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making a move

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About making a move

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. question for the successful mtt'ers. what do you consider a good ROI in the long-run and an excellent ROI in the long-run? also whats a good percentage to aim for as far as tournaments you cash in?
  2. thanks for all the input. ill make sure to use the generator next post.also thought i'd update, a similar situation came last night, late into a multi table SnG (although the table wasnt as aggressive). I picked up KK in early position and made a raise of 3.5 times the BB and luckily a medium stack who had me slightly covered, reraised all in with AK off, possibly thinking he'd be in a coin-flip or have me dominated. luckily my kings held up and i doubled up.point being i learned from my mistake by playing this hand more straight forward, 'transparent,' and not too fancy. im pretty sure be
  3. i agree. its suited and with only 13 BB's left after this i think its as good a spot as any to either triple up and try to make a run. looking at the board it looks like you might have won it, but i dont think youd be posting this unless your ran into AA or someone made quad tens?
  4. thanks for the advice. after you second it and now that i think it over, re-raising less seemed like the better play. getting my money in good would imply that i put him on AQ but i honestly didn't. he could've easily have turned over AA, KK or AK and i really think he would've folded to a smaller reraise rather than an all-in.plus i checked the odds with QQ vs. AQ and i was only about 7-3 to win so i think it was too early in the tournament and the blinds were too small to make a move like that.
  5. Since I don't have many people around me that I can discuss poker hands with, I thought I'd post here for the first time and maybe get some insight on this hand and future ones...I'm playing at the 24+2, 7k guaranteed on Full-Tilt.Blinds were 40/80 and I had a little over average stack with 4.1k. I pick up QQ under the gun +1 and the player before me limps. Now this table has been pretty crazy, lots of aggressive players; raising 4 times the blind, pot-sized flop bets and so on and I'm pretty sure I was working a very conservative image. Giving up pots and what not and only coming over the
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