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Posts posted by majorleag
A2 is sometimes called Hunting Season because aces are bullets and 2's are ducks. Not nearly the quality of the nickname as for the Q3 "San Fransico Busboy" because it is a Queen with a Tray!Very nice! :-) ____________________________________________________________www.pokulator.com check the odds, raise your game
So what is A2?
Little slick is KQ suited, not 23 suited.seriously it is great noone sees the little slick coming.. -
Hold Em,When's your book coming out?are you going to talk about calling 3x bb raises with 2 3? -
You are correct, it is not technically slow playing.I really didn't make myself very clear. What I meant really is that I think you need to bet more than 3 times the bb which is pretty standard if you have a strong hand and want to make sure to get people with marginal or in my case ridiculous hands to stay in.How much is enough? I don't know, but I can tell you that had he bet say $150 or so I would have been gone.Yes maybe you blow everybody out and make next to nothing, but I would always rather take down a small pot, even if it is only the blinds then lose a large pot to someone playing bad hands.Last night I played against a guy who made what I think is a ridiculous raise from 30 to 60 early in the tourney. I had been doing very well and had a decent stack, playing with Zeejustin to my right in the PP $100k.Tried to play very well, and I had pocket kings, I make what is a ridiculously huge re-raise to $500.00, wanting to take the pot right there and or just isolate to the small raise guy.Flop comes with a queen, and nothing else to worry about and I go all in and lose to his rockets. The point to what I am saying is, that if I had had queens, or worse yet say pocket 8's his raise from 30 to 60 will not get me to go away, now if the flop has an 8, he is almost all but certain to lose the hand with his aces by being cute and only raising double the bb.Not my idea of a good way to play Aces, worked for him this time since I had the second best pair, but many times he would go broke playing aces like that.So back to the original hand, he didn't exactly slow play them, but in my opinion he did not bet enough!
Can you please explain to me where this slowplay occured??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the KK player raised pre-flop, then raised on the flop. Maybe my poker dictionary is different from yours, but that doesn't exactly read like a slowplay to me.If by slowplay you mean he didn't move all-in pre-flop (like that ridiculous strategy that has gained so much popularity here) I guess we just have different meanings for the same word.Well 2,3 suited is quickly becoming my new favorite hand!! The moral of the story also is never slow play kings! -
If windows rolled down quickly I would have, and that would have been fun too, but they don't so, I couldn't, so I didn't.The End!
and then he wrecked his bike. then you pulled over and he kicked your dog off of a bridge. That woulda been funny. Maybe even in a movie.Good story, but I agree that it was built up too much. Perhaps if you spit it out the window and it scalded a passing biker it would have lived up to the hype. Since that didn't happen, I give it a 7. -
Exactly!Ever get one of those send $1.00 to the ten people on this list etc. etc. scams?I ask the OP again, is there nobody else in your life that you could go and ask for and get money?I truly pity you if the only place you can go and get a few bucks from are strangers on a Poker Forum.
Please morons try to scam one person for 1 mill geniuses scam a million people for a dollarget a life or go blow ron and earn your money like a man
I PROMISE YOU that this is no type of scam. and i ask you all again, WHY would i scam someone for $2?!?!?!? $2???this is such a bad situation and it is soooooo frustrating. i truly wish there was a way to prove this.Kind of funny that as soon as I (the one who sent he money) sat down at you "grandfathers" table he got up and left. I hope you didn't scam me. If you did do a search on "trebor". You'll like that one. -
NOHas anyone considered that the kid is actually telling the truth? -
Uhhhh god I hope not!is this supposed to be funny? -
Sure they do back in their warm condo's.That's funny give a homeless person a can.I guess they should just bang the shit out of it cave man style till it opens.
