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Posts posted by Flossin8ntJst4Gangstas

  1. I just found out about sharkscope yesterday, and I've been using my five free searches to check out people playing $30-$50 sitngos against me at FullTilt.Some of these people have lost thousands of dollars. I'm playing against a woman right now who is down over $20k.Is this disturbing to anyone else? Do these people have kids and families? Are they gambling addicts? I am fortunate/skilled enough to be an overall winner at poker (I'm Booface7 on FullTilt, if you're curious). I guess I just never thought much about the people who lost money. How do you guys feel about this?

  2. Hi All,The only no-limit hold 'em game my local casino only offers has 1-2-2 blinds. I've never played blinds like this, with two big blinds, and my google search turned up nothing. I assume they do it to get more action?Also, any tips on how to adjust play for them? Thanks,Dan

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