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Everything posted by wretched08

  1. I was wondering, money you win online that you cash out, do you have to file taxes on it?
  2. I play on Pokerstars and I was wondering how long it takes to recieve the funds if you cash out using Echecks.
  3. Thanks, I appreciate the quick response.
  4. I was wondering what is the best way for US players to cash out their money on Pokerstars, I have never cashed out before and I was wondering. Because I made a deposit with Echeck, but I don't think you can you use that as an cashout option living in the US.
  5. Good Job, take it down. I've already won 3 tickets this week for the weekly round 2.
  6. Today on Pokerstars I played 2 of the daily astronomer freeroll tourneys and I made the final amount of people that qualify to the weekly round 2 $2,000 freeroll in both of them. My question is do I have to play them the same week I get them or can I save the 2 tickets because I won't be able to play this weekend. Any insight will be appreciated. Thank You.
  7. I was reading on here awhile back, and I seen that you can read a copy of it online. If someone knows where PM me. thanks.
  8. so i downloaded the software yesterday for texasholdem.com and i'm really liking it, my question is. Has anyone tried to use Netspend pre-paid cards to deposit on there, and if so did it go through?
  9. Well, I've been debating on what site to make my first deposit on, and I was wondering what everyone thought of the new room at texasholdem.com is it worth checking out? Also since I've never made a deposit I'm not sure how to register for rakeback. So how would I do this on say Texasholdem or Ftp? One more thing from your experience if you are going to make a small deposit of say $100 what site do you think would be best for that..thanks-wretched.
  10. I'm making a deposit on P-stars and my question is. If I'm Strictly playing 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00 LHE, How many time's the Big Blind should I be putting on the site? Thank You.
  11. thanks for the response, i'll send them an email asking =]
  12. hello everyone, I have lurked around this site for awhile and finally joined. I know this has been talked about but I was wanting an up to date answer on this question so I apologize for asking. I was curious to if you can make deposit's on Full Tilt with pre-paid credit cards, I've seen a few post's where it says you can and other's say you can'tthank you.EDIT: also can you use the pre-paid's on like Absolute, Bodog or Doyles Room?
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