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Posts posted by Bubba83
I was recently in Vegas and played a decent amount of 1/2 NL at The Mirage, pretty awesome action there too... As a lot of you know, it's max buy-in $200.Stack Sizes:Hero has $278MP2 has $325ishButton has $400ishPreflop: Hero is dealt 6
in Hi-Jack, MP2 raises to $15, Hero calls, CO folds, Button re-raises to $30 total, MP2 calls, Hero calls.Flop: K
($94 in pot)MP2 checks, Hero loves this flop - but would like to know how you all would proceed...Reads: MP2 is loose aggressive and I'm trying to stack him. Button puts a bit too much money in preflop with good but not great hands, but is otherwise TAG. Button also has c-bet everytime he has had the lead preflop regardless of how many players see the flop, or flop texture. I've been playing fairly TAG and have been at the table for about 1.5 hours.Comments on preflop will also be considered.
I agree with Zach's line for this hand.---------------------------------------------------------A couple quick notes for the future regarding the donk-betting a player capable of raising turn then checking river behind...#1: What hand did he have last time when he raised turn then checked river? If he was just trying to bluff you on the turn, then gave up on the river, you shouldn't donk bet any rivers against him in similar situations down the line expecting a call. Donk betting the river after calling a turn raise should only be used against opponents who made the turn raise unsure if their hand was good but has a good enough hand to call the river.#2: Even if you do plan to call the raise on the turn and then donk-bet for value on the river, you may want to re-consider the plan when certain river cards come, like the third diamond that comes in this hand. He could have semi-bluffed the turn with his backdoor flush draw, and now you're leading into a flush and losing two bets instead of one... Or... He could have been totally bluffing on the turn, and you could make another bet by checking the scare card when he was planning on just giving up when you called on the turn.
I think he calls preflop with T7o and 74o getting these kinds of odds so those hands are not out of the question, just because he respects me doesn't mean he will necessarily fold trash hands. Also you forgot to include 7d Xd hands which would have flopped him middle pair and a flush draw, which he could definitely have played this same way. I'm glad you found the hand interesting though as it seems most people did not.Yes, he could have a hand with a 7 in it preflop getting those huge odds to call just one bet, and closing the action. However, if the guy is semi-reasonable, by the time the river comes up and there are three 7s out, what the heck could he have that he would have 3-bet you on the flop that includes a 7? The only hands that would justify that are T7 and maybe 74. Now those hands are utter crap, unless you can get in cheap in a multi-way pot and they are suited. But, it's impossible for him to have either one of those hands suited. The 7d is the only 7 we have not seen, and the Td and 4d are out. Anyone would call with an 76 or 87 in this situation, but would certainly not lead/3-bet that flop.So I just can't see a scenario where any reasonable player has a 7 here. It's not impossible, just very, very unlikely.
At this point I sorta just wanted to get to a showdown, I don't really know what else to say besides that. I don't mind the turn raise play here though if I was in the right mindset.Something else to discuss - what are the merits of a turn raise? If you are willing to call a river bet, you could but that bet in here on the turn. If you are raised then you can fold because you are drawing to 2 outs. If he just calls then you are very likely good and can call a unlikely river donk bet (although when the river 7 comes that sicks), or bet if checked to on any river but an Ace. -
Without reading replies, I Check/Raise flop. I don't think a LAG CO checks behind on the flop very often at all. I don't care THAT much if it gets checked around. Why? Single clubs are going to be getting plenty of odds to continue on the flop anyways, and if it is checked through on the flop we can make the odds worse for single clubs on the turn by leading.As played, the turn is interesting. We're getting 12.83 to 2, or a little more than 6:1. We have ten outs to a boat or quads, but maybe we should discount that a little since it seems MP1 or CO is going to have KQ or AK etc here a decent amount of the time. Also, if we do choose to call here we need to be aware that MP1 could 4-bet with a flush. Let's give ourselves 8 outs, we have a 17.3% chance to improve on the river, giving us the odds to continue with the call even if we think we're behind to a flush for sure, which we might not be. However we also have to consider that CO could have QQ or KK in which case we're drawing to one out. It's a really precarious situation that I am not really sure about because I think it is close either way, but I think I play it the same from the turn on.
