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About pokeravis

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  • Birthday 06/05/1979

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  1. the problem is that if you don't already have one, you've missed out
  2. That doesn't answer my question of getting money. If I was going to get anything else from the store, I would name a star after you.
  3. Thanks for the response, but thats not a good return on your investment. I saw somewhere (I'll try and find it if you like), but that works out to something like 10% rakeback and there has to be a better return.
  4. What is going to get me the best return with these? Ideally I want to turn them into a form of rakeback.
  5. save full tilt so you can get the full bonus and rakeback. plus stars is just a little more fishier
  6. stupid lizard, tricks are for kids
  7. I get it, things are differnet down in Texas with all the cowboys...
  8. I don't play at bodog, but other than that, I game...
  9. Seeing that I am my own boss, I wouldn't fire myself. I play poker at the office all the time when I'm bored...Its more fun when I win, more people to share it with.
  10. When will there be a new one? David Williams is at least kind enough to grace us with one a week....
  11. Hi, will you be my friend? You seem like a hella good player and I could use your advice/opinions on helping me with my game...
  12. Easiest way is to add another isp/modem. If you are using the phone company for one, use the cable company for the other...BTW: Hi, I'm new here
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