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Everything posted by quadaces

  1. Did he think he was going to get you to lay down a Royal just because it was on the board.What a retard!Never seen that happen though
  2. Hilarious. That guy pisses me off every time I hear him open his mouth. :evil:
  3. Raising is obviously the right move!Only 2 other hands beat you. Quads 9's and Jacks full.Just calling with the 3rd nuts is pretty weak.
  4. Playing 3-6 LHE w/ Kill. Under the gun I limp with Q 10 off suit. I know this is usually a horrible play, but the table was extemely loose/passive. Very few raises pre-flop and usually 5-6 callers. 5 callers and the big blind raises all call. So there are 6 in the hand, flop comes 8 4 2 rainbow, SB checks, BB bets I raise to try and knock everyone out to get to heads up, all fold to the button who calls as does the BB. 3 in the hand turn comes 5. So I have nothing but Q high. I have the BB on AK or possibly small pair. Button is a calling station and could have a 2 and would still call. BB che
  5. ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Kramer: ....congadulationsLady: on whatKramer:...your pregnant.Lady: I'm not pregnant!Kramer: whoa!
  7. Jerry: I'm done with this kiss hello thing...Now say if it was hello intercourse....
  8. People at work are calling me NIP Jerry, Nip!
  9. You wouldn't be tryin to sell me dominicans in a cuban rapper would you
  10. Heeellllloooooooooooooooo...............LA LA LA...we had sex in the kitchen. He said it was the most socialable room in the house.George: I push them to lesbianism and Kramer brings them back!Kramer:.....I'M OUT!!!! I'M OUT OF THE CONTEST. just a few
  11. You need to find a new home game because you just got cheated! Not even the most retarded dealer in the world mucks someones cards when play is heads up.Card protectors suck ......use a chip!
  12. Luckily I skipped his post and went straight to the responces
  13. quadaces

    breaking news

    You know it wouldn't be a bad joke if it was original! :oops:
  14. LOL!!!!!!25 is OLD................YOUR FREAKING ANCIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This is why kids shouldn't play poker...........one could argue anyways....No ........Thats why it's good that kids are playing poker.
  16. **** the "rules"Too many people try to say you "must have a certain bankroll to play at a certain limits" Well I say **** THAT!
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