots.
  12. structure at Luxor sucks. Its a no go. Used to be good about 2 years ago, but I'm not sure what happened.
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