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Everything posted by David_Sklansky

  1. He went with the AWD, so we can at least rule out a traction-related accident.
  2. Think Wang is scoping things out, weighing his options w/r/t paying Napa back and rejoining the fold?
  3. If you can hang tight for maybe a year and a half, there is some speculation that they are going to do a four-door M2.
  4. hope you are enjoying the TRUMP presidency settle in for a nice long ride Opulent G...because the likelihood of an impeachment is slim to none you know it I know it AMERICA knows it
  5. Opulent G., come on down to Mexico I'll make a nice video pissing on your fat face you're such a spineless nobody You and brvheart are perfect together you're a disgusting anonymous pig at least brvheart puts his name out there get diabetes you fat loser...hurry up and choke on your own vomit
  6. Hey, Co, what are you going to do about replacing that car? I don't know if 4-doors is negotiable for you, but I think this car might suit you: https://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/ctd/d/miami-1971-bmw-2800-cs-e9-rare-4-speed/6766374296.html
  7. better yet tell us all about that one day a year you aren't beating off to pics of little boys nice 2 minute response time tell us all about your salmon trips when 10 year old boys aren't spitting out your pubes
  8. tell us more about your amazing fishing trips lol
  9. holy ****ing shit Brvy is the most neglected child ever do you ever stop running your mouth about your boring ass life ? You ****ing self absorbed clown....get aids tight life sorry Brvy.
  10. I don't even read your posts/replies you nerd enjoy the other thread I plan on lighting up like a Christmas tree today Happy Hanukkah ************
  11. you feed on this negative shit dickface if you didn't have someone to piss on , you'd be miserable your life's mission is to critique, bash and demean others you make me ****ing sick to my stomach
  12. I too enjoy cooking. My partner has been strictly enforcing these sorts of gender roles, so I'm mostly only allowed to BBQ and do weird pickle stuff, but I've been branching out and dipping my toe into more feminine things lately, like side dishes. I'm doing smoked brisket for Christmas. I did smoked brisket for Thanksgiving too, but this time there are no plans for a turkey, and the brisket is going to show the world that simple ingredients like salt, pepper and a five-figure cooker, when used properly, are all you need for the perfect meat.
  13. I'd like to ask some follow-up questions to the compiler of that list. Particularly about 80s/90s sexy ski movies. I'm ashamed to admitted that I'd never seen Ski School before the Gang Hits the Slopes, but I'm confused by the author's hard line that this was in fact a direct parody of Ski School and not of other movies. The themes IAS parodied are present in basically every member of the genre, and other than the Dean Cameron stuff, the movie took more of its plot queues and gags from Ski Patrol than it did Ski School or Hot Dog...the Movie. What a worthless list.
  14. Oh, I've encountered some weird edging work with xer. He's almost too perfect of a parable. I didn't even think of the conservatism/safety net aspect of his downfall, I just remember I used to bust his chops over his weird sense of company loyalty, so it seemed poetic to me the first time, when they passed him over for that job in KS or whatever. Big Shed firing him for getting cancer on top of that seems a little ham-handed tbh.
  15. You won't regret it. My partner loves my classic BMWs so much that xe won't even get in them, xe doesn't want to put miles on them when we are together.
  16. I rarely have sex where no one calls me a pussy, but I also rarely have sex where none of us are gacked up.
  17. That coked up bathroom sex incident suddenly makes so much more sense to me.
  18. Palahniuk is really popular on r/redpillwomen. I'm pretty sure your dates on there will consist of a mysterious, husky falsetto instructing you to feed your junk through a slot in the door, which may or may not be SA's thing.
  19. Yeah, you're going to need to step up your BMW game then. It's that or the blobs, and honestly I think either option is pretty appealing. If you're interested in doing both, though, I'd actually say stay away from the E30, it might not have enough room. Check out this dope Sharknose M6: https://bringatraile...1987-bmw-m6-27/
  20. What are your profiles like, SA? I think a lot of people who don't see themselves as attractive go over-the-top trying to show their personality with try-hardedness, failing to understand that their personality is actually the greater bottleneck. For you, you want to keep your profile simple, mostly pictures of the BMW. Girls can't tell the difference between a 320 and an M3. Get up early tomorrow and take some pictures, cars photograph best right at sunrise.
  21. I just learned that every time my close friend goes to Subway, he gets he sandwich covered in what amounts to mayonnaise, and I'm supposed to take it easy? I feel like you people are gas lighting me or something.
  22. Remember: revenge fantasies make you weak and small. Revenge strategies bring justice into this world. You are playing the long game, I can smell it, and I can smell you getting off at the end. I like this a lot.
  23. This is disgusting. I don't even want to help you with this because I'm so grossed out by it, but I'm sure their chipolte sauce is just going to be readily available candied condiments mixed together. My guess is ranch dressing, ketchup and sugar. edit: https://www.geniuski...est-sauce-82591 Ew.
  24. Hey SA, I know you like Subway, you know I have a lot of strong opinions on cheese steaks. Can we agree at least that the Subway Steak and Cheese is the worse value food item in all attainable dining? $9+, 100% inedible, prepared with a microwave while you have to watch them do it.
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