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Posts posted by majorleag
Nope!Others were doing the explaining. I am at the point that I am confident that I know what I am doing. I never play the same hand the same way, there is way too much information that has to be factored in, that sometimes it has nothing to do with the odds etc. I don't need to explain myself anymore, I am very comfortable in my game and have no problem if I lose, I say nice hand and move on.I am finally enjoying this game very much.
I hope what you didn't do was explain to him why you played the hand like you did, talking about how many outs you had, and what not. There's nothing betting than making the right move AND having someone think you suck because of it. DON'T EVER DEFEND YOURSELF!! Just say you lika da gamblo, that you're lucky, and laugh as you stack the chips.
Exactly.I really felt that it was 100% correct, I just enjoy the feedback on here, and the guy was so angry and he just couldn't understand to save his life why I would put him all in post-flop.I do like suited connectors, which is precisely why I played them.It was a fun hand.even with the two blockers to your straight ( and you had to put him on a higher pair than sixes if he called) 15 outs still makes you the favorite on that flop. Preflop call not withstanding, you played your hand fine. If you really have to wonder if you made the right move on this hand, why didy ou play that rag to begin with? Other than flopping trips or the wheel, this is about the best possible flop for you to have. If you don't play this flop, why play suited connectors at all? -
Actually I am Casey!!Oh wait I don't have that kind of money to donk off.Never mind I think I was dreaming that I was playing high stakes with Phil Ivey as Casey.
Let me tell you, with my track record with that, anyone that doesn't want me to play it better make it very, very expensive pre-flop.Otherwise I am moving forward with it.See now 2 hands after this one I had 3, 4 suited and another guy was much smarter and bet around 240 pre-flop, that was enough to get me to let the hand go.stop playing 2 3 suited to a raise. -
I have gotten the same hand twice in a row a few times, but I have never, ever had the same hand, with another player also having his same hand twice in a row.Again the odds against that happening have just got be astronomical!!I am not kiidding when I say that I would be willing to bet that the odds of winning the lottery are less than the 2 same hands thing happening.One time I got the exact same 27 offsuit 2 times in a row.I nearly cashed out all my money that second cuz the fix was in at pokerstars. -
Well don't I feel foolish.Larry I just went to the gutshot poker site and saw your article. I had not heard of you before.Well hope to see you there, I guess in a little over a week or so. I just have to see if I can get a room preferably at the Taj, but if not elsewhere.I couldn't get a room Friday night so I went to some dump near the Boardwalk.
Larry,Is your avatar you? Were you there yesterday at the Taj?Yeah I agree the place is a dump though!They did break out new shiny tournament chips though for the event yesterday!I didn't need gloves or anything. The people there are pigs though. The guy sitting to my left for several hours had lifted one of his legs, and it touched the underside of the table and came away with a big glob of chewing gum on his pants!He had to have them bring some of that gunk off stuff, and he said he has had it happen to him before. Nice huh?
I actually have a very cool plan to have a very special t-shirt created if I am lucky enought to make the tv table that will only have meaning to regulars here on the FCP forum.Unless Daniel wants to work out a deal with me to go in full FCP regalia!!!Represent FCP well. Wear a shirt and give us a shout out if they do a player profile of you. -
I guess I am not too surprised he won't be there, I think this event even though it is on ESPN and I guess being a $10k is a major event, compared to the WSOP and WPT is kind of like the bastard step child of major events.Regardless is willl be cool to play it but very grueling if I am fortunate enough to last. I was exhausted yesterday playing for 5 hours straight.I really need to make sure I sleep this time and am well rested. The longest live tourney I have played was at the Bike which I won and it only had like 166 people and it still lasted 7 hours!Does anyone, Daniel or others that have signifcant live tourney experience have any advice on how to go for so long in a tourney?Larry we should try and get together and say hello.I'll be there but DN will not be there... (or at least he wasn't). I was a bit surprised considering it is a big event, on ESPN (they have a five year deal to televise the US Poker Championship) and DN has had good success there (he was the 1999 Champion when it was a $7.5K event).I assume it is because Trump has let the Taj descend into a dump.Good luck in a four day tourney. And if you see me around please say hello.-Larry -
Yup, that's why I did it. I figured either he folds right then and there, which is what I would have done in his position, and I win the pot uncontested.Or he calls and I have so many outs that I still think it makes perfect sense to make the play at that point.You have to push the flop. You gain equity for every dollar you put in, as opposed to if a blank falls on the turn, where he might be able to push you off your hand. -
Exactly.I really felt that it was 100% correct, I just enjoy the feedback on here, and the guy was so angry and he just couldn't understand to save his life why I would put him all in post-flop.I do like suited connectors, which is precisely why I played them.It was a fun hand.even with the two blockers to your straight ( and you had to put him on a higher pair than sixes if he called) 15 outs still makes you the favorite on that flop. Preflop call not withstanding, you played your hand fine. If you really have to wonder if you made the right move on this hand, why didy ou play that rag to begin with? Other than flopping trips or the wheel, this is about the best possible flop for you to have. If you don't play this flop, why play suited connectors at all? -
