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About Seekerofknowledge

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    NL Holdem Tourneys
  1. I finished in the middle of the pack and I don't know where he finished. We were sent to separate tables not too long after the hand in question. (I hate it when they move me around willy-nilly like this night.)I don't think that I mentioned earlier that I had only recently been moved to the table where the subject hand occurred and therefore, did not have a lot of knowledge about my opponent (whom I'd had never encountered before).Thanks to all for the support on the lay down. I do like the idea of the call of the reraise, leaving him in the dark. Great and subtle game, isn't it?
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure what protocol I violated, but please accept my appologies. I'm looking for the FAQ, but haven't found it yet. I'll get the hang of it, bear with me. I can see where this forum thing can be very healpful.
  3. Early in a 600 player $300 MTT online. I had won a few small pots and had about $2,000 (vs. $1,500 to start). I was on the button with Q-Q with action folded around to me. I rasied 2.5xBB ($50). SB raised me back to $150 total. I reraised him to $500 total. He reraised me all-in for $1,500 total. I folded reasoning that a re-re-re raise all in had to be K-K or A-A or at least A-K. In the first two cases, I'm way behind and in the latter I'm in a race for 3/4 of my stack. Besides, it's early on and I still have plenty of chips. After the hand was over the guy asked what I had, claimin
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