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Everything posted by bigbluffzinc

  1. Hey buddy, I recently completed a prop bet to get from $5 to $500 in 5 days... mistyped that a few times coz of all the 5's... I did it by 20 tabling the .25 cent 45 man's/10 cent 360 man's and the .25 cent 90 mans until I got to $20.. then i mixed in the 1 dollar turbo games at about 50% of total volume until I got to 50 dollars... once I hit 50 bucks I added the 2 dollar 180 man's... at 180 I started the 3 dollar games and grinded those to 250... then I mixed in 6.50's and got to 500... hope this helped...
  2. I don't particularly like the line here... obviously you should have raised more pre... but on top of that I think I check flop and turn and bet for value on the river... I think if I bet the turn and river for value the only real hands calling me are going to be aces with a weak kicker, if I check the turn I'm really only worried about four outs in the deck if both players have pp which is really the only way we lose this hand if they don't hold an A given the texture..HOWEVER, given the line you took, I may even be betting 3 streets for value because you didn't raise enough pre flopto fold o
  3. I don't particularly like the line here... obviously you should have raised more pre... but on top of that I think I check flop and turn and bet for value on the river... I think if I bet the turn and river for value the only real hands calling me are going to be aces with a weak kicker, if I check the turn I'm really only worried about four outs in the deck if both players have pp which is really the only way we lose this hand if they don't hold an A given the texture..HOWEVER, given the line you took, I may even be betting 3 streets for value because you didn't raise enough pre flopto fold o
  4. Stars doesn't do rake back, they have a rewards program in place instead. If you're inquiring about rake back on full tilt then you can request it but from my understanding it takes forever to get going. If you open a new account they will close it fairly quickly from my understanding but there are several easy ways around it if you really wanted a new account.. I know several friends who repeatedly abuse the sign up bonuses my making deposits with the debit Visa's you get from corner stores like 7-11 and then transfer the funds to their primary account (which they do play on) and withdraw
  5. I just focus on playing my game... I play a ton of online tournaments so when I play live I just play my cards the same way but focus on players more, which leads me to making slightly more marginal moves due to deeper reads then what I gather online.. but as far as tight vs loose.. just focus on playing your A game whichever it is... but I guess you need to figure out which game you play better..
  6. to everyone who would fold... please invite me to you're home games and i'll just wait for the blinds to increase and play equity shove poker.. shoving's always right wp.. bad luck that someone woke up with you dominated...
  7. Shove is correct, at these stakes people do not disguise or trap thinking deep at all.. if he's in the cut off and he limps he's either got AA and was scared of folding out the blinds or he has JT or some other drawing hand... if villain is playing proper abc tight poker then ill muck it, if not im putting him on a drawing hand as is usually the case and I'm shoving 100% of the time knowing that theres equity in a fold and im flipping worst case scenario.. and if the blinds wake up with a hand if its 77 or below they will likely muck due to a limp + a shove... them calling is just poker...
  8. if we cc flop we should be cc turn with the idea that were cf r to just about any bet...
  9. i understand that if we flip the hands face up its correct to cc... that's clear, however we can't call a turn bet and any one whose slightly competent will be double barreling this board, meaning if you think a street ahead cc becomes bad unless you intend to call the turn and the r... i think one of the mistakes people make is taking small ball and cc too far by not thinking through further streets... if we cc this board we open ourselves up too much bc i think we cf turn WAY too frequently for a cc to be profitable.. and if we aren't folding turn without an A hitting the board i think its b
  10. *we could also have a weak K with a cc but its still correct for villain to double barrel*
  11. I'm c-r here for several reasons. First, I think cc is bad because on this board almost any competent player is double barreling, given the action you can't have any draws like 7/5, and you're raising any K above KT on the flop most of the time (if he thinks you're decent) meaning a flat advertises our hand as being A8 or a pp beneath the K... a c-r at the same time advertises our hand as being AK/KQ/AA/KJ since we raised pre flop and he flatted, meaning if he comes over the top AGAIN he's got us crushed and if he flats hes probably got a hand similar to ours or a weak K and we can proceed a
  12. No reads and having half the sevens, at these stakes its possible he flopped/turned a boat but its still unlikely... there's just too much value in shoving for me to flat here since villain is probably too pot committed and too bad to release 88+ in this spot...
