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Everything posted by JOhnWaters

  1. Jesus, what's a god damn veterinarian from Afghanistan doing in Arizona?
  2. please. muslim culture is 95% religion, being generous. That is a culture completely centered on religion, which is the problem. So yes, the problem is muslim culture, but that culture is dominated by religion. To try to separate the two is ridiculous. the problem is that people are too multiculturalist and racist to be objective and say "hey, this culture, dominated by their religion, is evil and harmful, and needs to be spoken out against."this is not an isolated incident.and for what its worth christian culture needs to go as well, though they havent been as bad lets be honest.
  3. some people would say that... like stalin, mao, hitler
  4. this is the most on point and valuable thing anyone will read on this forum
  5. all of you should start spamming flag.whitehouse.gov. send them videos and shit, huge documents and files attached to the email that are related to health care so it cant be considered spam.
  6. first of all i wasnt trying to argue determinism, i was trying to preempt a determinism response, but that might have made it unclear. nope. here is your problem, it is a linguistical, conceptual one: you are applying the word self to any organism, and then self interest. to have a self you must be self aware, by the definition of self. you still dont get this. i mean, what the hell definition of self are you going on? from wikipedia: The self is the individual person, from his or her own perspectivealso: ...referring to the cognitive representation of one's identitythat seems pretty good to
  7. we have a word for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics even if the world is deterministic, and everything in my brain is physical cause and effect as recent and future neuroscience evidence may suggest, the 'illusion' of free will is one we cannot escape. it is still our existing consciousness and outside of physics. thus if he exercises (even illusionary) free will to be conscious, think, act, and post here he proves what i said. a 'self' is outside of physics, even if illusionary. to say there is no essential difference between us and the rest of the physical world is wrong, to sa
  8. put that aside for a second. about self interest:if i have a car motor, is it acting in self interest when running the car? by working properly, and running, it is prolonging its existence and not being scrapped in a junk yard. so is it acting in self interest? or is it just acting in how it was intended?are you going to apply the word self and interest to machines like you have to simple biological machines? both 'self' and 'interest' presuppose consciousness, if you dont get that i dont know what to say.you cannot be interested in that which you are not conscious of. you cannot be interested
  9. youre right but i guess i just have an issue with people applying the word self to things which do not have selfs. if something does not have a self it cannot act in self interest, even if that is what it seems to be doing automatically. my point is more than semantics though:we are more than complicated biomachines, and we do have something outside of the boundaries of physics, though its not a soul in the religious sense. i would call it a "self"
  10. religious morals are not objective at all, they are intrinsic. aristotles morals are logically deduced from reality. and i still dont think you understand that morals are something which people have to choose to follow or not follow. there is no invisible force of morality controlling us, as you seem to be implying, thats mysticism. morals are a code of conduct if you will. you seem to be talking more about some kind of biological hardwiring.
  11. genes and cells do NOT express self interest. their actions actions are automatic. thats like saying that a machine expresses self interest. things which do not have selfs, because they are not conscious of a self, cannot have self interest. you are perverting the concept of self; it does not just apply to any physical existence, it applies to consciousness. a dead person has no self.i dont know what you mean by organisms because it could mean any living thing on earth including us. some of them can have self interest, some of them cant. yes, communities can have interest, but by definition it
  12. it is in humans self interest to be social, to a degree. but you misunderstand what ethics and morality are. they are the study of how things should be, not how they are.
  13. of course not. just saying that its immoral to do so. your actions are not automatic, thus they are not automatically right. you can perform wrong actions. ethics arnt a deterministic code that all people are bound too, they dont explain how things are, they explain how things should be. (aristotle said all that. i agree though. his ethics that i outlined above are basically indisputable).
  14. there is no outside authority needed. morality and ethics arise from reality. they are the acts that lead to the continuation and happiness of your life. ok... heres a quick lesson in aristotle's nicomachean ethics for all of you.what is your highest value? well, its your life. proof? if you didnt have your life, you would have no values. you need life for other values to exist, thus your life is your primary, highest value.what is the purpose of that life? to answer that: what is the one thing you dont save up or trade for anything else? happiness. your life as your highest value and your hap
  15. lol, not giving up seats to elderly = society torn apartright is what leads to your life and your happiness by the way. ethics and morals come from reality.
  16. stop trolling me retard. go back to assuming your role as a pseudo-intellectual poser.
  17. watch these documentaries. they are well made, enjoyable, and offer reliable information from real scientists. they are all on youtube for free, the 'visions of the future' series. 3 docs in 6 part segments covering everything from biotech to AI. also Michio Kaku is awesome, except that hes a bogus string theory mystic.biotech:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya4_wQCi2MY
  18. indeed, although its a stretch to say that Israel has invaded anything. theyve defended themselves and taken land from their attackers. and in fact, many people do not realize this basic truth that no human has any claim to any land on this earth. there is no god or higher power that distributes land to people. you own whatever you can defend your ownership of.
  19. youre an idiot. most major diseases you know of will not be a problem in a few decades.
  20. i would also be very surprised if your money isnt gone forever
  21. i dont believe that given billions of years of intergalactic technology and knowledge this will be a problem. but youre right, its a win win situation. you either live forever or you die and dont care.
  22. you say nature will find a way? are we not part of nature? are we not the smartest, most creative, most advanced, most capable part? we agree. we will find a way. we may find new viruses occur when we live so long but why wont we just cure those like we cured everything so far? people may die but what about a persons consciousness downloaded into a harddrive? what about things you cant even imagine? look how far weve come from a couple thousand years ago. try explaining the LHC to someone in the bronze age. so imagine what well have thousands of years from now. a million years...why is death i
  23. hawking has been wrong about A LOT of things
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