Wow what a nice offer! Well I think I can find a lovely lady to massage my balls, and hey as far as bankroll goes, Ron didn't you say you work in a bank?I was kind of counting on you to bring a bankroll for me, for the ring games!Royal can come too but he has to bring Elisha to massage my balls.do you need someone to massage your balls during the breaks? I've checked my schedule and I'm free. I can rustle up Royal, you fly us up there, and you'll get the Royal Treatment. Just a thought.P.S. I'll need some bankroll as well. Royal can bring his Sea Doo. -
Yeah Zim I tell you it is seriously shaking my confidence.Seriously the odds of 2 players having the very same hand twice in a row have just have to incredibly high!On PokerStars, astronomical is probable. -
Well 2,3 suited is quickly becoming my new favorite hand!! The moral of the story also is never slow play kings!I am playing right now in a $53 +5 qualifier for the $700k today on PS. Blinds were 15-30 and the bb raise to 90, now I know you proably are thinking that, that should be enough to get draws out etc., but again I am doing well, have more than twice as many chips as him so I make the call. One other guy calls.Flop comes Q, 3, 3After the flop the other caller is first to act and bets 240, the guy with the kings, raises to 600 and now I think is a very good time with that much in the pot to make my all in move, so I raise 1,905 to 2,105. The original bettor folds and the kings, go all in with his last 660.Turn is a 4 and river a J and my set holds up.If he had made a much stronger bet pre-flop I would have never made the call.Later I will post the most bizarre 2 hands I have ever had. I don't believe online poker is rigged, but when I post these hands you will definitely cringe! The odds of what I will post happening have got to be astronomical. I don't know about the suits but I and another guy got the very same hands twice in a row and he took me out in two hands.I will post the actual hand history's that hapened back to back later but he had Aces, against my King, Ten and when a ten came on the flop with a queen he went all in and I of course folded. I know he had Aces, because he showed them after I folded.Very next hand I get King, Ten again!! Flop is an almost perfect one for me with King, Ten and I check to him, he bets out I go all in, he calls me with, yup two Aces with one of them being as (that idiot Norman Chad, would say the prettiest card in the deck, the Ace of Spades). There were already two spades on the board and I am sure by now you can guess the outcome:Runner, runner spades I am gone!Amazing though to have two players go up agaiinst each other with the same exact hands twice in a row. I am not a math guy, does anyone have any clue at all wihat the odds are? They must bigger then winning the lottery.
If I am fortunate enough to play well and go deep, I would rather make it to the FT with him and then bust him when it actually means something!Again just thinking positive here!Yeah, that's awesome major. And if you're lucky you might be the guy to bust DN on day one....(come on, someone had to say it....)
I don't have one yet, I really have not felt that I necessarily had enough stuff of interest to write one yet, and or I am too busy/lazy.Actually I really probably have plenty of fun stuff to write about, non poker related, I am in the video game industry and have many, many stories about that, but I may write one at some point.In the meantime this is my poker home and other then a few random posts I make on 2+2 this is my nice disfunctional poker family so I will make updates here when I can.If I am fortunate enough to do well before or after the event I may make a trip up to Foxwoods to try and satellite in to the WPT event.I realize I am getting waaaay ahead of myself, but hey you gotta think positive. When I get the energy I will post about my satellite win, because there actually is a very interesting article that I am considering writing to submit to Gutshot.com or someplace else, about learning to be a humble player.There was a guy I played with who was a real arrogant jerk, worse, Krup belive it or not than I have ever been online, even when I have been at my most obnoxious worst.It really got me to thinking about it, and how there really is no percentage in being a complete jerk. Suffice it to say that he was such a jerk that I wanted to take him out, and it became personal, and when it was all said and done I came in first and he came in second.When he first arrived at my table I was struggling and had about $1200 in chips, everyone else at the table had $4-6k and this guy had like $15-20k.So enough for now but thanks for the kind words, and yes I will post the unvarnised truth regardless of how well I do or don't do.Congratulations major! That is pretty fucking cool. I am extremely jealous. Do you have a blog so we can stay updated, or will you post updates on here?[/i] -
lol, I actually did think about that, but sometimes these guys don't answer their pm's and I know he posts on here so I thought he might see it sooner, and or the mods might know the answer.But yeah I am proud of the fact that a working stiff like me has a shot, a long shot yes, but a shot nonetheless to win some potentially life changing money.You could've PMd or emailed him, but this was the best way to rub it in our noses, you assclown!!LOL, jk, major, good luck in that and keep us updated. -
Daniel,Are you going to be playing the USPC at the Taj a week from Tuesday? I won a satellite Friday night and will be playing it.Thanks!
