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Everything posted by cdddc75

  1. Raise and draw two.I limp UTG in 2-7 about once per month or so. Raise to get position or get the hell out of the way.
  2. UB has Pineapple and Pineapple 8 or below (Limit only). Tried the high/low version once but got screwed up when I realized that I didn't have to play two low cards from my hand to make a low.Suited connectors and suited aces have more value in this game than LHE, and unsuited overcards have a lower value. Raise preflop with monster pairs, but don't always expect them to hold up.
  3. Fold preflop. Fold that flop in a nanosecond.Playing mediocre flush draws in PLO is a fantastic way to light money on fire.
  4. I lead out the turn with a pot bet.It's a much easier decision than calling a big pot bet is.
  5. Everything he said. Also, you better be prepared for some short term swings.
  6. 12 outs twice, let's call.You raised to steal/flush draw and flopped a flush draw. A set might worry me here, but a bigger flush draw doesn't.
  7. Short version: Bet when you hit, check when you don't.Long version: Read SS2.
  8. If this is typical of the way you play after taking "bad beats", PLO is not the game for you. People tend to draw out frequently in a drawing game.
  9. fold preflopand stop playing PLO immediately
  10. Based on the turn play, I only have one question:Where do you play?
  11. Then I suppose the question is do you want 1st or 3rd? If you want 1st, I like this play. If you want to scrap to the bubble, folding is probably better here, but it's close.If the table had been more passive, a limp would be ok too. At this table though, push or fold seem like the only two reasonable options.
  12. How long until the blinds go up again?I'm not wild about the push, but it's better than a standard raise.
  13. fold preflopc/r of the flop was good here though
  14. Party PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.2510 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $52.45UTG+1: $42.28LowCardManiac: $14.90MP1: $25MP2: $19.40MP3: $34.58CO: $14Button: $12.66SB: $31.73BB: $4.18Pre-flop: (10 players) LowCardManiac is UTG+2 with [2h] [4c] [6h] [Ac] UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, LowCardManiac raises to $1.6, 5 folds, SB calls, BB raises all-in $4.18, 2 folds, LowCardManiac calls, SB calls.Flop: [5h] [Qs] [7c] ($13.04, 2 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: $13.04)SB bets $0.25, LowCardManiac raises all-in $10.72, SB calls.Turn: [6s] ($34.48, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $13.04, S
  15. Hello. I can't see my opponent's hand to know that he has QQ. Nice try though.Being willing to put in all your chips when you know you are an underdog and are likely to get called is -EV in a cash game.Thank you for making my day, Tantafarrell20.
  16. Stop playing PLO8 immediately.http://twodimes.net/h/?z=1762277
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