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Posts posted by silverstrone
I honestly think I should be named FCP player of the month, I don't wanna sound arrogant but I'm first in the leaderboard and I won the Negreanu Open NLHE being the first time I ever played in one.but anyways I don't decide afterall lol
it's from 2p2 and the guy took all the info from hendon mob which is the best live tournament results source u could find on the internet.link to that info? -
Originally Posted by Spimp So i had alot of time on my hands today and did some stupid research. All data is from Hendon Mob. There is a slight variance in numbers becuase I may have added a a couple tourny buy in's twice but it should be pretty damn close. Only events included are 'open' so no ladies, seniors or employee events. This is including, and through the ME this year and assuming no cash in ME this year.Since PH Main Event Win:Phils total WSOP winnings: $6,054,988Total entry $'s if PH played EVERY event since he won: $1,957,500Total ROI if PH played EVERY event since he won: 209.32%Total per event $'s for EVERY event since he won: $10,604.18Avg buy in per tourny: $3428.19Total events since he won: 571Avg events per year: 28.55 (avg of about 19/year during all of 90's)Few more tidbits. For some reason not as many events in '99. 2005 was the year the 10k World Championships in many other events started. 2006 was 50k HORSE so that also inflated buy-in numbers. If you assume he only played 90% of those tourny's his ROI= 243.63%. If he played 80% of them his ROI is 286.49%.These numbers are flat-out sick. We know he cant possibly play EVERY event per year so which makes them even better. I dont think he is the best player in the world. I do think he is one of the best tournament players ever though. When it comes to poker, he is rude, arragant, childish, selfish and.... +++EV!!
it's very easy to say it, it's harder to do it. Every1 can say that and sounds good but few will do it.I would put my entire roll on the table to play Phil heads up. -
wow ur one of those morons, with respect.U say u cannot prove he is a lifeteime winner in cash, but how do u prove that a huge amount of people would put their roll to play him HU??? there is no way to prove that. But the fact he is a lifetime winner in cash is already proven believe me. Make any kind of research in this aspect and then we can carry on discussingDude, your confused, it's Daniel Negreanu the one who plays every single event from lowball to Omaha 8 or better in order to have a chance to win a bracelet, Hellmuth doesn't play much those games he concentrates basically on Holde'm and maybe some other Omaha game.Another fact that I forgot to put is that he's got an impressive ROI (over 250%) in his overall results in tournaments which is unbelievable for a live pro.the lifetime winner in cash is an absolutely hilarious assertion that you have no way to prove and a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. also, the list of people that would put their roll on the table to play phil HU cash would blow your mind, and includes at least a half dozen players who post here. the nicest guy ever away from the table thing is garbage as well. the guy is a star @#$)( and won't give you the time of day if you're not famous.what I will give him is work ethic when it counts. Every WSOP i've been to, phil is playing every single event he can to get those cashes and hold on to that record. he actually cashed in the stud 8 event i went deep in in 2008 - he did it by folding for two hours and getting himself down to a few big bets to make sure he cashed while players at his table gave him crap for it - but whatever, everyone has their priorities. -
As I told u in my post, the morons will respond this wayDidn't know PH's mom or #1 fanboy joined the forum last month. -
I think I've heard enough of this shit. Some important idiots keep thinking Hellmuth sucks because any retard can post in a forum. Let's put things in perspective.Morons: Hellmuth sucks at PAD shorthandedTruth: He is the winningest player in PAD with 4 titles. And is ALWAYS deep in every show. There must be a reason for that.Morons: Hellmuth ran good in PAD that's why, no that he hits no cards he fails.Truth: LAUGH OUT LOUD. I remember Ferguson suckout against PH for the PAD title when he hits trips on the turn. I also remember when Lederer hits a miraclous 3 outer on the river leaving Hellmuth in 3rd place. Just to mention 2.Morons: Hellmuth is only good against weak players and low buy in tournaments.Truth: He won the Main Event when only the best players in the world entered. In adittion he won several $10,000 buy in tournaments and completely outplayed Tom Dwan both times in the NBC Heads Up (he also won this tournament tho against pretty good players). He won the tournament of champions