yes, that homeless ppl dont have can openers...:shock: I should send the money just based on creativity alonei remember one time when a homeless guy holding a sign "Will work for food" was at the corner of a redlight I was stopped at. I happened to have a can of of Ravioli in my car so I handed it to him. As I drove off happy for doing my good deed for the day I looked in my rear view mirror and saw him chuck the ravioli over the hill he was standing by. Learned a big lesson that day. -
Wow you are too much.Okay first of all I believe and hope that we are all the butt of a very dumb practical joke.If by some very long stretch of the imagination and you really are posting here looking for a couple of bucks for Grampa.Give me a fucking break!!!Even if you are for real, what you don't know anybody else in your life, relative, friend, co-worker, etc. etc. etc. that could loan you the money to fulfill Grampa's dying wish.Man, and you guys were whining about having had wasted 3 minutes of your life reading my dumb coffee story.At least it was free, this ass monkey wants money for his story.governator can we please talk privately? i want to discuss this with you. -
OMGThat is wrong on sooooo many levels!Since this tread has nothing else of value to offer, how about we all stare at a curious mouse for awhile -
This week if I play I am going all in and will bust out almost immediately with 2, 3 off suit!!This is for Just Blaze, and that moron that makes fun of Mentally Retarded people with his Avatar, can't remember his name nor does he deserve any more recognition then I have already afforded him.I will fold kings and aces pre-flop as we all know they do not hold up.
Not larger as in I got my dick stuck in the conveyor and now it is several inches longer.Look at your hand, see the puffy part where your thumb is? Yes I know someone will flame me and explain the medical term for the freaking puffy part.I have no idea what you call it, just above the palm.Well if I hold my right and my left hands palm up the puffy part of my left hand is slightly puffier than the right.This is where my hand stopped and couldn't/wouldn't go any further without crushing every bone in my hand, which btw, I thought it would and flattening my hand Roger Rabbit cartoon style.body parts grow when you get them stuck in conveyor belts?hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -
It really is funny that no matter what anybody on this forum says, it can and many times will be misconstrued.So now my statements make me a fish. We can make this very simple, so the thread can go gently into the night.I AM A FISH!There now that I have admitted it, clearly there should no longer be a need to discuss it further. If I were a betting man, and I am though, I would bet that you will keep it alive just the same.I'd say the odds of 2 people getting dealt the same hand twice in a row are about the same as DN getting K8os 3 times in a row at the final table of a WPT event. But wait, that kind of blows the whole "If mathematical anomalies happen OL, it must be rigged" theory that are so abundant here.As for 23 suited, the argument that "I like to mix up my game and not play by the book" is another line to add to the fish thread. If you play 23 suited to a raise with 2 other players, then the term fish is real fitting. Had the math held up the 94% of the time it normally does, and you'd lost this hand, you wouldn't be bragging about playing it. -
Wow!That should be enough said, but obviously you didn't get it so maybe there is a language barrier, what with all of my misspellings and bad grammar so I will spell it out for you.You were a jerk.I didn't say anything about a suit against you, in fact just the opposite. I said you could freely use the words, "You sir are an Ass"It was a poor attempt at humor.I just didn't see the necessity for you to point out a bad and complete misuse of a word by me, but hey if putting someone down makes you feel better, go for it.It may not seem like it but I have a thick skin so you can use me as your verbal punching bag.As I have said many times before the reason I defend myself when people act like clowns, is NOT because I can't take it.It is because we should be encouraging people to post and have dialog here and newbies will not want to if they fear being torn to shreds by ignorant folks.
meh, sue me all you want. you'll have trouble enforcing a judgement anyways considering im not a US citizen, rarely travel to the US, and have little taxable income, not to mention the fact that i have not used any of your intellectual property for financial gain. If you cant deal with a few flames on a horridly written post about professional writing, you arent cut out to be a writer anyways.
