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Everything posted by Nimbletoe

  1. It's not the picture I mind so much as the size. It's twice the size of any post, which is completely obnoxious. It would take everyone 5 minutes to scroll down a long thread if everyone had an image that size in their signature. I could care less about Kathy Liebert, but I can tell you that only a selfish attention whore would keep an image of that size in their sig.Kathy Liebert is pretty annoying, which doesn't help.
  2. Erick Lindgren: brbErick Lindgren: need to get a candle Bahahahaha
  3. Raymer is probably using a fork so his hands don't get greasy. Think before you type
  4. A torrent isn't the type of file you need to play. You don't "watch" torrents, so to speak. Basically, a torrent is a file used to download something else (a .zip file, .avi, .mpeg, whatever), but it's designed so that you can download it from multiple sources at once. You need something like bittornado to download them. It's really simple. Download a client like bittornado. Download the torrent file from whatever link, and open it with bittornado (theres a ton of clients that download torrents, this is the one I use). The file will then download, and once it's done, you don't need to d
  5. I'd go with the master if he had even a slightly bigger stack, but with the WPT blinds it's hard to go against a solid player like Van Alstyne with that stack.
  6. Haralabos doesn't really strike me as the fighting type... so yeah, I bet he got out of there pretty quick.
  7. Date / Time: 2006-04-19 08:05PMTitle: A Slight IncidentLog: Security had to be called over as Freddy Deeb and Haralabos Voulgaris had to be separated. Voulgaris had been eliminated and the two got into a confrontation after the hand. Voulgaris eventually left the poker and everyone called down.
  8. A table with Kathy Liebert to my immediate left... and I feel a foot start to run up my leg... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  9. This is posted every freaking day, and you didn't even spell advice correctly.
  10. Phew, thought it was just me, as random things kept disconnecting on me earlier.
  11. You mean that they should have drafted Wade or Bosh, right? Why would you trade that pick? What would they have traded for, another player? Who's better than Wade or Bosh on rookie contracts? More picks? Yay?Joe Dumars would be considered the best NBA GM of all time if he had drafted Bosh or Wade over Darko. Oh well, i'm over it.
  12. Diaw was awful in Atlanta. He's now playing his brains out. This one is a no brainer.
  13. The way he wrote it, it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with poker. But, if he can't share, he can't share!How'd he do tonight?
  14. DN, you really just need to ban this kid apparentheir. He's not going to listen to you, and is basically just talking random crap so he gets attention. He probably loses at the 1/2 game... not worth your time.
  15. Ditto on that. Thanks a ton guys, I really needed a new pair of shades!
  16. Live, I can verbally abuse my opponents.Online, I can play without pants on.Decisions...
  17. I fold preflop, and if for some reason I knocked some chips over and it was declared forward motion and a call, I fold for sure on the all in. There's way way way too many hands that beat you there.
  18. Windsor's room isn't all that great. You don't get comped anything, there are no tournaments, no bad beat jackpot, nothing. Most of the floors are assholes, and minus a few dealers they're not that great. The session fee for 100max is pretty retarded too.But the games are retardedly soft. Occassionally you'll get a few decent players at your table, namely the guys that play in the 500min table when there isn't a bigger game running. They seem to only sit at the NL table though. You get a lot of people that have no idea what they're doing, or don't care what they're doing. If you play li
  19. I had to try and sell these to people when I had a part time job at Circuit City... it's a good idea, but they're really expensive for holding so little music, and they're really bulky and look rediculous on most people. Just don't see why you can't buy a pair of oakley's and an ipod for the same price...
  20. Never takes that long when I withdraw. I never counted, but i'd say two sounds about right.
  21. It's funny looking at your post history, and about your last 20 posts all telling Smash how he sucks or is an ass etc etc etc. Obsess much?No, just trying to get the point across to Smash, so that he realizes how much of a jack-ass he is when he does that to other people. I really just do it to mock him and give him a taste of his own medicine.I'm sure he's gotten the memo from the countless other people who have flamed him for what he says. But trust me, there's worse things on this board than Smash. Read most the threads started on general lately? For every insult he may put out (and he'
  22. It's funny looking at your post history, and about your last 20 posts all telling Smash how he sucks or is an ass etc etc etc. Obsess much?
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