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Everything posted by strappazon

  1. With one more diamond i'd have the flush Ace high. And it happened. Flop was 5d-5s-3d and he called my raise pre flop. I don't thing he would have done it with 55 or 33 or 53...but maybe i'm wrong..i was pretty sure he called with A5 or A3 when he went all in on the flop and that was the case. If i hit the nut fliush the only hand that could beat me would be a quads (out of question) or a full...and i was sure he didn't had a full.
  2. Okay, i'm not that stupid so i know this is the best position. And i know why. But i've read a lot of poker books (by Brunson, Hellmuth,etc..) and they all say this is the place where you should play the more hand. but as a TAG player...i need a good hand to enter the pot! I'm not gonna limp in with 7-2o or 83o just because i have a great position !So generally i'm gonna limp in with a small pair or suited connectors and i'll raise if i have a strong hand. But it doesn't happen very often. What am i supposed to do ? Should i force myself to play looser just cuz i have position on others playe
  3. With one more diamond i'd have the flush Ace high. And it happened. Flop was 5d-5s-3d and he called my raise pre flop. I don't thing he would have done it with 55 or 33 or 53...but maybe i'm wrong..i was pretty sure he called with A5 or A3 when he went all in on the flop and that was the case. If i hit the nut fliush the only hand that could beat me would be a quads (out of question) or a full...and i was sure he didn't had a full.
  4. I agree, but in my mind i was sure to win if i've hit the flush. But i agree about the fact that in a tournament it was a bad call.
  5. You make things way too complicted imo. Like you said pot odds are 2.11:1. My odds are 1.8:1. i can call ! Because i'll win 1 time out of 3. It means i will won 1710 one time and lost 810 two times (1620). So i will gain 1710-1620 = 90.If the pot odds were more than 1.8:1 I'd fold.
  6. Sorry, i meant 1.8:1 (or let's say 2:1) with two cards to come. There's 1710 in the pot he bets 810. 2X810=1620. i can offord to call. i don't get why you say i'm 3:1.Flush draw :2 cards to come : 1.8:1 One card to come : 4.11:1So yes i can call. because the pot odds are "higher" or "bigger" (i don't know how to say it) than 2:1.
  7. Sorry, i meant 1.8:1 (or let's say 2:1) with two cards to come. There's 1710 in the pot he bets 810. 2X810=1620. i can offord to call. i don't get why you say i'm 3:1.Flush draw :2 cards to come : 1.8:1 One card to come : 4.11:1So yes i can call. because the pot odds are "higher" or "bigger" (i don't know how to say it) than 2:1.
  8. That's why i thought for a minute but i was chasing a nuts flush draw and he offers me the good odds to do it. Why would i fold when my odds are 4 to 1 and the pot odd are "bigger " than that ? I'd would not make sense to chase the flush (ace high) and then folfing when the maths tells you " you have to pay !".But in one way, you're right...it is also risking my tournament on one hand when i still have a lot of chips. So i'm still confused.
  9. It is a little bit off topic but i have a question too. When we play online it's easy to know exactly how much there's in the pot, so we know immediaty if we can call on a flush draw or something. But how are you doing in real? Do you guy always count exactly how much there's in the pot? I always wondered this because wrong for only $2 you could make a bad call ....see what i mean ?
  10. Is this challenge still going on? We have no informations but i guess Daniel is busy playing the SCOOP and probably have a lot of things to do in real live. Any info?
  11. I've had the same problem but i don't care. My screename (the same i use on this forum) is my real last name...lol. Now i'm forced to be a goof player, so people will tell "look at Strappazon, he's an amazing player!".
  12. I don't understand how is it possible to go from Bronze Star to Silver star : i play like 2 hours a day, (cash games and tournaments), during week days and at least 4-5 hrs a day on weekend and i'm only at 11 VPP this month (41 this year but i restart to play only 2-3 weeke ago). And i'm suppose to have 1,118 VPP until the end of April.Does it only worth it if you're playing at $1 or more ? if i play at $0.02 is it possible to go to the next level ? I'd like how you guys manag e this stuff.
  13. And learning of lot of things about other players so you can read them. How can you get infos about others playing when you play like 6 tables at the same time?
  14. here's a hand in played yesterday. I had AQs at the cut off, nobody raised and i did it . The flop came with two 5 and i was 90% sure that my opponents had a set of 5's. I bet and he went all in but i still had the good odds to draw to the nuts flush. My question is :if you know for sure that someone has a set (or another strong hand) and that you have to bet all your chips to draw to the nuts flush, is it stupid to do it or is it the right move to do?I mean should i always pay if i have the good odds/pot odds to do it ?I hope my question makes sense :http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/
  15. Yesterday i played a tourney. I finished with something like $1000+ in chips and my opponents had $11,000....For a moment i've had to go all-in with like 500...and i won. Then i won all hands til the end. I must say i had all the cards i needed. Here's few hands, it was crazy :http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/407109http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/407110http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/407111The last hand :http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/407112
  16. ok, thanks everybody for your answers. The fact is that 99.9% of the time i never go all-in this way. So that's why i was mad.
  17. Thanks, i feel better now. lolOh, and i don't really know the meaning of "cooler". Can you explain please?
  18. F.. it. Why the F... did i play this hand like that? i don't even know! F...http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/405188And yes i'm mad.
  19. Wow...man, you're right. I was out of my mind when i typed that. i've just realize he was ahead all the way long. But it doesn't change the fact that he was impossible (for me) to know he had pocket aces. The guy was a "loose passive" and he only shown me crappy hands for the last 60mn. At best i thought he had a set of A's while i had a full. I mean, you don't see four aces every day.
  20. Ok, next time i'l ltry to remember it. Thanks.
  21. The funny thing is i think i saved some money. If i bet on the turn, he pay me. And if i bet on the river he pays too. I even think i'd have checked/called on the river. But yeah, next time i'll bet on the flop.
  22. Most of all when you're slowplaying a set which turns into a full house and your opponent is slowplaying AA..........http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/402439I should have bet half the pot on the turn imo, but at those stakes there's no way he would have folded a set of Aces, so....Hopefully, two hands later i won a nice pot :http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/402441
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