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About raptor22dneg

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    NL Holdem
  1. True, but the key here is these hands are just worth playing but not rated the top hands that can make u a lot of money in this game, i rate the second one as a play with caution or at your own risk hand to be honest. Now yes omaho hi only these hands are much better to be raising with preflop etc., but FREZ is right I'd much rather have the A246s than AsAdQsKh or AsKhQhJs. MUCH RATHER!!!! In PLO8 there are so many more chances of the low nut hitting with our nice low hand than your high nut hands hitting. And the key word here is NUT.... And with the nut low hitting a lot more often than
  2. BTW, the results of my hand are as follows:After the 9 came one the turn I bet all of my chips and he called instantly with the A5o, and the river did not pair the board so I lost my 200 on that hand. My first follow up question is: Is there any way to get around not loosing all my money on this hand or when this happens. If not here; what if we both had more money, like 5 to 8 hundred in front of us? The thing that sucks is that when your up against a bad player or manic it is so hard to believe they have the nuts or even close to it when you have a monster like trips. When Im up again
  3. I am going to post the results of my hand on Monday to give time to hear more insight so I would appreciate it if some of you guys could check back then to offer some continuational feedback of the outcome. I really appreciate the feedback thus far though, you may be surprised of the results and my final thoughts of turn and river as the hand played out. Thanks --Does this 100 dollar c/r commit me to this hand since i only have about 90 or so left no matter what hits on the turn and river?
  4. I was playing in a 200 max no limit game (1-2 blinds) at a casino in New York and this table was semi aggressive. I had been there for a few hours and I had a pretty good idea of how certain players where playing. I had about $195 in front of me going up and down for the last few hours of play. Everyone else at the table also has about 200 as well. I was dealt 33 preflop in the small blind and an aggressive player raises it to ten from second position. This was the normal raise at this table and always got at least one or two calls, sometime 5 calls. Two players called the 10 dollar rai
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