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Everything posted by Sportsmack

  1. really? I've cashed out 3 checks from them this year alone, and received them all within 5 days. Maybe it's time to switch.
  2. they're pretty decent, not sure about the max though. I play between them and sportsbetting.com
  3. No, I didn't think all the replies were going to be "He's the best!" Actually I didn't really care what the replies were going to be. I was just posting a link to a story. I was just trying to be informative in case some people hadn't heard, with a few of these cause I was pumped. Then you two idiots start talking about SB's, I don't even recall saying Haynesworth=Super Bowl. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good story. And you can talk about the signing all you want, but be original instead of regurgitating retarded lines like "Yay, the Redskins win the Super Bowl of Marc
  4. My original post had to with the signing of Haynesworth right? As a Redskin fan I was/am still very happy about this signing. Here's a crazy idea, let's let the man play an actual down with the Skins before we start saying such asinine things like " doesnt change the fact that signing Haynesworth is a continuation of the exact policies that have killed Washington for Snyder's entire reign" and " I guess that means we should give them a pass for their decisions now too, cause they know what championships are too!" You Snyder haters crack me the eff up. How bout worrying about your own team
  5. im reg'd and I thing jcash shipped the buy-in for me, but i dont see my name on the list on the first page. Just wantedto make sure you had me on the list...thanks.
  6. Wow kinda dead in here today,How about some action for the final two games of the day...Warriors -1.5 vs. PhoenixNew Jersey -2 vs. ClippersUp to $25 each...just quote booked and we're good.
  7. I'll take Auburn +4.5 and Utah St +1 for 25 each...gl
  8. Try telling that to any player that has ever won a SB. I'm sure that will go over really well. And don't be a bunch of d-bags, you knew exactly what I meant. I don't give an eff whether Santana Moss was here for any of the Super Bowls that the Skins have or anybody on the current roster for that matter. This ORGANIZATION(is that more clear?) has 3 Super Bowls, and that's a FACT...nice try though.
  9. I had to read your post 3 times before I realized you were joking...I think hope.
  10. yeah he lost me with this one too. I only made on bet with him, but it'll probably be the last
  11. Booked Syracuse, NO, and LAL for $20 each...glgl
  12. yeah I didn't know too much about either of them, so I just pulled NDSU out of my a$$ lol. It was fun to sweat though.
  13. I had NDSU in a parlay giving 5 points...didn't cover but congrats to your team, and gl to your remaining horsies.
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