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carlos the fraggle

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About carlos the fraggle

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. You can't know you're being taken, you can only hope you're taking the other guy for more. I think most people - pro gamblers included - would assume they weren't being hustled until they knew otherwise. My guess is you'll see Ivey lose more on his non-poker gambling in future as his opponents ensure themselves hidden +EV.
  2. Related question: would you accept a wager from Phil Ivey without making sure you had a hidden edge?
  3. Dan is credulous, loudmouthed and affable. I would use him exactly like Phil did. Ram is an action junkie. Phil played him well too, except for mucking up the aftermath. Table selection is the most important skill and Ivey is considered the best.
  4. No, that doesn't work. Chef knows they need to know what's in the burgers before they can eat. Chef knows it's beef. The analogy is just crap, unless you think Phil Ivey is an idiot who disconnects the question "Does Erick Lindgren still give you ten?" from the fact Ram and Marc gave him ten shots. I don't think Phil Ivey is an idiot. I think he's probably a hustler whose eagerness caused him to slightly misplay the angle. This handily explains why their friends are talking for them: neither position looks very cool.Still, live and learn.
  5. When you asked the chef if the burgers were beef, what did he say?Ivey expects a verbal contract to be honoured without any way for it to be voided. Can't have it both ways. He'll have to eat this one.
  6. How does $220,000 fit into it? Did they play for 4 days, Ivey lost and paid $220,000 early, then agreed to raise the stakes and creamed them?If so, I'd say he was careless to hustle based on the possible getout of Ram's Lindgren question rather than working a better opportunity to accept 10 strokes. I would have asked the Lindgren question specifically to protect myself, though I'm sure Ram is more trusting than I am.What does Lindgren say about the timeline?
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