I am tired and have way too much going on right now and the way I wrote copyright, looked messed up but I had a complete brain block.I make mistakes, unlike you and admit them when I make them.Thanks for the feedback it is really and truly treasured and appreciated it.You are an ass! That one is free, please feel free to take those words and use them anytime you like, no copy write infringement charges will be brought against you by me.Enjoy
given your grammar errors and mis-spelling of 'copyright', i wouldnt be too concerned with someone stealing your work.I have 3 interesting topics for poker articles that I pretty much have already written in my head, I just need to commit them to paper.First, I am looking for a recommendation as to where I should go first with these articles, Gutshotpoker? Larry the site you write for?I have no idea if Card Player accepts freelance work or not. Any advice here from anyone would be greatly appreciated.Here is a question that Smash, Larry or anyone of you that has written before can hopefully help me with.How do I go about copy writing my articles to protect them from someone taking them and submitting them to another site as theirs?Thanks in advance folks. -
I am tired and have way too much going on right now and the way I wrote copyright, looked messed up but I had a complete brain block.I make mistakes, unlike you and admit them when I make them.Thanks for the feedback it is really and truly treasured and appreciated it.You are an ass! That one is free, please feel free to take those words and use them anytime you like, no copy write infringement charges will be brought against you by me.Enjoy
given your grammar errors and mis-spelling of 'copyright', i wouldnt be too concerned with someone stealing your work.I have 3 interesting topics for poker articles that I pretty much have already written in my head, I just need to commit them to paper.First, I am looking for a recommendation as to where I should go first with these articles, Gutshotpoker? Larry the site you write for?I have no idea if Card Player accepts freelance work or not. Any advice here from anyone would be greatly appreciated.Here is a question that Smash, Larry or anyone of you that has written before can hopefully help me with.How do I go about copy writing my articles to protect them from someone taking them and submitting them to another site as theirs?Thanks in advance folks. -
I love this forum!!You guys are all too funny.Yes Royal sales are certainly in my blood.Okay different story much quicker and not funny but I can laugh now.Years ago got my hand caught in one of those conveyor belts that move freight in warehouses.The big steel roller couldn't move any more because my hand was in all the way up to my wrist.Big OSHA violation, the off switch which should be within my reach wasn't. Someone else turned off the machine, hand still wouldn't come out, had to reverse the machine to extract my hand.Only thing went through my mind the whole time was the short story by Stephen King, since made into a lousy movie, the Mangler. I was amazed how calm I was throughout the whole ordeal, and the only thing I thought was I am going to lose my hand.A miracle no broken bones. My hand was swollen like a balloon and all purple and I passed out in the bathroom from the shock and pain while running it under cold water.To this day my left palm is slightly larger than the right other then that hand works great!!!
Wow flying, I have no idea what I did to piss in your Wheaties but keep on keepin' on brother.Think what you will, make as much fun of me as you like. I want folks that are ignorant like you to be at all my tables!
Come on, lets not get off topic and stop making fun of the OP...Wouldn't the odds of getting the same exact hand be 2/52 * 1/51 for each player, regardless of who had what hand previously? All things beind random (presumably), I don't think you can take into account when computing odds just how bizarre it is for the same two players to have the same two hands; I think you can only calculate the odds of each player individually getting the same hand twice in a row... Then it would be weird, but not quite as big a longshot as the lottery. -
Another line for the "Things fish say thread..."Turn is a 4 and river a J and my set holds up. -
I have had the pleasure of playing with him on PS a few times. Not too talkative, or typative (yes a new word, just coined, look for it soon in the new dictionary) since he has chat off.I will check out your link Brett.
wtf?? do you even know who brett is? you clown. you suck a holdem, that's the reason you play 7 card studeat shit and die!No -
Come on now DNA, hell what did it take 3 minutes to read?I didn't say that it was like Curb Your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld good, but I had to have some filler material in there.Otherwise it would have read something like this:I drank some coffee and had to cough and it went all over the place.The End.Shorter yes!Easier to read, yes!Funnier than the original, I think not.i did enjoy this story, but you built it up too much. i once accidentally drank from a coffee cup that had been sitting at my desk over the entire weekend, complete with mold and all. I also spit coffee everywhere that day, but was all over my computer keyboard and monitor. my story didnt take near as long to tell. -
