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Posts posted by Duncanwf05

  1. 135* dollar NLH tournament 45 min blinds.
    Hand oneblind at 50/ 100 everyone at the table is around 12k in chips as there hasn't been a lot of big hands, played to this point.I'm in the big blind and look down at two pretty Laddies (QhQc). I have 6 limpers to me at this point, I decided that this simply won't do and I pop it up to 500, I get one caller from a guy who hasn't played a hand yet. Needless to say I'm going to play the hand pretty cautious from this point foward. I'm putting him on A-10 suited(prolly not) AJ suited (maybe) A-q (I have two highly doubt it.) AK (seems reasonable) AA-JJ ( Perhap) He just called my 500 though so in my mind AA-KK are prolly out, Then this flop comes out.Qs-10h-9c,The pot is sitting at about 1400, He checks, I fire in 1k, I want to see where I'm at. Maybe a bit on the highside, maybe not. He tanks for a while and finnaly calls. At this point I eliminate AA-KK, and have him on AK-AJThe turn is a Kd The pot is sitting at 3400,He checks I throw in a bet of 2200. He insta shoves, I take a slow breath and start to replay the hand in my mind. I don't think he is going to make this play with AK, as he seems like a competent player up to this point. I have shown strength the whole way through the hand. Want should I do?HAND 2Another hand that happened at that level that I found intresting I'm on the button with KQs There have been 5 limpers and I think why not, 100 to perhaps flop a monster, SB and BB complete and we go into the pot 7 handed.FlopJh10h9dGIN!!! but a nasty flush draw. UTG+3 leads into the 700 dollar pot with a 400 raise. Folds around to me, The sb has prematurly thow in his hand and the Big blind asked the waitress where the restroom is. I'm pretty sure I'm just up against the one guy and with the nuts I don't really want scare him off so I smooth. (Righ play I don't know A reraise might have been in order to define my hand, and with 1100 in the pot it isn't horrid to pick it up. But, with the nuts you want to milk... the flush draw is scary though I think I should have re poped.)TurnKqso 1500 in the pot and he fires in 800, I tank for a while and now realizing my error decided I need to price him out in all likely hood of a flush draw. The only problem is now a q alone completes the straight. I reraise to 2k, He insta shoves. What should I do?Hand 3100-200 I'm in the bb and have about 7k in ships. After having donked some off the hand before. I look down at two black Kings. UTG a tight player raises to 600. and 4 player limp behind him... I decide with 2.4k in chips in the middle I'm ok with taking the hand down right now and raise to 2k,folds around to a player who arived late and don't know that well, he reraises to 4k. so now, I sit back and start to think. He hasn't played a lot of hands what can he have I come up with AA, AK, QQ. There is 2400 in the pot from the players, 4k from him and 2k from me. Folding is out of the question, I can smooth call making the pot 10,400 leaving me 3k behind. If I shove and he calls I'm getting roughly in my math hope it's right 4-1 so, my call makes the pot 10,400 my all in makes13,400 his call makes it 16,400. so in my mind 3000 more to pick up 16,400 if he calls, and a nice pick up if he folds. Even if he does have the dreaded AA I'm 20% to win the hand. Seems to me the odds are right. What should I do? Shove or smooth?If I smooth and A comes on the flop I have 3k left to play with, not in great shape but playable.
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