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Everything posted by HangukMiguk

  1. Very nice, but is it disheartening to know that Kurt got more comments on his couch than you have about your home theater?I keed. Enjoy it.
  2. Agreed, although I stopped buying either. Movies because of Netflix, music because I was waiting on something actually relevant to come out.There will always be ways to circumvent it. Always. And the funniest part is the fact that shortly after this bill was introduced, someone in the RIAA office (I think, it was definitely one of the big groups associated with this bill) was caught and arrested for piracy using a work computer.
  3. Oh yeah, I remember that time...I think it was at that time I concreted my move to Asia, you know in thinking, "Let's put some distance between myself and Suited before I really make him mad."That's just a front. Why didn't you rape me? It's because you didn't love me, isn't it?
  4. Stop Online Piracy Act.Or: Some Other Pastry Additive, to go along with your train of thought.A doughnut sounds good right now.Think that's gonna be my junk food tomorrow.
  5. She sounds crazy enough. Are you sure you want to stand behind this statement?
  6. Lot of people believing it will turn youtubers into felons, stifle creativity on the Internet, and turn the US into another China with a firewall.I'm on fighting game forums, and Youtube for sure is one massive collection of Street Fighter match and combo videos. A lot of fear is being placed in the thought that if this SOPA bill passes, that anyone who uploads these videos or streams tournaments or random match play on JTV/Ustream (not anything that would spoil an entire game for a group of people like a run through of say...Mass Effect would, or divert people from actually buying the game)
  7. Very nice, and completely understandable why you're on pins and needles to go.You'll definitely like Seoul, I'll be back on the 28th. If you could handle the trains in Tokyo (Which I've heard are a headache from my wife, who has also been there), taking the Subway in Seoul is an absolute cakewalk. Add a smartphone (iPhone and Android at least, don't know about BlackBerry), and it's easy mode with the subway apps they have floating around for Seoul. So don't go the dumb tourist route and rely on taxis to get you where you need to go (doubly so in Seoul, they go by MINUTES you're in the cab,
  8. Guess you haven't seen the Mass Games.As in, no they don't. But they're really flexible.
  9. I can't imagine a scenario where I would want to live in Chicago. Their public transit system is awful, and even having a car and driving there is too much of a headache for me. The only thing I'd like it for is convenience of there always being something to do and somewhere to go. I'm actually going to project some jealousy on that, just based on the living conditions. Same. Closest I've gotten was being in Narita airport for an hour at a time. I was going to have a day in Tokyo in July, but then I changed my return flight to the US to August first, and no longer had an overnight layover
  10. You know, I never did receive this thing.Maybe if Daniel spent more time promoting this forum by posting here, I would have it.[/rose]Do you guys ship to China?
  11. I could almost see you on that day, staring at the computer, laughing maniacally, forehead glistening under the low light, convulsing in sheer evil pleasure.It's almost a beautiful thing.
  12. Read "internal issues" as "his stomach" and this is pretty accurate.
  13. Yeah really,What kind of woman holds up a tiny dog for their trading card picture? What is this, the legends of Myspace series?
  14. How's that working out for you?I had my charter card laminated and keep it in my wallet.Just in case...
  15. lol @ the woman at the end of it "AH luv dat sawng."
  16. HangukMiguk

    It's Hot.

    You saw Manbearpig too?
  17. As the master of greetings, you should know this one.FAIL. Just...FAIL.
  18. HangukMiguk

    It's Hot.

    List of places I want to visit:Tokyo, JapanHell, MichiganPalm Springs
  19. Koreans gamble in Macau, or just take it to card rooms. I don't know where any are in Korea, so don't ask.Most everything is uphill after you exit the subways in Seoul. There are exceptions, like Isu, Gangnam, and Jonggak stations.I couldn't imagine playing cards here.I haven't heard if 7-luck Casino has a cardroom or not. It's actually pretty easy to get to from the subway. That's just a FYI. And I just read the post above me. Nevermind on 7-luck.And the reason the waitress was apologizing profusely when you tipped her is because Korea does not have a tipping culture. It's looked upon
  20. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    They have large things that go into that small place?
  21. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    I thought that was Singapore.
  22. I'm cancelling netflix, but not just because of the price increase. Going to China = no Netflix.Had I have come back home, this probably made a change in my plan to subscribe to Hulu.
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