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Mr Monkey

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Everything posted by Mr Monkey

  1. he has a king high flush hes not folding so it doesnt matter if he is pot commited.
  2. in that situation sometimes i call preflop sometimes i raise. if i raised i would bet half the pot on the flop and fold to a reraise. if he called i would shut down and be done with the hand. if i check the flop im checking it down unless i hit a A or K
  3. after 90 seconds i will call a clock on them if they are always taking a long time to act. if its a player who very rarely takes alot of time or if its at a critcal time during a tournament i wont call a clock. the only exception would be if it gets very unreasonible like over 10 minutes
  4. they can check a persons age whenever they want. sometimes they will check when u walk into the casino, sometimes they check during play, they almost always check when u cash out. sometimes you might get lucky and they dont check at all.
  5. i dont like the deal either. i think they got a little trigger happy because they felt like they had to make a big move and could see that their efforts to get SN were not likey going to succeed.
  6. against you i would think my A high is good, and its obvious that people you play with no you play shit hands and that why they keep calling u down and catching on the turn and river. actually as i posted 2 overs is about a 2-1 favorite against 2 lowers. what u dont get is that people think u are a fish thats why they call u down. you get no respect people arent afraid of you. it obvious by your posts
  7. you are very lucky. 99.99% of people wouldnt have done that. i would have said LOL TY and left the table with your money.
  8. "pick a better spot" LOL are u serious? you would actually fold AK in that spot. what do u mean he wouldnt do it with AQ . he has 105k the pot is over 30000 thats a big pot for just the blinds and antes. I can almost garuntee that he was moving in with worse then AQ in the other hands. AK is an automatic call in that situation. folding is foolish. he just got unlucky and ran into AA this time. AA was the only hand that had him in huge trouble.
  9. the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards.If they continue to hang around, when im an %80 favorite to win the pot, thats a bad play, and I should be rewarded for it. because on average 4 out of 5 times, Im supposed to win. Where is the logic in what you are saying. If I can see a cheap flop with a 76 against an Ace Paint, im going to do
  10. i would raise preflop. after being raised on the flop i would have been all in. i call the all in with on the turn. hes about a 3-1 underdog. the pot odds are almost their and the blinds are high. i wouldnt have got to the turn. my money would have been in on the flop.
  11. so u are saying when u are in a tourney with 4 players left and 3 of them decide out loud to team up and knock u out that is OK?
  12. the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards.
  13. call. quit playing scared. it seems that u folded because u wanted to make sure that u left a winner because you were scared to lose any money
  14. Quit trying to be clever . Thats your problem. Quit playing BS hands. You probably have a reputaion for playing shit hands and thats why everyone will call you with overs or A high.
  15. I think 10,000 starting chips with the blinds starting at 25-50 with 30-60 minute levels gives everyone enough play for their money and is simpler to set up and play.
  16. Agreedthats silly. if u are going to continue you should use the complete decks of cards.
  17. I dont give people more respect. Most people who multitable shouldnt because they dont play good enough. I target these players cause they arent paying much attention and will make more mistakes. I have also found that they give up their blinds alot more. Obviously if i know they are good players i try not to get too play at that table. If i now nothing about them I always try and play pots with them untill they show me they are capable of good play
  18. I hate when dealers try and show off by flying the ****ing cards around the ****ing table resulting in exposed cards at least once every ****ing orbit. keep the cards low assholes
  19. maybe If I was blind I would play at RVP otherwise no ****ing way. The software sucks
  20. no. i want to win the pot or make people pay for staying around. also to try and get more info on the other players hand so i can figure out the best play on the turn. i would have raised to 30 . 26 more
  21. i would have raised more on the flop. i would have raised it to $30. i think u should bet that turn. i would have folded to the the river bet. not only might u be beat but their is someone else who acts behind you.
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