The $2 bet might not mean much if you look at the overall pot size etc, but he's telling us some about his hand here, and it also changed the hand a bit since BB folded to it. It did happen so I think it's a little short-sighted to ignore that it happened just because it was small enough where you don't feel it's anywhere different from a check.I do think it's a weird line for villain if he had something big like T 8 or a set, but we don't know much about the villain except that he can check/raise with air if he thinks you're just c-betting. The problem I have is that you just caught him and he might wait a while before trying something like that again... I think he could easily have a better flush draw than us here, or perhaps worse if he has a hand like 6s 7s, either way I am reluctant to jam without more info.If we jam, what's he calling with? do we think he calls with flush draws?That $2 bet is meaningless to me and if it didn't happen I'd gladly 3-bet over the top of a C/R. -
He's in BB getting 28:3 on his call, how much he respects me doesn't matter, he can have any hand in the deck here.Anyway I know folding is out of the question on the river, I was just curious to see if anyone would raise the river and what their reasonings are.What is he calling your UTG PFR with (since he respects you), then 3-betting on the flop that has a 7? Nothing. -
Fold.Anyone just call on that flop against opponents like this?
I agree with raising pre-flop. As played, I like the flop lead as we really have no clue where a potential bet is going to come from if we attempt to C/R the flop instead to thin the field. The turn lead is fine, but in a ten way pot shouldn't we consider folding to a raise? The chances someone flopped a set or hit that straight on the turn seem pretty high when the flop is seen ten ways.The queen on the river doesn't really make our hand any stronger than it was on the turn, because I think it's very unlikely our opponent had KT or AT, since he'd likely want to thin the field on the flop. Also, he'd have to have some pretty weak hand combinations to have flopped or turned two weaker pair. With that said, I think we should just check/call river if we're not folding the turn. Donk/Call is not a bad line either. MP1's preflop hand selection matters a lot here, and it could be wide since three people limped in front of him, but it's hard to know just how weak he might limp with unless you have some reads... We really need to ask ourselves if villain would limp T5, T3, T2, 53, 52, 64 in this spot when we are raised on the turn.
Background Info: Table is relatively loose passive, though some people will semi-bluff. I have improved my initial $200 buy-in to $268 after playing for 2 hours, my image is standard TAG and the villain (Big Blind) in this hand even said before when I bet heads up against him and he folded a different time, "I respect you." I have already begun racking my chips as I've told everyone I have to catch my plane back home, and the dealer deals me my last hand, UTG... Preflop: My mannerisms appear ready to fold and cash out when I peek at two black queens, I casually toss in 6 chips and announce "Raise." Very Loose UTG+2 calls, Semi-Loose MP2 calls, Very Loose Button calls, and Villain in the Big Blind also calls.Flop: T
$31 in potBig Blind bets, I raise, UTG+2 folds, MP2 calls, Button folds, Big Blind 3-bets, I call, MP2 got a phonecall in the meantime, got up from the table and walked away, killing his hand, I reflect on how much I love Vegas.Turn: 7
$55 in potBig Blind bets, I call.River: 7
$67 in potBig Blind bets, I don't know what to do...Reads: Villain is one of the players I also respect at the table, and I think he is aware I would have only played a few select hands UTG on my last hand. I don't think he is the type that would 3-bet Ax Tx on the flop, but I think he is capable of raising for value on a draw despite being out of position with a hand like 8d 9d, 5d 6d, or even just any two diamonds with or without a gutshot. Analysis on the other parts of the hand will also be considered, thanks for having a look... Oh and, hi everyone, sure has been a while since I've posted here!
"BB is the most loose player I have ever played against. I have seen him continually shove with air many times, and had picked him off making a huge overbet on the river a few hands ago with a busted draw (read: air). He plays wild and is willing to jam with any two most of the times. I have seen him do this from 10NL up to 1000NL. This occured at the 'Xperiment' deep stacks 10NL table on Full Tilt."I guess I don't really understand the point of this post. With this read you posted, it's an OBVIOUS call. I'm guessing you called and he had you beat or something so you're second guessing yourself.
With UTG fairly short in chips I dislike the re-raise out of position. I especially dislike the size of the re-raise, with all those other people in the pot your chances of just picking it up here aren't good. I'd just call here, and if I did re-raise and get 2 callers, I wouldn't lead out at that flop.
