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Herr Mensch

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Posts posted by Herr Mensch

  1. When they calculate the level of aid you will receive, they base it on the entire cost of attending school per their calculations. When I went back in '02, that worked out to about 14 grand a year, which included tuition and fees, supplies, housing, food, and whatever other expenses were typical for a college student. But I own my house, ate one meal a day on campus, bought books online, etc. I continued to work at my job which paid all my regular expenses, so in all I spent between 8k and 9k a year on school. Paid off the car, the credit cards, bought a laptop, and so forth with the rest.

  2. What would be necessary for a consistently winning pokerbot: the ability to detect the opponents' betting patterns and adjust to them, the ability to change gears, if you will. Humans spot patterns on an unconscious level. So far as I know, no computer can do that. Pattern recognition still must be explicitly taught to a computer.If the science of neural networking ever achieves its full flower, it will be possible to build a program that will adapt and adjust to players' patterns and the shifts therein. Will the computer be able to be creative and "switch gears" on its own when the time is right? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps a computer that plays really well and changes gears at random would be good enough to beat the best.

  3. One other consideration. You know that your opponent is drawing. Next level: does your opponent know that you know? If he can't figure out that you know that he's drawing, you may be able to induce him to bluff at the pot on the river if he misses his draw. If I am reasonably certain that villain will move at the pot when he misses, then I want him to call on the turn and bet accordingly. I don't mind if the villain makes a correct call here since I am setting him up to make an even larger mistake on the river.edit: This is what I get for being a slow typist and watching Enterprise while i read the forum.

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