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Posts posted by quadaces

  1. 1. She smokes.2. She has a boyfriend in jail.3. She hangs out with you.The evidence says you are wrong about this.[For the humor impaired (and there have been a lot around here lately), I know nothing about TraptSteve, so number 3 is not personal.]
    OMFG :club:
  2. I had a real money account on FTP without rakeback. For about a month I played a bunch of hands there then stopped. I waited a week, and emailed them saying I love your site and is my favorite by far, but with all the rakeback options out there it just doesn't make sense for me to continue playing here. I have heard of users getting rakeback to existing accounts before, is there anyway you can add rakeback to my account.They will more than likely come back with an email saying we'll put you on a list. It took about 2-3 months for my account to have rakeback added. They will set you up with RakebackPros and they deposit it directly into your account every Friday afternoon.
    I have tried this too but have had no luck so far. They say I have been placed on a list.....we'll see if it ever happens. It did work for a friend of mine though so definately give it a try
  3. Picture059.jpgand yes this is me after i ran over a baby who was drunk walking across the street. drunk babies are bad news.
    If that is you, you need to post more pics with less clothes on
  4. Accounting programs are pretty simple. I owe them, send a check, they owe me, make a depositPoker programs are complex, requiring security etc.If they failed at the easy one, why do you automatically give them credit for the hard one?Especially after UB, AP etc.
    I would think this is just common sense.
  5. unbooked.
    Since when have you been able to unbook a bet? Good thing most of us have seen your true colors before getting any real action with you. I have placed many bets with rcooj and have never had a problem paying or collecting on a bet, nor has he called off a bet just cause he didnt like the bet after making it. I think StrippersNBlow needs to be added to the list of members not to do business with.
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