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Poker XPert

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About Poker XPert

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  1. are you seriously that stupid ? Its not my story you imbecil. Its a repost from a blog that is at LEAST a year and a 1/2 old...get a clue and pull your head out of your a$$ before you run your mouth like a blithering idiot
  2. Gavin made it 150,000 to go pre-flop and Marc re-raised to 400,000. Gavin called. The flop came 3-2-4. Marc pushed out a bet of 500,000. Gavin thought for just a few seconds before raising to 2 million. The room suddenly felt like it does just before a huge electrical storm in the American Midwest. The skies opened when Marc announced, "All-in."Gavin, still with the sniffles, looked like he was in pain. He had Marc covered by only about 500,000. After about two minutes of thought, he said, "You have the best hand.""You're calling," Marc asked. We couldn't tell if he was incredulous or happy."Y
  3. One of the toughest things I ever had to do was post this message. You can't imagine how hard it is to have a good reputation for something, and to know that you're about to blow it all out of the water with one bombshell admission. Part of me just wanted to keep it quiet -- especially out here -- but I decided that I'm tired of living a lie. So here goes:I'm broke.I don't mean that I have less money than I used to. I don't mean that I just have no money online. I mean I'm broke.My recent trip to Reno was my last-ditch attempt at recovering at least part of what I had lost. It probably wasn't
  4. As details of the passengers on the four hijackedflights emerged, some are shown to have curiousconnections to the defense company Raytheon, andpossibly its Global Hawk pilot-less aircraft program.*Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of programmanagement for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. OneRaytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronicwarfare." [AP, 9/25/01]*Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice Presidentof Operations for Electronic Systems and had been onspecial assignment to a company office in El Segundo,Calif. [AP, 9/25/01]Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is
  5. There has been far too much concrete physical evidence presented, reliable and verifiable testimony (from on scene sources and respected authorities/eyewitnesses etc) but more importantly MOTIVE (political andfinancial) discussed, for it to be realistically concieved as a single predicated act of random terrorism.So many dozens upon dozens of noted intellectuals (from BOTH Republican and Democratic camps) have come forward...from a multitude of areas of expertise...they appeared solely to refute the 'official' version of the events of 9/11 for the sake of being 'heard' , often at risk of profe
  6. Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was aprincipal in a company called Securacom that providedsecurity for the World Trade Center, United Airlines,and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burnsnoted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-Americaninvestment firm on whose board Marvin Burns alsoservedAccording to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, thecompany had an ongoing contract to handle security atthe World Trade Center "up to the day the buildingsfell down."Heightened WTC Security Alert Had Just Been LiftedThe World Trade Center was destroyed just days after aheightened security
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