  13. im fairly new to PLO but i think i raise the flop here due to the straight possibilities/him boating up.. our hand is really exploitable and i don't like getting outdrawn since i'm intending to pay him off 90% of the time. As played, with the nut flush draw as re-outs to JT as well as the nut boat out ( or what should be the nut bot out if he doesnt hold AA with us holding an A, im flatting the turn and probably folding the r if we don't improve and he fires again.... (obv villain can have a boat at this point but i think at these limits i'd need a read to lay this down on the turn... as i th
  14. I make that call too and I'm confident I have the best hand, I was talking more of stealing their blinds with T8o than calling or making short stack shoves with (like my post said) A9+... and when I talk about short stacked I didn't mean dead, 3.5 BB effective with antes in the mix means I'm shoving them frequently with ATC in their blinds... I was talking more of 7-12 BB where they can afford to be more choosy thus making the JT raises slightly less + ev in my head... could be wrong though.* Oh and I think at least at lower limits (MTT between 1-15$) I find that I would rather play with deepe
  15. If second place gets paid the move is garbage and he can pick a better spot.
  16. As the deep stack in the later stages of the tournament you shouldn't be bullying the short stacks, at least imo... Short stacks are looking for a reason to get their money in the middle of the table, any A or pair is going to insta shove... meaning you should be raising their blinds with something like A9+ or any pair barring a read that he plays exceptionally tight and will miss the value he gets from re shoving... in addition to that you should be looking to make moves against deeper stacks as they have much more difficult decisions... i.e. raising medium stacks with slightly more marginal
  17. I don't think you played it badly at any point really as I generally don't fold KJ suited pf unless the entire table is filled with tag's, in which case i'm generally looking for a better table... and yes, we call here.
  18. It's not what I would call a horrible move but it's probably not very good unless you're friends are garbage... He should know with those stacks hes getting looked up by better aces and most pairs but raise folding is something most players don't like either so its mildly debatable from a later position, utg i think its bad. Is it winner take all or what because the pay out structure is important with you and player B on such short stacks.
  19. If you're really struggling playing a deep stack and you really do play the rest of the tournament well.. then you're likely making way too many adjustments to your game. The solution is (unless the game gets short handed) play you're deep stack the same way you played poker to build that stack.. I'm the first to say there is a more optimal way to play a deep stack then a medium stack but if you're struggling with it then that seems to be the obvious solution.. Hope it helped!
  20. I pretty much never make this play with a deuce or a three... if i shove with A2 when i get called i'm usually worse off then if i had 2/3, so ya i think the play is pretty bad.. When i make shoves like this into tight blinds i usually want to be holding 7/8 suited or something.. just can't stand watching the shoves with a card that guarantees you being dominated in the face of a call...
  21. I'm sincerely jealous... i remember when that made me feel that way and now it takes a first place with 10k players to get the same satisfaction... congrats!
  22. From the blinds without a read the only hand that beats you is JT since a set or AK rr pre flop... since im not the god of poker i insta shove here hoping hes not holding the only 2 cards that have me beat...
  23. looking at the history it seems villain is comfortable three betting... with this alone i'm trying to figure out why you called the flop... you know at some point this villain is going to make pushes for your stack, and on that board there really isn't a single card in the deck you're happy to see... the board pairs and he could have trips because he led out and could have atc, Diamond peels off he could have had a flush draw... over cards... i dont see how you dont raise or muck on the flop...in light of everything... im probably folding/shoving the turn after the mistake of calling the flop
  24. i completely agree with that, i just don't know that with >30 buy ins you can make a real roll from it... and as far as the cash games now that i think about it i hated those as well and the real way i got my roll running prior to mtt was through HU games... at the lower limits they are probably the easiest way to build a roll until you have the support for mtt...
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