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About mikester111689

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    No limit hold em
  1. you could say that without being rude ya know..
  2. I was wondering what are some good satellites for someone such as myself that can't afford the ten thousand dollar buy in? I hope this isn't a terribly newbish question. I appreciate everyones help and guidance!
  3. I remember him as being a fairly tight-aggressive player but he lost a majority of his stack off of a bad beat (he had aces and another guy had a lower PP)
  4. 5.50 9 Seated NL SnG and I 3x more chips (20 big blinds) than the person in 2nd place. There are 4 people left and we are on the bubble. Someone from early position goes all in with 5 big blinds and everyone folds so action is on me in the BB with J 10 suited. Should I call here and take this punk out or just wait for someone else to end his misery?
  5. all of these are really helpful view points! i think rrumsey is on to somethign with not risking a lot at the very beginning
  6. SnG: FTP (1500 chip stack w/ 15/30 blinds)So, its a 9 seat 5.50 cent N/L SnG and I am in middle position with AQo on the very first hand, two other guys limp in front of me. First question: Raise the big blind my standard amount (2.5 to 3x) or Raise the size of the pot?ok, so regardless of your opinion lets say I raised pot and the button calls me as well as one of the limpers from late position and the flop is 7d 2d 10s. (i totally miss).. however, the player who is first to act checks to me, should i make a bet here hoping that the button will fold or should i just give up on the hand? (and
  7. Thanks Rumsey =D Yeah I am winning in 5$ SnGs and .02/.05 Ring games. This might have been a nerdy thing to start a thread on, I'm always trying to find more ways to expand my knowledge on the game..
  8. So I am a fairly experienced player but I have only read the following books: Phil Gordon's Little Green Book, (Phil's Blue Book too), Daniel's Power Hold Em strategy, Super System 1 and 2, and Mike Caro's book of poker tells. What would be some other good books to expand my knowledge and outlook on poker? B)
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