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Posts posted by Milton

  1. It's bad to call all in with an underflush in live poker with three all ins in front of you. I don't understand how this is still going.
    And in most situations like this, folding is good practice. I thought I agreed. Then I broke down the hand logically and did the math to found out I was objectively wrong.Shutting alternative views down and having multiple people saying things like "I don't know how this can still be going on" is inbred thinking.Evolve. Because even if you're not, others will be and they might have approaches to certain problems that you hadn't considered. Understanding their approach is still beneficial to you as a poker player even if you don't consider their way to be a better one.Because just remember, at one point, raising preflop without a strong hand was considered "bad". So you can CHOOSE to just not understand or you can be respectful and let a discussion play out once for Christ's sake. Don't try to kill a thread with negativity. Let the people that care about something care about it.
  2. I'm on campus in between classes right now, so I don't have the spreadsheet I was working on with me. But I'll re-run the numbers with different ranges.From what you're describing, a call is probably still right just because you seem to agree UTG and UTG+1 in all likelihood don't have flushes that beat you, but I can understand not wanting to stick an additional $120 in if you think there's a large enough chance you're drawing dead.

  3. How do you think we're dead over 50% of the time here? Have you played live at these limits?UTG idiot is never shoving with the nuts for that much over the $40.UTG+1 tight/passive isn't tank-calling with the nuts. The only flush combination he's holding here is KdJd, and he's probably not tank-calling with that vs. the idiot either. He might show up with Jd9d, but that's a lot more rare for those types.LP isn't tank-calling with the nuts/king high flush either. So that leaves the only combo as Jd9d.So basically the UTG guy only has 3 hands that beat us, UTG+1 is holding 1 (maybe 2), LP is holding 1.Now when you consider the massive amount of flush draw combinations, sets, AA/KK for the idiot, AdAx/AdQx, lower flushes, and how often we're a favorite over all 3 hands, it's easy to call.Not to mention, if we're facing multiple sets, that only improves the odds of our hand holding up. Or facing a draw and a lower flush. Having the UTG idiot in the hand is EXACTLY what makes this hand profitable. His wide range is what presents more scenarios in which we're ahead. Not to mention the extra $160 he adds to the pot to give us better odds.But if you disagree, how about you give me your approximation of the ranges. Or are you just going by feel?

  4. This hand is a perfect example of how important reads are (and in this scenario, I mean opponent modeling).OP, I can give you the right answer as to whether or not your call is right for you based on your answers to a few questions.Do you think UTG idiot is acting how he did with any AA (including those with no diamond)?Do you think UTG idiot is acting how he did with KdQx?Do you think UTG idiot is acting how he did with a flush that beats yours? if so, which flushes?Do you think UTG idiot is acting how he did with just an Ad? If so, is he liable to limp with any AdXx?Which flushes that you beat do you think UTG idiot limped with?Do you think UTG+1 is acting how he did with a flush that you beat? If so, which flushes?Do you think UTG+1 is acting how he did with just an Ad? If so, which AdXx do you think he's limping with?Do you think LP is acting how she did with just an Ad? If so, which AdXx do you think she's limping with?These are all quite important questions that have to be asked if you want to know the right answer. These questions determine the hand combinations you're up against, and the subsequent (and in this scenario, complex) equity calculations that must be gone through.You can argue with my logic on this, but here are some thoughts from my live experience.Idiot is easily shoving with as little as a naked AA or KdQx.Old man might actually tank call with a flush that beats yours, but almost never call with a flush you beat. (Edit: omitted a key word in my first post)Old man will marry something like AdQx, KdKx, AdAx for some reason, but be more prone to lay down AdXx depending on the type of nit you're dealing with.LP will tank call with just the Ad. Either way, the odds I came up with of you winning this hand based on what you're up against (according to my evaluation of their ranges) comes to a grand total of 37.8%. Basically, you gladly make the call.

  5. In my mind, the 3-card flush actually does make a huge difference. This isn't a pot you want to be check-raised out of. You have a decently strong hand, but if you're behind, there are theoretically 10 diamonds, 2 kings, 3 jacks out there to improve your strength. There's a huge difference between having 15 cards you want to see on the turn and just 6 cards.That being said, betting isn't bad as you can get calls from KQ, KJ, QJ, JT. I just think there's a lot more room for playing this for a greater profit by checking behind on the flop.