of couple of times and assuming every1 who plays in the WSOP are fishes is pretty stupid.Morons: Hellmuth sucks at poker.Truth. He is the most successful NLHE poker player of the last 20 years, with 11 WSOP championships, 41 Final tbles and 75 cashes, owning the record in those three categories. He surpass $10,000,000 in tournament earnings btw. His ROI if he had played 80% of the total tournaments is over 280%. No words.Morons: He sucks at cashgames.Truth: He is an all time cashgame winner duh. (wonder how many of you can say that). Plus he won over 300k in this same show not a long time ago.Morons: He is outdated after the poker boomTruth: He won several bracelets plus he made excellent runs in the Main Events from 2003 onwards, probably the most constant winning player in the Main Event after 2003.Morons: He has been successful because he ran good over that period of time.Truth: From all the arguements I've heard I think this gets 1st price for most retarded. you can't ran good for 20 years, win over 30 NLHE tournaments and have all those amazing stats with just being lucky. Morons: I hate his attitude.Truth: off the table he is definately the nicest pro you could ever meet, no kidding.Now these morons I've been talking about will respond the same way the've been posting shit about him without having made any kind of research or something, so they can inform themselves before posting. Since they have no arguments to say against this they will make fun and insult, pretty lame tho but it is expected. They just throw out shit and concentrate on a small sample of hands to determine if he sucks or not. (lol judging Phil Hellmuth in NLHE is probably one of the most ridicoulus things I've ever seen) Their posts are some ****ing stupid and shameful. That's all i wanna say, just make some research before posting shit, study a little bit poker history and start to respect one of the greatest tournament players who ever played the game. Seriously.
you are the biggest idiot ive ever seen. EVER.Phil Hellmuth is the biggest idiot ive ever seen. EVER .. -
this is gonna be easy
lol nice steal with the deal. First he wanted 145k plus the 10k, meaning he would win 8k more than 1st prize, lol that was awesome. I mean except for vynn the other two seemed pretty naive and they just gave him the 2k each, it really seemed like a steal. The deal was a disaster by those guys, u can't make a deal when the chipleader gets what 1st pays. Lol they were just amazed by the numbers that they just couldn't think at all. It happens when u play for that much.
when are you gonna put the official 2010 Negreanu Open with the updated results from last tournament. Just sayingRegardsGot called to a neighbors for a few hours to help with their PC so we will try this again tonight. -
wanna crossbook me?sickboy lets crossbook for neg-o next week -
crossbooking ivey is like crossbooking PH imo, suicide
hey guys is there any reward for first win after first time played, maybe a hat or something
u played well, got lucky tho u were dead at some point, 5 left i thinkfml -
first time, first win, gg every1
gotta be a level Daniel. How do u know Stars did not have any leak at the beginning and they just hide it from being public. And after that, isn't it possible that UB is now cleaner than any other site??? Maybe it's even more secure than Stars and Tilt after they fixed those leaks. This is obviously part of the "let's rip on PH" stuffReally? I guess I just don't get how anyone can play there or AP. You have so many choices, why would you want to support a site that was involved in such corruption? -
oh no some fullcontactpoker forum member told me I'm an idiot, lol I'm crying right now. Get a life instead of posting in this dead forum, 5k useless posts, haha pretty sadi know eh -
he acted like a doucheIvey. Him and his caddie are the funniest thing ever. He is brutal to him. This story is about him and his old caddie: On 18th hole his caddie says, "It's dead straight." It's a 20 foot putt, no gimme at all. Ivey makes the putt, but at the very end of the putt it appeared to veer left and went into the left side of the cup. Ivey, winning a ton of money on the putt, looks at his caddie and says, "Dead straight huh? Did that putt break or not?""You made the putt Phil," says his caddie."That's not the point!!! Did that putt break or did it not break. Answer the question! You said dead straight! I'm playing 100k a hole over here and you say dead straight.""Phil, you made the putt. It's not an easy putt.""That's right 'I' made the putt no thanks to you! Come on man, get your head in the game." It was the funniest exchange ever. Ivey does it to needle his opponents. -
Talking more about his character, does he get mad when somebody owes him some money or he just doesn't care if the amount is less than 100k
net account worth?
