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Posts posted by bocablkr

  1. He isAnti-environment.anti-abortion.anti-universal health care.anti-stem cell research.anti-social security.anti-most social programs.anti-gay rights.anti-conservation.he is pro-big business.he is pro-religious right.he is pro-tax cuts for the rich.He does not believe global warmning is real or a threat.He wants to privatize some of our National parks and forrests.He gives lip service to alternative energy but doesn't fund it properly.He gives lip service to education reform but doesn't fund it properly.He trusts his inner circle of advisors instead of his own government scientists.

  2. I do think it's an advantage to have multiple accounts in a big tournament. There are only so many chances at the huge cashes, so having 5 chances at that huge cash is big. You can also play conservatively on a couple to try and make the money, and superaggressively on a couple to try to build a huge stack towards the final table. Plus, you can watch more players to get reads on other people.It's not a huge advantage, but I think it's enough of an advantage, and it's unethical, which makes it illegal. It's one of those things where I can't really explain why it's illegal, it just is.
    Did you see this:I think most people are not aware of the main advantage of having multiple accounts besides the obvious ones of chip dumping and seeing more than one set of holes cards if you are at the same table.It is called Kamikaze accounts. If you are one of the top pros in these events who do you fear the most - other pros. If you can eliminate them, then your EV goes way up. It would be easy for you to beat a tournament full of amateurs.So what do you do - you wait until one of your kamikaze accounts is seated at a table with a known pro. Then, when the opportunity is there to bust them on a coin flip, you take it. You would normally never risk your only entry on a coin flip at this point but since you have kamikaze accounts, go for it. If it fails, you still have accounts left. But if it succeeds, you have doubled up as well as taking out a main competitor. Then you can use him to take out more pros until finally chip dumping to yourself at the end. Pretty slick and totally immoral in my book. Always wondered how so many of the top online pros listed in Pocketfives rankings always got to the Final Table in so many events - it just seemed unreal. And it would be if they all had single accounts.
  3. I think most people are not aware of the main advantage of having multiple accounts besides the obvious ones of chip dumping and seeing more than one set of holes cards if you are at the same table.It is called Kamikaze accounts. If you are one of the top pros in these events who do you fear the most - other pros. If you can eliminate them, then your EV goes way up. It would be easy for you to beat a tournament full of amateurs.So what do you do - you wait until one of your kamikaze accounts is seated at a table with a known pro. Then, when the opportunity is there to bust them on a coin flip, you take it. You would normally never risk your only entry on a coin flip at this point but since you have kamikaze accounts, go for it. If it fails, you still have accounts left. But if it succeeds, you have doubled up as well as taking out a main competitor. Then you can use him to take out more pros until finally chip dumping to yourself at the end. Pretty slick and totally immoral in my book. Always wondered how so many of the top online pros listed in Pocketfives rankings always got to the Final Table in so many events - it just seemed unreal. And it would be if they all had single accounts.

  4. I typed in Russ G, and for some reason it only gave me one thread (No Limt Holdem...)I typed in Russ, and got all the threads.Go figure
    Just one point. I understand how frustrating it is to have people ask questions that may have been addressed numerous times before. Not to mention the wasted space it takes up in the servers and such. I belong to many forum groups and don't always keep up with all them. Sometimes I miss important items. I am sure this is true for others, not just newbies. It would be nice if someone simply posted a link to the proper posts when someone asks a 'stupid' question and that would be the end of it. I am not sure why there is such hatred or lack of tolerance on this site?
  5. google is ur freind
    Thanks, Google works much better than the search function on this website.
    It does? Google would give you a better answer in less than the 2 minutes I gave you the fucking link? Seriously, quit posting in this thread OP and go to the other thread.
    I clicked on your link and it is an empty search page. You can be hostile if you want - I probably deserve it but it didn't get me any good results. Google gave me a hit on the first item.
  6. Sorry if this has been addressed before - couldn't find anything using search.While watching Daniel play dreamclown last night, this conversation came up.Kidpoker - you guys don't seriously deal with Russ G do you?Dream - I don't personallyKidpoker - stay away from him, he is bad news... I promise you that.Who is Russ G?