Limp preflop.Bet larger on the flop.Turn bet is fine.I like the check behind on river. He has a 2 here way too often for us to lose any more money. He has a missed club draw a bunch too, but it's rarely ace high and he's not paying off a bet anyway.
Okay, so maybe that decision wasn't a big deal, yes, I folded, and actually the SB showed me AA. On to the next hand, infact, the VERY next hand.Table 2 - 250/500 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:05:36 ET - 2007/08/04Seat 1: wendyholic (515) Seat 2: JakeStr8 (4,160) Seat 3: justint555 (1,795) Seat 4: Zauberhand64 (1,575) Seat 5: guittarrzan (3,430) Seat 6: Bubba83 (6,285)Seat 7: GrizzKid (3,100) Seat 9: shawnb85 (6,140) Bubba83 posts the small blind of 250GrizzKid posts the big blind of 500The button is in seat #5Hero is dealt: T
1 fold. UTG+1 moves all-in for 515 total. 1 fold. Hijack re-shoves for 1,795 total. 2 folds. Hero ???
6th gets $14.8 Players remain, final table. I've just doubled through someone with AK vs KJ. Blinds rise every 3 minutes. I am the chip leader by a small amount.Table 2 - 250/500 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:05:08 ET - 2007/08/04 Seat 1: wendyholic (515) Seat 2: JakeStr8 (4,160) Seat 3: justint555 (1,795) Seat 4: Zauberhand64 (1,575) Seat 5: guittarrzan (2,930) Seat 6: Bubba83 (6,785)Seat 7: GrizzKid (3,100) Seat 9: shawnb85 (6,140) guittarrzan posts the small blind of 250Bubba83 posts the big blind of 500The button is in seat #4Hero is dealt: 5
6 folds. SB moves all-in for 2,930. Hero ???After I get some responses on this hand, I'll post the one that happened next, because if I post the other one now, it gives away what I did in this one.
At first I thought this was a brag post about having 1,010 Big Blinds at a 1/2 NL table.Should put TT next time =PI probably would have just called PF, yeah you let a bunch of other people in most likely but I like playing TT for set value from something like the BB at a 9 person table since it's tough to play postflop.
Lead for $30.
Grinder you slacker...I expect more out of you in the near future.
1st place, nice job then Mr. Grinder.
Did you take 2nd? I just saw this thread. BTW what's up everyone, long time no see, sigh...
A few questions come to mind:Why are you only sitting with $19.50?Why did you bet so small on the turn?Why would you hesitate to call the river one bit?
^ I don't mind the flat call of the re-raise in position either.
Before Reading Replies:If he is that tight where he is going to likely have an overpair then why not raise on the flop? Let's say he has something like JJ, by just calling on the flop, you've given him a chance to get away from his overpair if a Q K or A come on the turn, and he'll certainly be hesitant if another 8 comes as well as it did.Normally I'd be fine with your flop call if it's against the type of opponent that would just be c-betting a broadway hand most of the time, but your read puts this guy on a big pocket pair, increase the pot right away while he still likes his hand.After Reading Replies:I agree with simo and sabes.
I'd bet like $12 on the flop and fold to a C/R, or check the flop AND turn against this type of opponent. If an ace rivers with the 2nd line and he bets, you fold. Otherwise you call any reasonably sized bet.
I was at the game last night. We had pretty good seats 15 rows up behind the Sharks bench. It was really disheartening to see the Red Wings score and tie it up with 30 seconds left in regulation. To be honest though, the entire game I felt lucky that the Sharks even had a lead, they were playing very lazily, and were on their heels all game after the first period. The Red Wings were also not playing very well until the late stages of the game. This series has been a huge dissapointment for me so far because we've really seen some very uninspired play from both teams. I just hope the Sharks can play with some fire in Game 5 to take a 3-2 lead in the series and bring it back to home ice.My favorite player, Patrick Marleau was also making bad decisions. He kept attempting low percentage passes or dump-ins on his breakaways, when he would have had scoring chances if he had kept it himself. I understand how team-oriented he is, but, if you're the fastest guy on the ice, and you have the stick handling to boot, USE IT!Go Sharks!!!
66 - Curious How I Should Best Proceed
in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Lag did check.