I just got back from a very successful trip to the Taj, and wanted to relay one great hand I had to see if anyone here wouldn't have done the same thing. BTW I was fortunate enough to win a $10k seat in the main event in 2 weeks.I was down there to play in the $500 NL event and to try and satellite into the main event. I came in about 175 out of 513 on Saturday so no money for me. I was so amped about having won a total of $12k in seats the night b4, that I couldn't get to sleep.I never, ever have problems sleeping but I couldn't sleep at all so I played the tourney and lasted over 5 hours with no sleep at all. By the time I finally went to bed last night I had been up almost 40 hours straight. Not sure if it is record for me but must be close.So I did okay but think my last hand, I really misplayed and might not have if I hadn't been so tired. Red Bull is amazing though!! I was able to function on Red Bull and Adrenaline.Okay sorry to ramble, here is the hand in question, I was playing $1-2 NL ring games in between the satellites and tournies, and was doing very well. I have a 2,3 of clubs, and normally I would muck it unless I was in the blind, but I was up over $200.00 and the table was pretty loose, so I am in the small blind and it comes back to the button and he raises it to $12.00. Well as I said I usually would toss it but I decided to gamble one time and if I catch a flop great, as I have a disguised hand if not I can muck if he bets.Flop was about as perfect for me as it could get:4
So I make a small bet, can't remember but I think it was like $10.00. The button thinks for a second and then raises to $50.00. Now I look at what he has left and he has $101.00. As I said I have been doing real well and at this point I figure I have an open-ended straight draw, 8 outs, a flush draw, 7 outs since the 6 of Clubs and Ace of clubs are already counted, and 2 3's giving me a total of 17 outs. I decide to put him all in. He calls with pocket 6's. Now the turn is a 3, giving me a set, and the river is a 6 giving him the boat.I imagine that by now you know which six it was, right? Yup my gin card and his worst nightmare, the 6 of clubs making my Straight Flush.Now it took him quite a while to realize he had lost and the dealer had to patiently explain it to him, and he was so pissed off! He was saying how could I make that call etc. etc., but everyone at the table but him agreed with me and said it was a great move on my part.The player didn't even realize that on the turn I was ahead with a set of 3's. Now I realize that I should never have called his original bet pre-flop but he wasn't referring to that move, he was upset that I put him all in post-flop with the draws I had.I would counter here (I didn't to him), that post-flop he should not have called a $101 re-raise for all his chips with 6's.After the flop I have described would any of you have played it differently?Thanks!
ROFLMAO!I wanted to read it, but I stopped a couple of lines in!Please repost with a really cool invention known as paragraphs.if you stare at this post long enough you can see an sailboat appear -
because it is off-topic, I knew they would move it, but nobody looks any place but the main forumThanks all for the words of encouragement.I am confident Alf, sometimes I am accused of being too confident, but I would rather have too much than not enough.Well I am off to go down there now.I will check the board on Sunday or Monday.
Stylin,Those pictures were pretty nice, but that next to last one was a little scary!Kinda had the I have a hatchet behind my back and I am going to put it right between your eyes ******* look!
You never cease to amaze me!I agree with your earlier post, that's why variety is the spice of life.I love Steak but I don't eat it all the time, gotta mix it up!it's just women in general. That is why I'm internet gay. I get the relationship with a man without the balls across the nose. Works out famously -
Thanks Alf for the advice.I have no fear whatsoever regardless of who is at the table.If I feel I have the better hand I have no problem putting anybody to the test pro or amateur.I hope/plan to last but am not worried if I bust out if the circumstances are right.After all that's why god invented Ring Games!I will post the outcome, good, bad or indifferent on Sunday or Monday.
A bit of advice.....Don't be a pu.ssy.Do NOT be afraid to go broke in the first level.You need to go a little nuts in the early levels...there is not much room for play there.Put your raising hand on auto pilot preflop (in position) with anything better than J8.Run a ton of squeeze plays.....all the bad players are going to be limping alot with a ton of connected garbage and weak aces.If you are at the table with a PRO...he will be doing the ssame thing...so be advised.I am playing the $500 +50 NL event tomorrow for sure, anyone else plan to make the trek to Atlantic City to play in this event tomorrow?I believe you start with $3k in chips which doesn't give you as much room to maneuver, especially with Ante's kicking in at the 3rd level, but should be fun nonetheless. -
I don't think, that it possible Senior Mexico!somewhere, someone is tired of banging that girl.
17 outs, would anyone have done differently (long)
in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games