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Everything posted by HighwayStar

  1. Bustoed both $55s but won a fair few seats in satties today so giving the 100^3 a shot.
  2. Bleh went pretty deep in #10, binked KJ>KK for 1.8 mill but was out within 2 orbits.
  3. Crappy day yesterday. Time for some PLO fun this afternoon. The hyper turbo satties to this have been a rollercoaster so far.
  4. Cashed #3 for ~$220 + 2 bounties. The rest didn't go so well. Should be in 6, 7 and 8 tomorrow.
  5. Not really sure what I'm playing. Probably not the $200+ hyper turbos though.
  6. Meh. I'm not sure what I make of this whole thing. It really sucks for a lot of high volume players and nowhere near the amount of money they'll lose out on will get redistributed amongst more recreational players. Stars is definitely winning with this change. I could see games possibly getting slightly better, a lot of the 24 tabling nits are gonna get crushed with this new system, they'll either have to open their ranges up or quit/go broke.
  7. No early retirement for me.Acekob still in with 35k. Anyone else?
  8. Probably a good fold if you think you have a seat locked up.
  9. Shipped $1k+ in 180s today. Still in this freeroll which is gonna take all night. ~400/700 with 41k up top.edit- never mind, busted
  10. Hmm a tournament I did not know I was in just popped up and everyone is sitting out. I guess they didnt know either.
  11. Out. Gotta go for an hour or so shortly so spewed my stack.
  12. Stars doesn't appear to be coping very well this Sunday.
  13. Nice value you have in that Class of 2001 freeroll, Bob.Quite surprised I'm in the class of 2004, I played play money for longer than I realised.
  14. Will be in. Likely be jamming every hand though.
  15. 230/848 in the Bigger $11 which might be the slowest tournament ever.
  16. As many as you spam in 30 minutes, a couple managed to get 1000+.
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