Daniel's attitude during the PAD was pathethic. But what makes it even more disgusting is the way he is trying to defend it. If he wants to show some class he should offer some kind of apologize. Those who hate Helmluth and celebrates Negreanu's attitude last PAD make me laugh.Hellmuth is an excellent person off the table, he is much more friendly than any other pro including Negreanu Ivey, etc.Daniel's ego is annoying. (yeah every pro plays his strategy...doh)What bothers is the most, is the stupid people who say "oh he is only good against weak players", the guy has the most bracelets, final tables and cashes in the WSOP history and he is only good against weak?? Do u think every1 who plays in the WSOP are donks??? what a stupid assumption.He is still successful after the boom, winnings a couple of bracelets and crushing the Main Event each year he plays it. ANd he is up in cash games as well.So haters GTFO!!! and see things objetively, when someone's good he is good, and when someone shud apologize he shud apologize.
Hellmuth off the table is the nicest person ever. He is a lot of fun really, I'm not a fan of him but gotta admit it. He is much more friendly than Negreanu or Ivey or any of those pro's. He can have a conversation for half an hour with any1 even though they haven't meet before. He will give u tons of live tips and stuff. Hellmuth always ALWAYS talks nice things about Daniel and respects him a lot, I've never heard him criticize him or pick on him by any chance. I don't understand why this hate by DN. Really don't know, cus PH is such a good person off the table. He can't control his emotions? it's true, he is extremely passionate? also true, but every1 who ever met him in some party or somethin will agree with me that he is a lot of fun and very very nice.When he says he is the greatest, I mean if we are based on the stats we gotta agree with it. He might not be the best player in the world nowadays, but considering all of his achievements so far leading in final tables, cashes, and bracelets it would make sense to call him the greatest in NLHE. Nobody in the history of poker won so many live NLHE tournaments as him. His game is outdated? that's another story, he is still successful in the main events and other NLHE tournaments as well. But at the same time it's like for me at least, I find it funny when he says it and when he blows up in the table cus it's like a part of him, I like it, he probably exagerates i little bit but this is his character, and reason why he is called the poker brat.
Dude u have a pshycological problem with Hellmuth, u are always referring to him in every single post!! leave him alone dude!!!and btw u too much full yourselfLet me make a point to all of you to help you understand the difference between past results and the current state of poker:What I did in 2004 has no bearing, and absolutely zero correlation to my NL hold'em tournament game today. At that time, I had a good run of cards, but most importantly, and this is going to sound arrogant, but it's true, the rest of the poker world hadn't caught up yet with how effective small is in deep stacked tournaments.Today, the majority of touring regulars play some form of small ball, which in a nutshell I'll describe as,"Making small investments to hit big, and making sure that when you are in a marginal spot, you keep the pot small. If you play a big pot, have the nuts, or close to it." Simple right? Well in 2004 no one was more committed to that then me, and it worked perfectly. I got so many "gifts" that year where people handed me there chips.Since then, the younger players have learned to adapt by realizing the truth: that the small ball style I played pre-flop is on the sloppy side with the goal of getting paid off big. So they adapted by taking advantage of the sloppy play pre-flop, but at the same time, they DON'T make the large donations when I hit.So where does that leave us now? The strategy I developed back then needed some fine tuning. I've done that. I felt like I played very well at the WSOPE when I came in second.Back to the original point:What I did, or what PH did years ago, has absolutely NOTHING to do with any conversation about who the best NL hold'em tournament players are today. You can't rest on a past resume since NL hold'em tournaments today are simply much different than they were just 3 years ago. Imagine what poker was like 10 years ago in terms of the skill set? It was very different indeed, and the tournaments, for ANY aggressive player, were much easier to beat.Our world is all about "What have you done for me LATELY." There is no doubt that back in the day, Hellmuth's approach crushed tournaments and he was ahead of his time. The truth is this though: the rest of the world caught up thanks to the internet and forums like this one. These kids will play back at him and don't bow down to him.Today, PH can still wade through large fields full of donkeys, but when faced with other professional players his approach is easily defended against and exploited. If you look at PH's results over the past, say, 5 years in high buy in (10k and above) tournaments, they are actually indicative of the fact that he isn't much of a threat. He's had a few deep runs in the ME, but that event is unique in that it's full of amateurs and that is an environment where PH really excels.I base my opinion not only on his results, but what I see with my own eyes. These young kids are really good, but he just doesn't want to give them any credit. I won't make that mistake, and realize that to stay competitive I have to get BETTER. I'm trying to do just that.
Fcp Player Of The Month - January 2010
in General Poker Forum