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Posts posted by Jrobb25

  1. I was just lookin at my stats for Stars and FTP this year, and total cashes are almost identical ( only 79 dollars difference).. Ive played 500 less tourneys on FTP this year and have more profit then I do on Stars.. Ive also played 2300 less tourneys on FTP then Stars yet I have more lifetime profit on FTP then on Stars.. I guess im wondering why I tend to do better on FTP then Stars, and whatever that difference is, how can I do better on Stars?
    Didn't I just read this somewhere else:)
  2. I would say just book your ticket for the day after the FT. I know once you bust a big tourney you just want to bounce, but it is the Bahamas, I doubt you'll want to get back home early.
    +1 plus the cash games should be solid.
  3. Auburn 3 - Miss St 2.Ummm, me thinks Auburn might be overrated.
    ummmm overrated? Maybe I mean when u have a brand new scheme it's gonna be hard at first. But show mw a better defense. No one tackles better than Auburn. I guess we will see how good they are on sat against LSU. But SEC 5 teams in top 10. LOL at the rest of the confrences. The SEC should just leave the NCAA and play against themselves.\WAREAGLE
  4. Say what you will but, there is just not a better conference top to bottom. As an Auburn fan I HATE Alabama but they kicked the shit out of clemson and it's just no suprise. Our 2nd tier teams are better than most 1st tier....Ie last 2 Nat championships weren't even close. The SEC needs to leave the NCAA and start its own league. It's just that much better.

  5. A friend of mine in college had a buddy that went to school there, and whenever he came to town -- about once a year -- he demanded we all speak with southern accents so he'd stick out less in Ann Arbor. I could say two things in Southern:"War Damn Eagle"and"Icebox"I keep those two sharp, just in case. WAR.DAMN.EAGLE
    Throw in a Ya'll and you will be set.....Do it all while drinking a PBR and no one will be the wiser.
  6. They basically have one game (Auburn) that they probably won't be favored to win. Anything less than 10-2 would be a disappointment with this schedule. Obv @ Pitt will be tough for them. I still can't believe they lost to Pitt last year.
    Who is Auburn's new Def cord...One Paul Rhodes from Pitt last yr. I think he was hired just for this one game. Hopefully he can hadle the SEC.
  7. I know that there is alot of good players on FCP, but if you had to choose just one, who would it be ?:D Mark "NoSup4u" Schwartz ( I know he's good, but he's also very dreamy in that "American Gladiator" type picture. ):3h JC "PrtyPkerSUX" Eldorado ( He is with Poker VT, so he must be very good. Also I would give my whole BR to have a shower with him and all that Fiji water. ):5c Raymond "Troyomac" McClure ( He's my choice BTW :D He also lives in my province, and I would really love to play him Heads-Up if you know what I mean :icon_clap: ):D Gallo ( Well he has lots of posts, so he must be good. I also think he likes me, LMOA):4h TJ "WhatArunner" Silivka ( I think he finished 3rd in the Sunday Million last year, so he must be good.):qh NNB ( I think he's pretty good, but he must work on his BAD TEMPER if he wants to succeed. Trowing stuff around the house doesn't make a true champion. ):D Justin "Fluffydog78" Flits ( He's also one of my favourite. He made a FT at a WSOP event this year and he was so dreamy :club::D:ts ):qh Tehtoe ( Meh, I just like the little BUGGER. )Here is my list. Sorry if I missed some other very good players. Please vote for the best. Thanks.
    This made me laugh
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