No I play it because, guys like you will never, ever see it coming.You have to mix up your game. Do I play it all the time?Of course not!Would I have kept playing it after the flop if the flop had not been so nearly perfect for me?Of course not!Everyone is entitled to their opinion, you included.I will tell you that I have a great deal of confidence in my game at this point. That does not mean that I don't make mistakes and misplay hands, I do.If you never play anything but the hands that are "by the book" you will never make as much money as you could if you mix up your game.If you want to make the assumption that I am a fish, I say good, I don't ever want anyone to think I am a good player. I can make much more money in the long run if people think of me as a bad player and have no respect for me or my plays.So thanks!let me guess, you do it cause its what you see on tv.god can someone add his last post to how you know when you are playing a fish? -
Okay first a couple of quick disclaimers and then a request to the moderators.This is not about Poker! I know it does not belong here! It is here because this is the highest traffic area on the site. So I know the mods will and should move this post.I would ask that you wait until the end of the day before you move it, because it is amusing at my expense and if you move it right away very few people will see it, and we can all use a good laugh.Second disclaimer; do NOT be drinking anything when you read this because you may end up with liquid spewing forth from your nose!!And now without further adieu, the STORY:Okay so this morning, I am doing my regular routine, which is to make coffee, put it into one of those plastic containers with the itty, bitty drinking hole and get ready for my 1 hour 15 minute commute to work. I feed the dog, and then take him out to do his thing while the coffee is doing its thing.Coffee ready and we are off to work after paying a very nice price of $2.77 per gallon for gas. So about 20 minutes in to my commute I have the fun experience that I am about to describe.Now how many of you have had that feeling in your throat whether you are drinking, eating or just breathing, where you swallow and or breath wrong and you are about to cough? Raise your hands, right all of you have been there.Well, this was for those Seinfeld fans, "A million to one shot, doc, A million to one” Just as I take a nice big mouthful of coffee, now picture it here, I am driving 70-75 miles per hour, I get that undeniable, hey buddy you have had a small malfunction in the throat area and I must cough, and no it can't wait, cough coming in T -2 seconds.Oh, oh I am entering def con 4, and I am thinking is there any chance, even a very small infinitesimal chance that I can quickly swallow this coffee before the inevitable cough comes marching up my throat and out?Uhhhh no, no chance at all of this happening! Okay plan B, there is a plan B? Well isn't there always a plan B?Now have you ever tried to get an elevator going up to reverse on a dime and go back down? Well cough on its way up and coffee wanting to go down is kinda like that! It defies the laws of physics, and I can do many things, but that is not one of them.So plan B? Well, at this point I have resigned myself to the fact that luke warm, sticky coffee with sugar is going anyplace but down my gullet! Where to put this coffee, what to do, what to do?The only thing I can do is to attempt to minimize the damage that this vile liquid will do, so I aim to my right towards the empty passenger seat.Imagine a whale spewing water from his blowhole, but now picture instead it is a 40 ish old man, with coffee instead of water. This was soooo much fun I can't tell you! Coffee comes spraying up and out and all over the place. There was coffee dripping from my glasses; the Rear View mirror was covered in coffee. Coffee on the dash, Coffee on the inside of the windshield, hell probably on the outside too. Coffee on the passenger side seat, on the floor, and I have one of those little coin holder, yup filled to the brim with coffee. The material covering the stick shift, yup, coffee in every nook and crannies of it too.Basically it is an all out Coffee fiesta in my car!!! All of this while driving on the freeway at high speed, I had to remove my glasses quickly to try and get some of the coffee off so I could see.It really was the funniest thing to see!Hope that I gave you a little laugh for today, and yes it is 100% true, Truth is truly stranger and in this case funnier than fiction.
I have 3 interesting topics for poker articles that I pretty much have already written in my head, I just need to commit them to paper.First, I am looking for a recommendation as to where I should go first with these articles, Gutshotpoker? Larry the site you write for?I have no idea if Card Player accepts freelance work or not. Any advice here from anyone would be greatly appreciated.Here is a question that Smash, Larry or anyone of you that has written before can hopefully help me with.How do I go about copy writing my articles to protect them from someone taking them and submitting them to another site as theirs?Thanks in advance folks.
Thanks Teneight!Sorry I was a complete dick to you in previous posts. You have clearly shown improved maturity and I should and will do the same moving forward.good play since it was a cash game. tournaments, i find a lot of players playing similar hands too fast, which isn't really a good play. it's like risking the tournament on a 50/50...ehhhhh this play in cash game= very good since you have a big stackthis play in tournaments= ehhhh 50/50 ::unless you have a big stack and losing the coinflip wont hurt you much, then it's good::
cracked kings, with 2,3
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