  7. What is it? 45 minute levels? I haven't seen any tourney with more than 1/2 hour levels. How much in chips? Maybe that will be my christmas present to me. Or get all my friends to chip in some money for me? Take my little shot
    You get 5k in chips with 30 minute levels....the blinds start at 25-50, then 50-100, then 75-150.....get the picture? A great structure.
    Ron, in case you are interested. They have a similar MTT at the Seminole Casino just down the street from the Hard Rock. You get 4000 in chips with the same blind structure for $150. A great value... I have made the last two tables the last three times I have played. But I still missed out cashing (usually around 13 players).
  8. I wasn't aware that they had a nightly $1000 MTT.    It doesn't really matter, I don't have 1k for one tourney, but just the same, I like to know these things.I've split Aces before and got big slick and A9 sooted.    It was awesome.
    The $1000 MTT starts around 8:00 every night. They also have $1000 SNG's. Too rich for me at this point.
  9. I was playing Saturday in a $140 SNG at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, Florida. The guy to my left is claiming this is the first time he has played in a Casino. He is making all the common first time mistakes. He is folding out of turn, showing his cards with action to go, betting less than required, even folding when it was checked to him. Then he does the funniest thing I have ever seen at a table - he shows his pocket tens and lays them on the table face up. He then declares he wants to split his pair. I am not kidding. Everyone is laughing, this guy is playing blackjack rules. The dealer admonishes him and we continue playing. Later I am short-stacked and get KQ in early position. I go all in and this guy calls me with AK. Oh well... I get up and leave and notice that Tuan Le is waiting to play in the nightly $1000 tournament (usually around 30 players). I went over and talked with him for about 10 minutes. He was very personable and open. He told me about some of the prop bets he lost. He said that he loses most of them, especially the ones he bets with Ted Forrest. Ted bet him a lot of money ( I wont give the exact amount ) that he could run from the MGM Grand to the end of the strip, barefoot in 119 degree heat. Tuan made the bet and Ted made the run. Tuan also accepted a bet that he couldn't beat Sam Grizzle in a 40 yard dash. He had to give Sam a 10 yard head start. Sam is much older than Tuan. Tuan lost by a foot. He told me several other interesting stories and then I wished him luck in the tournament. He got very lucky several times. Once, he was dominated with pocket 7's and flops quads. He ended up winning the tournament.

  10. We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.
    The way our games play, the dealer gets the cards the hand before his deal, shuffles during the hand and the deals. we play pretty low stakes so we're not usually worried about the problem. This night was just my friend trying to pretend he was a professional poker player finding a juicy game because of the donators he had met.
    Under those conditions, a good mechanic could really crush your game. But nothing is full-proof. In our game, if the two guys on the right of the dealer are in on it, I guess they could try and set something up. It is just a lot harder.
  11. We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.

  12. We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.

  13. 1-WSOP main event2- golf major  3-boxing title match4-Superbowl5-Any tennis major  6-World Series7-NBA Championshipofcourse, the world series and NBA championship are the ones that luck dosen't play a large role since you play a long series of matches in each one ::7 games max::.  it's like poker, anyone could win one tournament ::game:: but playing the best out of seven is much better to determine the better team.  to win a tennis major, you have to play several top tennis players and have to beat every single one. Since you play more than one match, the better player usually prevails.boxing is only one match and one lucky knock out hit by any boxer could win the match or the judges could just screw up the votinggolf major..ehh i dont really like watching golf, but it seems like anyone could winsuperbowl is hard because usually the favorite wins. the game could be won/loss in one simple mistake.
    Please don't talk.- Jordan
    Beat me to it.
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