  6. Thing is, we get value from draws on the turn by betting and some nonthinking players will bet river as a bluff and we even get more value...against a station, we need to be betting turn
    So very true. My approach against idiots, too often, is to take a very conservative route.
  7. I think folding the river is good. He has played the hand passively the whole way and just now decides to get out of line? I don't think it's a bluff, and you're not beating anything except bluffs here. 6,000 in chips is pretty crucial at this stage of the tournament, save it for another pot.For that same reason, I agree with rrumsey that checking behind on the flop is good. You've been given an opportunity at a free card. You have 3 cards to the nut flush and your bet won't help you find anything out. If you check behind, you allow worse hands to bet you on the turn (which you can just call), better hands to bet you on the turn (which you can still just call and lose the same amount of chips if you had c-bet), or bet against someone that checks the turn. All scenarios cost you one bet while allowing your hand to improve.And this is a good pot to allow your hand to improve to something of significant strength! Significant strength is what you want against a big stack. You don't want to risk a lot of chips in marginal spots if you have an above average medium stack.

  8. I think you played the hand perfectly. Although there's nothing wrong with betting the turn, this is exactly why you do check it in position. You allow draws to turn themselves into bluffs a lot easier and you better understand what their action means on the river.Against a donk, I think you're looking at a decent one pair an overwhelming majority of a time, and getting paid off on it with the size you chose. It sucks if he happens to have you beat, but I still think raising is a good play.

  9. I had been 2.5x raising and adding 1x for each limper, so I wanted to keep consistent. My logic for not boosting it more is knowing the guy probably had a weak hand because of the limp. Figured I could see a flop, c-bet and take it down or slow down and try see a showdown.However, this happened to be a 4s6s instacall. Usually, I only see leads like this with pair/draw combos or 2 overs and a flush draw and I didn't peg him as the type to play a set this way. So impossible to give him credit for 2 pair.Thanks for the reinforcement of what, in this instance, turned out to be play. I shoved figuring I could get a huge range of worse hands to call and knew that almost every single potential turn card leaves me wondering if my hand was still good. My stack size did play a role in my shoving too.However, let's say instead of having 6k left to shove on the turn, what are your thoughts on if I have, say, 15k? Do I even bother building a pot on the flop, or is it better to just flat and save a raise for the turn assuming it looks safe?

  10. Playing the 6-max $22 deepstack on Stars yesterday when the following hand came about.Only had been at the same table as the villain for 15-20 hands. In that time span, I never saw his cards in a showdown. However, he did make 4 open raises preflop, 1 4x raises, 2 5x raises, and 1 6x raise. Yes, all OPEN raises, no limpers. On the 6-x raise, everyone folded preflop and he showed KQ offsuit.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 22 Tournament, 100/200 Blinds (6 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comHero (Button) (t7480)SB (t15577)BB (t9378)UTG (t18260)Villain (MP) (t69436)CO (t43425)Hero's M: 24.93Preflop: Hero is Button with 9spade.gif, 9diamond.gif1 fold, Villain calls t200, 1 fold, Hero bets t700, 2 folds, Villain calls t500Flop: (t1700) 2heart.gif, 6club.gif, 4heart.gif(2 players)Villain bets t800, Hero ?Haven't really seen the Villain play enough hands postflop to have any idea what he's doing. The donkbet tells me he's got something and I think a raise is really in order, but what is a good size in this scenario?One of the main ideas that crossed my mind was shoving. And I'm curious to see what the thoughts are on that.

  11. I think you really have to consider many scenarios to really analyze the merit of this strategy.At tournaments with stakes of $10 and under, I really think that limping with JJ and under has some real value. A lot of times you'll get more value out of your hand on raggy boards. That being said, you're still better off even with a minraise for the sake of thinning the field of junk and building a pot. What you're missing out on value before the flop, you're gaining a lot after the flop. However, now you're not going to stack off a donk that is married to top pair with a hand like AT on a board of T52. Or say you flop a set on a board with an ace, and a guy is once again attached to his top pair. You're missing out necessary chips for later stages.At these same stakes, I still think raising with QQ-AA is an absolute must. People love pocket pairs, people love their big suited cards. Punish them for playing inferior hands.At any stakes greater than $10, this strategy is LOL, as guys are looking to play an even wider range of hands. They suspect that you are capable of making plays on them, and thus they'll go further with a hand that you have beat. Their play is easier to exploit before the flop, and so it makes more sense to raise preflop.I can understand wanting to play safe, but the fact of the matter is this strategy won't help you win tournaments, only survive them.

