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Everything posted by PokerBlog

  1. First of all thank you for the great feedback ...We are actualy planning a big post about online gaming and what we think about it, but yes, we did.We played for about a month, finished with 2500$ (Party Poker) up and stopped playing. We don't like online poker and we find it a very different game than live poker. I can understand where you are coming from and thnx for your opinion, but no, there is no reason to rephrase anything because yes we play sometimes on the same table, but take eachother as any other player on the table. We busted eachother several times, and we never play "together".
  2. They have the same rules? I underdstood NH is the only state to have that option.
  3. Hello,I just opened a new blog and I wish to share it with the poker community. The blog is a little different from what you are all used to. It's not written by a pro, but by two players that decided to commit their life to poker, and are writing a blog about the long jurney to hopefully becoming pro poker players.I hope some of you will check it out, and maybe even follow it, because I believe it will be a pretty good read for everyone.Thank you.http://www.freewebs.com/dandgpoker/
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