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About DillyDonka

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    NL Hold 'Em MTT's
  1. True. It seemed more LAG now that I think about it.
  2. A new $1/2 NL table opens at my local B&M and no sooner before all ten players grab there seats does the deck hit me in the face. In the initial 15 hands I flop 3 sets, turn quads once after flopping one of those sets, flop broadway and make two nut flushes. I get my stack from $100 to $300 and some change quickly. Now here's is where I think I make a good play but I'll let you decide. A young TAG is on the button and I can tell already he can play as he outplayed me post flop a few hands earlier, when he fired 3 barrels with 6 high and I folded the river. He has opened six times already a
  3. That's what I thought too but, he must have been adding before he called off his last $ because he kept starting with $2k.
  4. No need for that. Just know he was doing exactly that. Buying in for $2k getting it basically all in preflop every time. Occassionaly he would hit a hand a triple up, but, even then, that would only last maybe a handful of additional hands before he would have to reload.
  5. Has anyone else seen Mark Vos dumping thousands playing 200/400 PLO on FTP? I did a quick search and didn't find anything addressing this, but I saw him doing this the other night for the second time playing with Gus and a few others. He keep rebuying ultra-short ($2k) each time and he must have dumped over $100K. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Any explanations?
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