  12. I've only played rush a couple of times, so forgive me if you disagree with my analysis of this one.How many 89's 78's 67's are really in his range calling a preflop reraised pot?That leaves you with A8, 99, 88, and 55 as the major hands crushing you, of which only 88 and 99 are likely. QQ-AA are usually going to put in a raise here, no? I've been playing a lot of tournaments, so my cash game play is rusty.You have to remember that some guys are skeptics of other people's lines, and perhaps yours screams "FOLD!" to him, leading him to think he can steal with just a flush draw.EDIT: Not to mention T9, J9, A9 thinking his one pair is good.

  13. I agree that $12 is much closer to the right amount on the turn.As far as the river is concerned, I just can't say I know what to bet. A check probably isn't great most often, but my $12 bet was worse looking back on it. I got a little nervous because I had a sick feeling I let 78 or 77 get there.I can see if he had a set or top 2 he'd probably want to raise for value as it's clear that I haven't represented the straight. I'm not sure. Looking at it from the outside, I'd think it's something like A8 (knowing I seem weak), J8 (hoping I put him on a bluff), straight, or a complete bluff.What do you think a staight typically raises it to in this situation?EDIT: Fixed my river analysis. Not saying it's anywhere close to right, though.

  14. Basically, since I've been sitting down, this guy has had the deepest or second deepest stack. Lots of preflop raises to 3.50, lots of continuation bets. Has shown a tendency to be aggressive until he faces aggression. Here's one hand from early on, it's about the only hand I've seen him go to a showdown with.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (5 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comVillain (Button) ($131.50)SB ($105)Hero (BB) ($111.50)UTG ($100)MP ($25.65)Preflop: Hero is BB with Qdiamond.gif, 4club.gif2 folds, Villain bets $3.50, SB raises to $14.60, 1 fold, Villain calls $11.10Flop: ($30.20) 3club.gif, Kspade.gif, 3heart.gif(2 players)SB bets $14.75, Villain calls $14.75Turn: ($59.70) 2heart.gif(2 players)SB checks, Villain checksRiver: ($59.70) Kheart.gif(2 players)SB checks, Villain bets $31, SB calls $31Total pot: $121.70 | Rake: $2Results:Villain had Kdiamond.gif, Aheart.gif (full house, Kings over threes).SB mucked Qheart.gif, Qclub.gif (two pair, Kings and Queens).Outcome: Villain won $119.70PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (6 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comVillain (Button) ($188)SB ($92.05)BB ($21)Hero (UTG) ($127.70)MP ($113)CO ($145.05)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Jspade.gif, Jdiamond.gifHero bets $4, 2 folds, Villain calls $4, 2 foldsFlop: ($9.50) 5spade.gif, 8club.gif, 4heart.gif(2 players)Hero bets $6, Villain calls $6I've been at the table about 50 hands at this point, but I searched him when I sat down and noticed he was 8 tabling. Although I'd been playing tight, I don't think he had noticed this. While I know it shouldn't be confused with the preflop aggression, he HAS in fact been aggressive, and I'm looking to see if I can1. Get him to call while behind (I figure this is the most common case)2. Maybe get him to play back at meTurn: ($21.50) Jclub.gif(2 players)Hero bets $6, Villain calls $6River: ($33.50) 6heart.gif(2 players)Hero bets $12, Villain raises to $62.50, Hero ???Is the turn bet too suspicious to draw a raise? I know that either way it doesn't give me any information on his hand, and any hand that's going to call that $6 is probably going to call $10 or so. My river bet is really atrocious, as it just BEGS to get me reraised, which is obviously at this point not what I want.Any thoughts on1. Proper action on turn2. Proper action on river first to act.3. Proper action after facing the raise

  15. You know, I will say that it's one of the toughest beats I've seen.1. It's Omaha, and he's chasing the 4th highest flush and having 765 for his low cards.2. It's a paired board, making him a bigger donk for the high.3. He's got the Jc to give the blocker on the higher straight flush, yet he only smooth calls the river.Maybe the donk thinks quads beats straight flushes and was afraid of pocket 3's? Worse yet, did he not even realize he had the straight flush and just called hoping his jack high flush was miraculously good?This one almost makes me angry. Calling him a donk is an insult to donks everywhere. Terrible.

