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About TosasFinest

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    Poker Forum Regular

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  1. I took top 4000.GL to any FCPers that went deeper than that, haven't read the thread yet!
  2. Do people not want my moneY??Guess I'll wait for another time to stake.Max, tell me when u wanna play a $2.20 and Ill stake u, even though i hate u and the bears. lol.
  3. 2 stakes for the $2.20 turbo 6- max that starts in 15 mins. TID: 342663691Stars Name, City.50/50 NSBMaxStPolish gets first dibs. If he doesn't get respond before the tourney begins, 1st 2 get it!
  4. limped into the money, layed down 99 right before the money bubble. Besides that, really didn't get any hands after I built my stack to like 7000.
  5. 3000/8900 in the Turbo Takedown.Let's gooooooooo!
  6. I got lucky in a 1000 FPP six man to get in.
  7. So I lose a 1000 chip pot with 99 vs. J3 on a 1010AAx board. Dude with J3 was AIPF. Would have put me around 3500 chips.Down to around 2000 chips, 100/200 blinds, 3 limpers, I go allin with 99 and get called 3 times. Of course I get no help, in fact the other 3 hands all beat me, even though I had the best hand preflop.Thanks for the stakes Max. I'll return the favor soon, just gotta cash in the turbo Takedown on Sunday. If not, I'm redepositing next week. Go Bears
  8. Thanks for the Stake my friend. If you don't mind, I'll run in the $2.20 turbo that begins in 2.5 hours, lol.If that's not cool, I'll ship back
  9. BrewCrew2005 (Wauwatosa)I run good.I think I'm a little late. GL guys, win some monies.
  10. Well considering I busted 1st hand, AK < 55, and for the lack of response, I'll wait for another time to give out stakes.
  11. Anyone? 5 mins till the start of the tourney.
  12. I'm giving away 3 $2.20 stakes for the 12k guarantee that starts in 17 mins.Tourney ID: 342010485Poker Stars ID and CityLet's goooooo. 50/50 NSB.
  13. 300 left in the $1 rebuy. 4860 started.Let's do this one too... Tourney ID: 335525769
  14. Will be giving out a few stakes tonight or tomorrow..thx again all!
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