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Everything posted by BadKarma

  1. No, this is NOT spam. Though I can now see where you might reach that conclusion!I just wasnt sure if using the name was the right thing to do. I know you dont always get good cards, but 1 halfway decent hand in 90 mins. was a bit over the line. But I am getting better at putting them on their cards and it's making me a better post flop player.And I need all the help I can get.Karma
  2. I like to think I have a lot of patience. But after 90 mins. of play, the best hand I had was pocket 8's, but the calling and raising before me was too much to even think about getting into that pot. My question is: How do you maintain your cool when the cards just are not coming?I start playing the "PokerBrats" game, trying to put the other players on their hands just by watching the betting. This also has the benefit of keeping my attention on the game and not wandering off somewhere. Thanks, and I love the site,Karma
  3. http://www.homepokertourney.com/chips_review.htmJust about all the chips there are to choose from. very detailed and the prices are a bit outdated but links are providedto the retailers for quick check.Chiptalk.com is an excellent place to learn about chips.I am a proud member of The Faux Clay Nation!!!! 2400+ and more on the way!!!!!Karma
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