  16. Preflop: I see Daniel's logic entirely in playing the hand. To those out there that suggest you should fold this preflop are too results oriented. Yes, you're seeing an incidence in which he had a bad flop for the Q8, but that SB position in a 4 way-limped pot (especially when that SB is a professional that is very talented at figuring out where he is relative to his opponents in a hand) can be very powerful, at least powerful enough to pick this hand up 1 out of 7 times. Not because of the strength of the hand itself, but rather the experience of the person playing it.How often is there going to be a time where he flops trip queens and is beat given the action prior to him completing the SB? (I know what you're thinking, how often will he even flop trip queens? That's not the point. The point is that I'm sure he could pick up this pot often enough without it)Flop: I understand the Check/Call here especially given the fact that it's the button leading out. Leading out is the only other option, but on a board with the texture of QQ4 from the SB, you're pretty much telling everyone what you have. Check/Raise gets you in trouble. I'm folding this flop 0% of the time as played.Turn: I actually really like the check here. Once again, it sticks with the idea of losing the least amount possible if you are beat, and once again masks the true strength of the hand. Most people with trips in the SB would've come out of the weeds making some sort of bet on the flop or turn by now. Although you didn't get the information you were looking for, you'll receive it more often than not.River: When UTG bets, we're faced with the problem that gives everyone the most problems here. I strongly believe that this could easily be a AQ or KQs.Look at it from the point of view from the UTG player:1. Not unreasonable to limp in with AQ KQ2. Checked the flop, not wanting to scare anyone out. Realizing that flat-calling the Button's bet could be a profitable play after seeing the Hero call, try to string along the Hero or lose the minimum if beat. Even if he has 55-99 Range like some of you suggest, why would he even consider an overcall? Seems like a dangerous spot to pick off a button's bluff. At best, he'd have to hope DN was coming along with a 4. Still doesn't look like an ideal situation3. Checked the turn, perhaps hoping that the button would fire away again? Once again consistent to a strong Queen.4. The bet on the river seems to signal strength to me. Other than the hands that people have suggested, what really makes sense other than some ridiculously out of line bluff. Aside from the possibility that the UTG has ACTUALLY figured this hand out perfectly and is convinced that DN has given up and the button was firing away with nothing, he MUST have a legitimate hand at this point. Daniel's logic and experience came to that same conclusion.I don't believe that he would've played any of the hands that people suggested other than AA or KK, but I don't think those 2 pairs see a check/overcall on the flop.I feel as though this hand was played correctly, but it was just a tough and unfortunate situation. Given the circumstances, not much of a choice but to dump it and give credit where credit is due if you've been bluffed.

  17. A lot of hands that you're up against have you beat here as you're well awareYou could easily be facing a set or the nut straight, or Aces. If you're facing a min-raise preflop from a guy like this, usually it's easy to put him on AA-QQ or AK at the very least if he's as tight as you say. I don't see a player playing this tight making that min-raise followed by a pot sized bet on that coordinated of a board unless he held something strong.I'd live to fight another day.

  18. Fitz, I've been absolutely busy. Went to a campus far away from here for a few days last weekend. Went to the Brewers game last night and come home to find you're not there to play. I've contacted you early and often and am still ready to go whenever you are.The tired excuse is legitmate, as succeeding in college is a lot more important to me than playing one rounds of heads up poker. I'm all done with classes though, so hit me up on AIM or on here whenever you'd like to play.

  19. thats a pretty horrible payout, needs to be way more top heavyi know there are already set payouts, i just dont know what they are
    No, you're absolutely right. It's not like any website has used anything similar to what I suggested.clipboard1124ki9.gifCourtesy: PokerStars WebsiteBut it's already set and I didn't care, I was just taking an educated guess.
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