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Everything posted by quadaces

  1. Your kidding right?didn't see the (sw) after
  2. Any small buy FCP Tourny's on full tilt comming up?
  3. $500 A round and you have to be staying there to get a tee time!
  4. I'd play but its too steep for my full tilt account :oops:
  5. I smell a big, gigantic lawsuit...
  6. Playing the overs lets players play at a higher limit when only overs players are left in the hand. It has no impact on you if you dont play the overs.
  7. Really? Did Dan Harrington tell you this? :roll:
  8. Tiffany (after being timed out of the hand):can I at least see them? :cry: Shiek: no
  9. Tiffany (after being timed out of the hand):can I at least see them? :cry: Shiek: no
  10. I see no reason why the continued harping on Tiffany Williamson- the play where everybody refers to her as a donkey- SHE FOLDED. It took awhile, but she made the correct play, and here reasoning out loud was questionable- BUT SHE MADE THE CORRECT PLAY!!! From what I have seen so far it looks like she was just playing a big stack a little too aggresively- and if you are going to ere at all, ere on the side of aggression. Too get as far as she did showed that overall she played well.She didn't make the correct play!THE CORRECT PLAY WAS MADE FOR HER!
  11. mods must be slippingswWhat are you talking about! The mods are fantastic!(sw)
  12. Move up when your roll and confidence are both big enough!
  13. They also have the GREAT Erin Ness. She's done a lot for poker. Just shows no matte how big a DONK you are if your hot you can do anything.
  14. How do you say that word?
  15. You ever heard of INSURANCE?YOU PAY THEM FOR A REASON!
  16. Plus its easier to call 1000 with 3's when you double up on the very 1st hand of the tournament!He also feels he can laydown a big hand if he feels he's beat so he can gamble and take a lot of flops.
  17. Heman says your gay. And if Heman says your gay, then you are really gay!Heman rocks!BY THE WAY .......OP..............YOUR A RETARD! :wall:
  18. sports betting is rigged by the NFL!
  19. Everywhere I play if it's heads up at the river there is no cap!
  20. board 77377, I still have A high 33889, I still have A highNO YOU DON'T RETARD!YOU NOW HAVE FOUR 7'S W/ A KICKER ON YOUR TOP EXAMPLE AND 2 PAIR 8s AND 3s A KICKER THAT MEANS YOU IMPROVED YOUR HAND MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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