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About holdemlt

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  1. Bankroll requirements ;-) I've made $50 from $10 in 4 sessions multi tabling 2NL 6-max till today when everything went wrong. Lost AA, then KK twice, then lost two flopped set's, then other overpairs to some air hitting trips to the river, add AK hitting A and losing to set/twopair, some missed draws. So it went down for about 20mins (multiple tables) and now i'm down 9 buyins from where i was 20 mins ago :-) I'm still a 14PTBB/100 winner, but the streak definitely freaks me out.The thing is that you have to play at these micros. You cannot fold your TPTK just because someone bets big or seems
  2. This is very true. However the other truth is that -8 buyin streak isn't just possible - it's very probable too.One more thing I remember someone wrote here how important it's to watch the micro tables closely to figure out who's playing what. I didn't actually think that was true so much until I launched my HUD software for micros yesterday. It doubled my profits. I couldn't believe there are guys with 0% fold to flop bet (after 100+ hands), i just love them now!!! :-)These micros are so fun to make a few bucks when I'm too tired for MTT, or other normal poker. I guess one could beat them whi
  3. Pokerstars will definitely not. The simple fact is that at least 90% of all tries would fail, so it's not a good idea for any poker room to make such stats public. Though it would still be interesting.I myself now started playing 6-max micros on stars with a separate BR of $10. Never buy in for more than 1/10 of my BR (usually it's 1/15) and now i'm closing $50 after three days. I was 3-4-tabling for a total of about 80-100 table hours. The worst down swing was for 4.5 buy-ins, so it even felt on my side, while i can imagine this would have really put Daniel to the extreme risk of ending the q
  4. So, these are 8 times to buy-in at the table, right? And this is from the point you have 500BB ("doing good" what i call).I can bet 1:1 that if you play (good poker where if your reads tell you to go 50BB allin with TPTK on flop, you may end up against so hard-to-fold pocket 66 hitting set on the river) 100 sessions with buyins of $1-$2 at 2NL you will encounter a streak of 8 lost buy-ins IN A ROW among that hundred.I'm at +12 PTBB/100 after 38K hands on 10NL. And i know how these are played. You must push it to the limit with KQ hitting TP, because they play Q9. If you do, you win effective ~
  5. Sure he did. However he did not include that Daniel will either be to move down the limits or change 1/5 part into more realistic 1/30 or so. The hardest thing about all these "zero to hero" is that you always play at the highest limit you can afford, and when you hit a bad streak you hit it at the same highest stakes you can afford (because when you hit a winning streak, you move up until the bad streak comes one day and finds you playing at your max anyway). So you lose let's say 500BB and then move down which makes you have to win back 1,000BB to be where you were before a bad streak. I.e.
  6. 'Frankly', you must be kidding us? How on earth are you going to achieve $100 (forget the "K" part) playing with 1/5 of your BR at the table?E.g. I had three sessions today, 1st lost AK vs AT going allin on TURN and the guy hitting T on the river. 2nd lost while holding QQ overpair vs XX (can't remember that trash, like K8 no pair, or so) going allin on the TURN again and villain hitting inside straight draw on the river. An the third was an MTT when i pushed my 6BB with AJ against JTo and the board came four clubs making the T high flush for the moron.Well, if you buy for 1/5 and never move d
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