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About cashmoneymomma

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Regular

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  1. CONGRATS DN! We all knew you were due(at least your true fans did :wink: )...just a matter of time! Now go get 'em at the Borgata!
  2. Absolutely! W/a baseball cap :wink: Love that look on DN!
  3. WOOOHOOO go Daniel go!I might just have to make another trip down to Tunica just to see ya!BTW, if you ever need something to eat call me up and I will be your personal delivery service! There's not a whole lot here in Memphis but the selection sure as heck beats the Tunica restaurants.GL DN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Thanks!Yeah, for some reason he just looked bigger in general on TV. He even looks like he's slimmed down, or maybe the tv really does add 10 lbs!
  5. Thanks!I played in a freeroll last year and I cashed in a $130 buy-in tourney last year ...both at the Grand. So technically my 3rd live event.
  6. I'd love to come out to Vegas! I've been talkin' with my Dad about coming out for the WSOP...hopefully we'll be there!
  7. At the WSOP women's event! I really thought after reading all of responses here that I wouldn't have much fun but I ended up having a ball! I played well overall so that was definitely a plus. I usually walk away beating myself up over hands and playing the "what if" game...should've done this or that. But this time I honestly feel like I played my heart out and can't think of much I would've changed. Well except things that I couldn't control like the blind structure or the sh*tty run of cards I got toward the end!I ended up placing 59th out of around 250 ... it payed 27 places and 1st plac
  8. So are u gonna hang around Tunica for a while? I assume your playing at the Grand next week? BTW, what the heck do you do on your down time around here? I always wonder what the pros do when they aren't at the casinos in Tunica. Not a whole lot to do other than play poker around here!If your free on Sunday I could use some support at the Ladies Event
  9. Ouch. Didn't mean to hit a sore spot!I just didn't want to go buy in to a 4/8 game online and get my a$$ handed to me...I guess I'm risking that at any level though.Thanks!
  10. Thanks...I was thinking I had heard something like this a while back...(that play online is tougher so I should go down a level or 2) but I guess it varies from the replies I've gotten. ?! the skill level of 4/8 live is probably equal to .5/1 online
  11. Hey thanks for noticing :wink: he was asking about bankroll. Pay attention lock boy. j/kDid you mean SHE?You might wanna pay attention! lol.
  12. Both of you were right! and btw I am a SHE. :wink: Thanks for the advice! he was asking about bankroll. Pay attention lock boy. j/kWhen in the post did he say anything about bankroll? We both made assumptions, and neither of us really know what the correct answer is.
  13. What limit should I play online? I've been playing micro 25/50c doing well but I am pretty sure that I need to go up a level or 2...any suggestions?
  14. I would just be honest with her. I think a lot of women see poker as a threat...just another thing to take you away from her. Tell her that you really enjoy it & you even make $$ doing it. Tell her you do it for fun...some guys fish or hunt, some play golf, some are into cars, but you play poker! If she doesn't like it and isn't willing to accept it and you aren't willing to give it up, then move on. Don't even pursue the relationship anymore. It will most likely always be a fight if she doesn't want you to play poker. If it doesn't work out, just find someone who plays! There are plenty
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